Application of BM@N Si-microstrip detectors at muon stand for testing straw detectors

13 Oct 2020, 15:05


Oral report Section 3. Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies. Section 3. Modern nuclear physics methods and technologies


Mr Bogdan Topko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


After BM@N technical run in spring 2018, the first physical stage of the experiment will begin in 2021. For stop time Silicon tracking modules of BM@N Forward Silicon Detector are applied at muon stand to test and measure R-t characteristics of straw detectors (6 mm diameter, produced by JINR, Dubna) by reconstructing cosmic rays tracks (based on bmnroot software). Muon stand consists of Triggering scintillators, Silicon tracking planes, Straw detectors and Data Acquisition System. Si modules based on Double-sided Silicon Strip Detectors (DSSDs, pitch 95 μm p+ side and 103 μm n+ side, stereo angle between strips is 2.5o) are used as external tracking system in muon stand. General view of stand, Si-modules description and first measurement results are presented.


Mr Bogdan Topko (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)


Mr Vitaliy Burtsev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dr Temur Enik (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) Dr Artem Ivanov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (RU)) Mr Sergei Khabarov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Mr Yury Kopylov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Aleksandr Makankin (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU)) Mr Evgeniy Martovitsky (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Mr Oleg Tarasov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) Dr Nikolay Zamyatin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)

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