The Introduction of the School in Astrophysics will be given by the lecture of Prof Shuang-Nan ZHANG (IHEP and CAS, Beijing, CN). A Theoretical overview will be then given by Prof, Gustavo YEPES on September 1st.
Prof Zhang is the Director of Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics and Center for Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; Chief Scientist of the Space Science Research Division and Director of X-ray Imaging Laboratory of National Astronomical Observatory of China;
He is Distinguished Professor of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Education and work experience: 1984, Bachelor Degree, Tsinghua University; 1989, PhD Degree, University of Southampton, U.K.; 1989-1992, Postdoctoral research associate, University of Pennsylvania, USA; 1992-1998, Senior scientist, Universities Space Research Association and NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA; 1998-2014, Tenure-track assistant professor, Research associate professor, Research full professor, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA; 2002-2009, Distinguished professor, Physics Department, Tsinghua University.
Awards: NASA Group Achievement Award; Zhao-Jiu-Zhang “Space Science Award”; National Distinguished Young Investigator of National Science Foundation of China; Copernicus Distinguished Scientist Award (2009), University of Ferrara, Italy; Yangtze Scholar Distinguished Professorship of the Ministry of Education of China at Tsinghua University, China.
Selected into the National “Thousand Talents” Program and appointed as “National Distinguished Expert” by the central government of China.
Space science projects: Principal Investigator of the Space Astronomy Program of China’s Manned Space Flight Program, POLAR experiment onboard China’s TG-2 Spacelab (launched in 2016), the HXMT astronomy satellite mission (launched in 2017).