Yana Gurimskaya
Radiation induced acceptor removal effect leads to the performance changes (mostly degradation) in LGADs, CMOS sensors and standard p-type Si detectors. Microscopic understanding of this effect is still incomplete.
In the framework of on-going acceptor removal project defect characterisation studies were performed on electron irradiated PiN diodes of 10 and 50 Ω⋅cm resistivity irradiated with 5E+14 and 2E+14 neq/cm2, respectively. These results will be discussed in correlation with the macroscopic changes in Neff and Ileak.
An overview of existing data for different types of irradiation, devices and material and parametrization of acceptor removal will be reviewed as well.
Yana Gurimskaya
Marcos Fernandez Garcia
(Universidad de Cantabria and CSIC (ES))
Isidre Mateu
Michael Moll
Eckhart Fretwurst
(Hamburg University (DE))
Leonid Makarenko
(Byelorussian State University (BY))
Ioana Pintilie
(NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
Joern Schwandt
(Hamburg University (DE))