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What the Hubble tension really is and how (not) to solve it

Apr 13, 2021, 3:00 PM


Dr Sunny Vagnozzi (Cambridge University)


Despite being arguably one of the hottest topics in the recent literature, there are several widely spread misconceptions concerning what the Hubble tension really is. Moreover, leaving these misconceptions aside, no compelling model to solve the Hubble tension has been found so far, despite a huge number of attempts (and false alarms). I will begin by explaining what the Hubble tension really is, presenting three different interpretations in order of increasing "correctness". I will then discuss why so many proposed models have failed so far, and what in my opinion is the way forward towards constructing a realistic solution to the tension. I will close by presenting the "10 commandments" which I believe every "Hubble hunter" should abide by.

Presentation materials