12–16 Jul 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone
Due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, the ISMD2021 meeting has been moved online. We look forward to welcoming you in the Scottish Highlands next summer.

Logarithmic corrections for Jet Production at the LHC

12 Jul 2021, 15:05
Talk Jets and QCD at high scales Jets and QCD at high scales


Emmet Byrne (University of Edinburgh)


Several important processes and analyses at the LHC are sensitive to higher-order perturbative corrections beyond what can currently be calculated at fixed order. One important class of large logarithmic corrections are so-called high-energy logarithms which appear when the centre-of-mass energy of a QCD collision is much larger than the transverse momenta of the observed jets.
The effect of these logarithms is enhanced when there is a large rapidity separation between jets. It is therefore particularly important to study the effect of these higher-order corrections in, for example, the analysis of Higgs boson production in association with jets, as vector-boson fusion cuts provide exactly this enhanced impact to the gluon-fusion channel.
In this talk I will describe the High Energy Jets framework, which includes the dominant high-energy logarithms to provide all-order predictions for several relevant LHC processes including Higgs, W, or Z boson production in association with at least two jets. I will summarise the results from arXiv:1812.08072 and arXiv:2012.10310 and some ongoing work.

Preferred track Jets & QCD at High Scales


Emmet Byrne (University of Edinburgh)

Presentation materials