22 August 2021 to 5 September 2021
Autonoma de Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

High Granularity Calorimeter Signal Processing, with M.L. based Reconstruction in the CMS HGCAL

23 Aug 2021, 15:54
Auditorium of Faculty of Biology (Autonoma de Madrid)

Auditorium of Faculty of Biology

Autonoma de Madrid



Dr Alexandre ZABI (LLR-Ecole Polytechnique CNRS-IN2p3)Dr Shamik GHOSH (LLR, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))


LAB PRESENTED by Dr. Shamik GHOSH (LLR, Ecole Polytechnique and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Palaiseau, FR)

Presentation materials