8:00 AM
Introduction to workshop
Christian Weiss
(Jefferson Lab)
8:20 AM
From pA at RHIC/LHC to eA at EIC: What can pA do to prepare for eA?
(until 12:50 PM)
8:20 AM
From pA to eA at EIC
Matthew Sievert
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
8:50 AM
LHC/Alice results relevant to EIC
Laure Marie Massacrier
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
9:20 AM
Proton-lead and photo nuclear collisions at LHC
Michael Murray
(The University of Kansas (US))
10:00 AM
--- Break ---
10:20 AM
Selected results on forward dijets
Krzysztof Kutak
(Instytut Fizyki Jadrowej Polskiej Akademii Nauk)
10:50 AM
Very forward phenomena in pA and UPC
Mark Strikman
(Penn State University)
11:20 AM
8:00 AM
Cosmic rays: Joint physics studies with collider experiments, simulation tools
(until 10:30 AM)
8:00 AM
Cosmic ray physics experimental review
Takashi SAKO
(Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)
8:30 AM
pO run for cosmic rays and impact on muon puzzle
- Dr
Hans Peter Dembinski
(TU Dortmund)
9:00 AM
Cosmic Ray MC
- Dr
Tanguy Pierog
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
Coherent and diffractive scattering on heavy and light nuclei
(until 3:30 PM)
10:30 AM
--- Break ---
11:00 AM
Coherent processes on light ions
sergio scopetta
11:30 AM
Nuclear shadowing in coherent processes
Vadim Guzey
(NRC Kurchatov Institute PNPI (RU))
1:30 PM
EIC forward detection
- Dr
Alexander Jentsch
(Brookhaven National Laboratory, EIC, STAR)
2:00 PM
Photoproduction at EIC
Justin Stevens
(College of William and Mary)
2:30 PM
8:00 AM
Diffraction and low-x physics
(until 3:55 PM)
8:00 AM
Transverse momentum dependence of single spin asymmetries for very forward neutron production in polarized p+p collisions at sqrt(s) = 200 GeV
- Dr
Benard Mulilo
8:30 AM
CMS diffractive results
Deniz Sunar Cerci
(Adiyaman University (TR) - Istanbul University (TR))
9:00 AM
Elastic and diffractive proton—proton scattering at RHIC
- Dr
Wlodek Guryn
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9:30 AM
TOTEM/D0 odderon discovery
Christophe Royon
(The University of Kansas (US))
10:00 AM
--- Discussion ---
11:00 AM
Recent results in low-x (exclusive VM)
Martin Hentschinski
(Universidad de las Americas, Puebla)
11:30 AM
Gluon TMDs at small x
- Dr
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto
1:15 PM
Effective field theory for heavy ions
varun vaidya
1:45 PM
Factorization, resummation and CGC negative cross section problem
Hao-yu Liu
2:05 PM
8:00 AM
Forward detectors: What exists? What can be built for EIC?
(until 12:20 PM)
8:00 AM
Constantinos Loizides
8:30 AM
Jesse Liu
(University of Chicago)
9:00 AM
Justin Andrew Williams
(The University of Kansas (US))
9:20 AM
--- Break ---
9:50 AM
Timing detectors
Tommaso Isidori
(The University of Kansas (US))
10:20 AM
Very forward hadron spectrometer
Michael Albrow
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
10:50 AM
Felix Kling
11:20 AM