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Very High Energy Electron Radiotherapy Workshop (VHEE'2020)

from Monday 5 October 2020 (08:30) to Wednesday 7 October 2020 (19:30)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
5 Oct 2020
6 Oct 2020
7 Oct 2020
State of the Art - Roberto Corsini (CERN) (until 16:15) ()
15:00 Clinical perspectives for FLASH therapy - Jean Bourhis (CHUV)   ()
15:25 Novel high-gradient accelerators for radiotherapy and imaging - Emilio Nanni (SLAC)   ()
15:50 Dosimetry of electron beams - challenges and possible solutions for VHEE and FLASH - Andreas Schüller (PTB)   ()
16:15 Welcome Speech - Roberto Corsini (CERN)   ()
16:25 --- Break & Group photo ---
Mechanism and Innovation for FLASH RT - Manjit Dosanjh (until 17:35) ()
16:35 Neuroprotective effects of FLASH-RT in the juvenile and adult brain - Charles Limoli (University of California, Irvine)   ()
16:55 Tumor response to FLASH-RT - Marie-Catherine Vozenin (CHUV)   ()
17:15 Electron dose rate and oxygen depletion protect zebrafish embryo from radiation damage - Elke Beyreuther (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf)   ()
17:35 --- Break ---
New indications and hot topics - Angeles Faus-Golfe (Université Paris-Saclay (FR)) (until 18:45) ()
17:45 Oxygen depletion and radical recombination after pulsed Ultra-high dose rate irradiations - Vejlko Grilj (CHUV)   ()
18:05 FLASH-RT in the lung: What we know and what we would like to know - Charles Fouillade (Institut Marie Curie)   ()
18:25 VHEE experiments and future plans at Stanford and Indiana - Peter Maxim (SLAC)   ()
18:45 --- Closing ---
Facilities description, current and planned ones (Chaired by Claude Bailat) - Claude Bailat (CHUV) (until 16:00) ()
15:00 CLEAR for Radiotherapy Research - Wilfrid Farabolini (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   ()
15:20 Full energy beam exploitation possibilities on CLARA at Daresbury Laboratory - Deepa Angal-Kalinin (STFC)   ()
15:40 High-gradient RF systems for compact accelerators - Walter Wuensch (CERN)   ()
16:00 --- Break & Group Photo ---
Facilities description, current and planned ones (Chaired by Charles Limoli) (until 17:10) ()
16:10 New FLASH radiation therapy R&D options at PITZ - Frank Stephan (DESY)   ()
16:30 Radiation biology with laser-accelerated electrons at LOA - Alessandro Flacco (ENSTA)   ()
16:50 Novel high-gradient accelerators for radiotherapy and imaging - Bill Loo (Stanford University)   ()
17:10 --- Break ---
Dosimetry and Detectors (Chaired by Marie-Catherine Vozenin) (until 18:20) ()
17:20 Diamond-based detector development for pulsed beam monitoring for medical applications - Marie-Laure Gallin-Martel (CNRS)   ()
17:40 Dosimetry of particle beams with ultra-high pulse dose rates - Anna Subiel (NPL)   ()
18:00 The challenges of Ultra high dose rate dosimetry for preclinical irradiation - Claude Bailat (CHUV)   ()
18:20 --- Break ---
Treatment Planning, Modelling and Imaging (Chaired by Roger Jones) (until 19:30) ()
18:30 VHEE initial inception and future potential - Colleen Desrosiers (Indiana University)   ()
18:50 Imaging challenges for VHEE - Marcel Van Herk (Manchester University)   ()
19:10 Treatment planning with Very High Energy Electron Scanned Beams - Louie Hancock (Manchester University)   ()
19:30 --- Closing ---
Accelerators R&D and Technologies for medical (Chaired by Frank Stephan) (until 16:10) ()
15:00 Compact high-energy electron accelerator at Tsinghua University - Jiaru Shi   ()
15:20 Sources for high dose rate electron and proton irradiation at the ELBE center Dresden - Ulrich Schramm   ()
15:40 Research and Development of High Efficiency, High Gradient Accelerator Systems for VHEE at SLAC - Emma Snively (SLAC)   ()
16:00 Experience with electron linear accelerators for low-energy FLASH Intraoperative RT with perspectives on VHEE beams - Luigi Faillace (University di Roma)   ()
16:15 --- Break ---
Industries for medical (Chaired by Gerardo D'Auria and Sami Tantawi) (until 18:02) ()
16:25 Outline of the roadmap involved in taking a working design through to something that is approved to treat clinical - John Allen (ELEKTA)   ()
16:35 Perspectives for industrial superconducting accelerators for isotope production and radiation therapy - Claudio Serpico   ()
16:45 Progress status for the 40 MeV Rhodotron and the new very high dose rate 10 MeV Flash platform at Aérial/Feerix - Jeremy Brison (IBA)   ()
16:55 Inverse Compton scattering X-ray source optimized for radiotherapy - Benjamin Hornberger (Lynceantech)   ()
17:05 Compact linac design for FLASH radiation therapy - Arundhuti Ganguly (TiBaRay)   ()
17:15 High Frequencry (12 GHz) RF generated electrons (100 MeV) - Christopher Barty (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)   ()
17:25 The challenge of high dose rate for ionisation chambers - Daniela Poppinga (PTW)   ()
17:35 Capabilites of the AWA facility for potental medical applications - Jing Chunguang   ()
17:45 Single electron imaging of samples using multiple coulomb scattering - Hendrick Jansen   ()
17:55 Plans for growth in accelerator physics in Australia: medical and VHEE applications - Suzie Sheehy (University of Melbourne)   ()
18:05 --- Break ---
Where are we going? Which experiments/facilities are needed? (Chaired by Jean Bourhis) - Manjit Dosanjh (until 19:30) ()
18:15 Main topics - Angeles Faus-Golfe Manjit Dosanjh   ()
18:30 Roundtable discussion - Angeles Faus-Golfe Manjit Dosanjh   ()
19:15 Concluding remarks - Angeles Faus-Golfe Manjit Dosanjh   ()