The flux-weighted average cross-sections <σ(E)> and the isomeric yield ratios IR for the 93Nb(γ,4n)89m,gNb and 93Nb(γ,5n)88m,gNb reactions were studied. The 93Nb targets were irradiated with the bremsstrahlung beam for the end-point bremsstrahlung energies Eγmax = 36-91 MeV using the electron linac LUE-40 RDC “Accelerator” NSC KIPT. The induced γ-activities of the samples were measured using a semiconductor HPGe detector with the 20% absolute efficiency and the 1.8 keV energy resolution at the 1332 keV 60 Со γ-line.
The obtained experimental values of <σ(E)> were compared with the data from [1] and the theoretical values calculated using computer code TALYS1.9 (presented in figures). For the case of the 93Nb(γ,4n)89tNb reaction the theoretical results from TALYS 1.9 and found <σ(E)> are in good agreement. The comparison of the ob-tained <σ(E)> values for m- , g-states of the 93Nb(γ,5n)88m,gNb reaction and isomeric yield ratios IR with the calculations performed in TALYS 1.9 shows satisfactory agreement.
- H. Naik, G.N. Kim, R. Schwengner et al.// Nucl. Phys. A. 2013.-V.916 -P. 168–182.