22 August 2021 to 5 September 2021
Autonoma de Madrid
Europe/Madrid timezone

INFIERI International Summer School Series: Goals and organization

23 Aug 2021, 12:40
Auditorium of Faculty of Biology (Autonoma de Madrid)

Auditorium of Faculty of Biology

Autonoma de Madrid



Dr Aurore SAVOY-NAVARRO (IRFU-CEA, Université Paris-Saclay (FR), CNRS/IN2P3)Prof. Jose DEL PESO (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, UAM, SP) School organizers


INFIERI: INtelligent signal processing for FrontIEr Research and Industry

The co-organizers of this School edition held this year at UAM Madrid, will introduce the INFIERI International School series: the objectives of this cross-disciplinary summer school of 2 weeks duration;
Built on the success of the previous 5 editions held in Oxford (2013), Paris (2014), Hamburg (2015), Sao Paulo (2017), Wuhan (2019).
How the program built as the "navigation along the full signal & data processing chain of an instrument" develops the synergy and complementarity between different domains of Fundamental Research (e.g. Astrophysics, Particle Physics) and Applied Fields (e.g. Medecine and this year New Energies) and with the most advanced High Tech aspects; Stressing the importance of the interplay between Fundamental Research, Applied Fields and Industry for their progress;
Showing how Research is essential for the Education; Stressing how the advances in technology & instrumentation are demanded by the Physics needs,
Thus making clear the link between Theory-Experiments-Technology/instrumentation.

The specific training objectives and topics of the INFIERI edition in Madrid, also including the in-person organisation essential for this school and so challenging in this COVID time will be presented.

Presentation materials