Conference Fee

Early registration fee (payment until June 30, 2020  until June 30, 2021) is:

  • 1400 PLN for students (PhD, MSc, BSc or equivalent)
  • 1800 PLN for regular participants
  • 700 PLN for the accompanying persons.

Late registration fee (payment until August 15, 2020  until August 15, 2021) is:

  • 1400 PLN for students (PhD, MSc, BSc or equivalent)
  • 2000 PLN for regular participants
  • 800 PLN for the accompanying persons.

The fee will include:

  • coffee breaks
  • five lunches at the conference site restaurant
  • welcome cocktail
  • excursion
  • conference dinner
  • conference materials

The accompanying person registration fee will include: welcome cocktail, excursion and conference dinner.

We strongly encourage you to make the payment of the conference fee by a bank transfer.

If you transfer the fee from a non-Polish bank account, please make sure to use the option to make the transfer in PLN and to choose the "OUR" instruction, which means that you pay all transfer charges.


The details of the appropriate bank account are as follows:

Owner of the account:

Uniwersytet Szczecinski

Aleja Jana Pawla II Nr 31

70-453 Szczecin, Poland


Bank details:

ING Bank Slaski S.A.
IBAN: PL 46 1050 1559 1000 0022 8790 4474


In the line which asks for the purpose of the payment, please add:

''Oplata konferencyjna - subkonto 0064'' and write your name.


The deadline for the payment of the conference fee (early registration) is 30th of June 2020 30th of June 2021.

The deadline for the payment of the conference fee (late registration) is 15th of August 2020 15th of August 2020.


Cash payments will be accepted in some exceptional circumstances upon registration at the conference desk (it especially refers to countries with less easy bank facilities). However, please let us know earlier by sending an email that you want to pay this way.