It is expected that PIK reactor, being a powerful source of neutrons, will be able to produce exotic neutron-rich nuclides in quantities greater than ever achievable or expected at other planned facilities. If one use extremely sensitive equipment, synergy can be achieved in the study of the properties of nuclides, including as yet unknown ones. Such extraordinary sensitivity on the level of single nuclide can be received by the Penning traps [1]. The PITRAP project proposes to install such a trap on-line with a beam of nuclides formed during the fission of uranium target by neutrons. The system should be dedicated to measure the masses (total binding energies of nuclides) in order to reproduce the experimental mass landscape which will give an information concerning the real pathways of astrophysical s- and r-processes.
Fission products are formed in the uranium target located near the reactor core. The hot target connected with the ion source of the mass separator IRINA is under consideration. The separated ion beam is directed to the ion trap system which includes the RFQ cooler/buncher and a multiple reflection TOF unit, which can be considered as an additional mass separator that allows determining masses with an accuracy of 10‒7 in an independent mode.
It is expected to obtain a high flux of the resulting fission nuclides, which will far exceed the yields of nuclides in the planned projects based on particle accelerators (FRIB, FAIR, SPIRAL, RIKEN etc.).
The PITRAP-system with including the Penning traps is designed to measure the masses of nuclides with a relative precision of 10‒9. An important point is the development of a new method of trapping an individual ion (see details in [2]). The status of the project and developments achieved after the previous review publication [3] are discussed.
- K.Blaum, Yu.Novikov, G.Werth // Contemporary Phys. 2010. V.51. P.149.
- O.I.Bezrodnova et al. (abstract for this conference)
- Yu.N.Novikov, Yu.I.Gusev et al. // Eurasian J. of Phys. and Functional Materials. 2019. V.3. P.63.