Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

1–5 Nov 2010
The Statler Hotel
America/New_York timezone

Contribution List

66 / 66
01/11/2010, 09:15
Dr Keith Chadwick (Fermilab)
01/11/2010, 09:45
Site Reports
Fall 2010 Fermilab Site Report
Andrea Chierici (INFN-CNAF)
01/11/2010, 10:00
updates at INFN Tier1 center
Mr philippe olivero (CC-IN2P3)
01/11/2010, 10:45
Site Reports
Report hardware and software updates since one year
Dr Helge Meinhard (CERN-IT)
01/11/2010, 11:00
Site Reports
Site report
01/11/2010, 11:20
Site Reports
Martin Bly (STFC-RAL)
02/11/2010, 08:45
Site Reports
Latest Developments at RAL and the UK Tier1
Walter Schon (GSI)
02/11/2010, 09:30
Site Reports
News from GSI
Michel Jouvin (LAL / IN2P3)
02/11/2010, 11:00
Site Reports
Site report about GRIF and LAL.
Pierrick Micout (CEA IRFU)
02/11/2010, 11:10
Site Reports
Site report of the IRFU Saclay site.
Jan Kundrat (Unknown-Unknown-Unknown)
02/11/2010, 11:15
Site Reports
Dr Christophe Bonnaud (KiSTi Korea Institute of Science & Technology Information (KiSTi)
02/11/2010, 11:25
Site Reports
Presentation of Global Science Data Center (GSDC) project at KISTI: status of activities, system infrastructure and futur plans.
02/11/2010, 11:35
Pierre-Emmanuel Brinette (IN2P3)
02/11/2010, 13:30