Mikhail Onegin
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)
Mass distribution of the fission fragmnets of $^{234}$U fission by neutrons can be described using three fission modes: S1 (Standard 1), S2 (Standard 2) and SL (Super Long). Yields of these modes can be calculated using the form of the potential barriers along three different paths in the configuration space of nuclei deformation. Vibrational resonance at neutron energy about 0.7 MeV influence the cross section and angular distribution of fission fragments at this energy. We test the hyphothesis that the resonance is occurring only for one fission mode after the bifurcation. The result of the calculation are comparing with experimental data of work [1] about mass distribution of fission fragments.
- A.Al-Adili et al. // .Phys.Rev. 2016. C93, 034603.
Mikhail Onegin
(Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute)