A (3+3)-neutrino model is used to describe the effects of sterile neutrinos in beta-decay and neutrinoless double beta-decay of nuclei. This model was detailed in [1] and includes three active neutrinos να (α = e, , ) and three new sterile neutrinos: a sterile neutrino νs, a hidden neutrino νh and a dark neutrino νd. The 66 mixing matrix Umix is used in the model. The values of mixing angles and masses of active neutrinos are taken with allowance made for available experimental data [2]. For additional parameters concerning sterile neutrinos the test values are used, including appropriate values in the light sterile neutrinos mass range [3]. This choice is due to the fact that we have to deal with Majorana neutrinos, for which 0ν2-decay is possible, so existing restriction on the effective Majorana neutrino mass m is taken into account, as well as restriction on the effective neutrino mass m in the -decay [4, 5]. Estimates of the effective masses m and m of the electron neutrino are obtained, which can be tested in experiments on -decay and 0ν2-decay, in particular, in the KATRIN, SuperNEMO and CUPID experiments.
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