Defect Characterization: Defect, Material and Sensor Characterization
- Michael Moll (CERN)
- Ioana Pintilie (NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
- Eckhart Fretwurst (Hamburg University (DE))
The work is dedicated to studying the kinetics of the process of charge collection in silicon detectors at a temperature of 1.9 K in situ irradiated by protons. The main research method is TCT, which allows one to receive current responses of high time resolution. As a result of in situ tests, non-standard current pulse shapes were obtained, which can be described only within the framework of...
The study is concerned with enhanced influence of defect clusters on the profiles of the electric field E and effective space charge concentration Neff in Si detectors irradiated with 1.62 GeV 40Ar ions and operating at temperatures from 292 down to 200 K. The electric field profiles reconstructed from the shapes of the detector current pulse response measured by TCT demonstrated the...
In this research the low energy neutron diffraction technique, a non-destructive technique, was applied to analyze hadron generated clusters. The Si single crystals were irradiated in TRIGA nuclear reactor to the neutron fluence 1e16 cm-2.
The experiment was performed on IN3 beam at ILL ( Instrument was used in fully elastic mode, with incident and scattered wave vectors of...
The electron transport via defect network becomes important in highy irradiated solid state and in Si clusters of defects induced by hadron irradiation if it acts as a dipole type recombination center.
Electron transport via localized defect sites can be roughly described by Fermi Golden Rule type hopping. However, this approach does not include electron delocalization among nearby defect...
A short introduction to the measurement method low temperature photoluminescence (LTPL) spectroscopy is given. Samples from a low gain avalanche detector processing run are studied by LTPL before and after electron irradiation. In carbon doped samples the characteristic G-line is found after electron irradiation.
The presented report is focused on the problem of analyzing irradiation-induced highly disordered regions in the detector bulk. Such regions could be settled down close to the Bragg Peak maximum - ion stopping range. Noted regions were created in the detectors of low-resistance silicon via low energy irradiation by heavy 40Ar ions at the Ioffe Institute Cyclotron. Electrophysical properties of...
Defect investigation studies, by TSC and TEM techniques, after neutron irradiation of high resistivity PiN and LGAD float-zone silicon diodes have been performed. The diodes were irradiated with fluences of E14 and E15 n/cm2. TSC studies during annealing treatments at 80C have been performed with emphasis on the acceptor-removal process. The results are discussed in correlation with the...
The admittance of n+p pad diodes (200 μm thickness, 5×5 mm$^2$ area) irradiated by 24 GeV/c protons to 1 MeV neutron equivalent fluences Φ$_{eq}$ = 3, 6, 8 and 13×10$^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$ has been measured for reverse voltages Vrev between 1 and 1000 V and for frequencies f between 100 Hz and 2 MHz at temperatures T = –30 °C and –20 °C. A simple model, which assumes that radiation damage causes a...
This project investigates radiation damage of epitaxial P type silicon.
Test structures consisting of Schottky diodes and pn junctions of different size and flavors are going to be fabricated at different facilities, including RAL and Carleton.
The structures are fabricated on a 50 um thick epitaxial layer of various P type doping: 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, and 1e17 cm-3.
Up to 25...