Decay dynamics of 221Ac* formed in 16O+205Tl reaction at above barrier energies

13 Oct 2020, 17:00


Oral report Section 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions. Section 2. Experimental and theoretical studies of nuclear reactions


Dr Manoj Kumar Sharma (Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology)


Nitin Sharma and Manoj K. Sharma
School of Physics and Materials Science, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology,
Patiala-147004, India

The study of heavy ion induced reactions provides an opportunity to extract the knowledge of nuclear dynamics and related structural effects of nuclear systems belonging to different regimes of isotopic chart. Significant theoretical and experimental work have been done to understand the dynamical processes associated with variety of nuclear reactions, but still there is an enigma among the investigators due to complex nuclear properties and associated aspects. In view of this, the present work aims to analyse the decay of 221Ac* nucleus formed in 16O+205Tl reaction at Ec.m.=76.2-104.5 MeV. In reference to the experimental finding of Gehlot et al. [1], the evaporation residue (ER) cross sections are calculated using Dynamical Cluster decay Model (DCM) [2,3]. The corresponding decay properties are investigated by analysing the fragmentation potential and preformation probability of decaying fragments. Note that, the calculations are performed using quadrupole(ß2) deformations of decay fragments with optimum orientations (θiopt ). We intent to present comprehensive analysis of decay dynamics associated with the chosen reaction at time of conference.

[1] J. Gehlot, A.M. V. Kumar et al.// Phys. Rev. C. 2019. V. 99.I.034615.
[2] A. Kaur, M. K. Sharma//Phys. Rev. C. 2019. V. 99.I.044611
[3] N. Grover, K. Sandhu, M. K. Sharma//Nucl. Phys. A. 2018.V.974.P.56.

Primary authors

Dr Manoj Kumar Sharma (Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology) Nitin Sharma (Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technolgy)

Presentation materials