- Please upload your slides in advance – two days before is fantastic, but a day before should be sufficient
- This allows people to take a look in advance and will focus the discussion on the most useful points
- We have a workshop notebook where people can ask questions and comment in advance
- So you may want to check that before your talk
- And afterwards as well – it can be a useful place to carry on discussions after your talk
- Please respect the time you have been given for the initial presentation
- This is a workshop, so the discussion time is extremely important
- We will remind you when your time is running short
- Any material which is too much for the initial slot can go into backup slides that people can look at before and after your talk
- One tip we have is to install a countdown timer on your phone to have beside your laptop as you are presenting (there are lots of options, for Android and iPhone)
- If you have the bandwidth, it’s nice to switch on your camera during the talk so that people can see you
- We are mostly well practiced at giving remote talks these days, however, we will open the Zoom room 30 minutes in advance of the start of the session so that you can check your setup
- By default we let you share your screen and present
- But please let us know if you’d like the organisers to do it instead
- By default we let you share your screen and present
- We are going to record the sessions and post the videos afterwards (this is useful for posterity and those for whom the timezone is not friendly)
- We assume this is ok for you – please let us know if it’s not
Choose timezone
Your profile timezone: