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Following the successes of the LHC Long-Lived Particle (LLP) Workshops in April and October of 2017, May and October of 2018, and May of 2019 -- and continuing the robust and rich tradition defined by prior workshops such as “LHC Searches for Long-Lived BSM Particles: Theory Meets Experiment", at U. Mass, Amherst, in November of 2015; “Experimental Challenges for the LHC Run II", at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics in May of 2016; and the “LHC Long-Lived Particles Mini-Workshop" at CERN in May of 2016 -- the LHC LLP Community, composed of members of the CMS, LHCb, and ATLAS collaborations as well as theorists, phenomenologists and those interested in LLP searches with dedicated LHC detectors such as milliQan, MoEDAL, MATHUSLA, FASER, Codex-b, etc., convenes again -- this time at the University of Ghent, in Belgium -- to assess the state of searches for long-lived particles beyond the Standard Model at the LHC, brainstorm about new ideas for LLP searches, and focus on the future of LLP searches in HEP, both at the LHC and for future detectors and projects.
As with our previous workshops, we prioritize discussion and collaboration, with any talks functioning to set the stage for that collaboration.
The agenda is here, and, as you can see, this time we're focusing on the following topics:
Finally, in the interest of being good global citizens, we're planning to make a group donation to an organization dedicated to combating anthropogenic climate change due to fossil fuel use. The institutes of some attendees already compensate for research-related travel, but if yours doesn't, and you travel to the conference via a method that's known to be a large source of CO2 emissions, we'll ask you for a voluntary donation.
Note that while we hope to see you in person in Ghent, remote participation will indeed be available via Vidyo.
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