Challenges in Radiation Damage and Radiation Protection during Design and Operation of Accelerator Facilities and Space Missions
The 12th Course of the International School of Radiation Damage and Protection will be held at "Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture" in Erice (Sicily), Italy, from the 23rd October until the 30th October 2023
For more information about payment methods please, check the Payment Options page. Notice that the registration fee covers: lodging, transport from the airport, course, lunches, coffee breaks, dinners and social program.
Goal of the course
The need for higher energies and intensities of modern accelerators leads to stronger particle losses and related radiation fields as well as to an increased activation of any components exposed to these fields. The design of accelerator components must, therefore, consider both radiation hardness requirements and activation properties in order to ensure a reliable and efficient accelerator operation.
The objective of this course is to update the knowledge of both professionals and newcomers in the field of radiation damage and activation of accelerator components. It gives a summary of fundamental quantities and concepts and provides an overview on computational and experimental methods for the assessment of radiation damage of materials and electronics, as well as activation properties of construction materials. The course puts also emphasis on applications and lessons learned at high-energy accelerators, experiments and high power target facilities. Moreover, it addresses synergies with other areas such as light sources and space radiation applications.
Directors of the school:
Markus Brugger (CERN)
Stefan Roesler (CERN)
Vaclav Vylet (JLAB)
Directors of the course:
Ruben Garcia Alia (CERN)
Hee-Seock Lee (PAL)
Nikolai Mokhov (FNAL)