Workshop on forward physics and QCD with LHC, EIC, and cosmic rays
Hadron production at very forward rapidities is studied in high-energy proton-proton/ion scattering, lepton-proton/ion scattering, and cosmic ray physics and represents a topic of common interest to these fields. The forward region offers unique opportunities for exploring QCD in small-x and diffractive processes and presents specific experimental challenges in forward hadron detection.
The purpose of the workshop is to bring together experimentalists and theorists in high-energy collider experiments and cosmic ray physics, to review the status of forward physics, discuss the opportunities and challenges, and realize synergies between the different fields. Discussions will focus on present experiments at the CERN LHC and RHIC BNL, the forward physics program with the future Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), and the connections with cosmic ray physics.
This workshop follows the series of meetings held in Nagoya, Japan (2015), Nagoya Japan (2017), Stony Brook, New York (2018), and Guanajuato, Mexico (2019).
The topics discussed during the workshop are:
QCD at small-x, non-linear phenomena, and parton saturation
Forward jets and high-p_T dissociation as a probe of saturation
Diffractive and coherent processes on heavy and light nuclei
Nuclear parton densities and shadowing
Exclusive processes on proton and generalized parton distributions
Spin/flavor and quantum number exchange in small-x processes
Total cross sections and soft diffraction
Cosmic ray physics and neutrinos
Forward detection in collider experiments.
Abhay Deshpande
Abhinav Choudhury
Alexander Jentsch
Alexandre Camsonne
Ananya Paul
Angel Fernando Campoverde Quezada
Arnulfo Zepeda
Arshak Asaturyan
Ashwin Shirke
Asmita Mukherjee
Athira Vijayakumar
Aude Glaenzer
Aurea Nicteha Sánchez Espín
Ayman Al-bataineh
Babu Pokhrel
Barbara Badelek
Behzad Salmassian
Benard Mulilo
benhamida azzeddine
Brunella D'Anzi
Brunella D'Anzi
Burhani Taher Saifuddin
Charles Hyde
Chi Yang
Chiara Bissolotti
Christian Weiss
Christophe Royon
Christopher Dilks
Clara Elisabeth Leitgeb
Cristian Baldenegro Barrera
Daniel Tapia Takaki
Deniz Sunar Cerci
Divya Srinivasan
Douglas Higinbotham
Edmond Iancu
Farhana Zaidi
Federico Alberto Ceccopieri
Francesco Bossu
Francesco Giovanni Celiberto
Gennady Lykasov
Gerald Miller
Gianluca Bianco
Greg Jackson
Gulzar Shaik
Gustavo Gil Da Silveira
HADDAD Abdelhamid
Haidar Mas'ud Alfanda
Hamlet Mkrtchyan
Hans Peter Dembinski
Hao-yu Liu
Harleen Dahiya
Helena Santos
Himadri Parashar
Hiroaki Menjo
Hyeonja Jhang
Igal Jaegle
Igor Strakovsky
Jackson Pybus
Jamal Jalilian-Marian
Janusz Chwastowski
Jesse Liu
Jiwan Poudel
John Lajoie
Justin Stevens
katsuaki kasahara
Krzysztof Golec-Biernat
Krzysztof Kutak
Kyungseon JOO
Laure Marie Massacrier
Lorenzo Bonechi
Lukasz Fulek
Lydia Audrey Beresford
Maciej Trzebinski
Maria Zurek
Mariusz Przybycien
Mark Baker
Mark Strikman
Martin Hentschinski
Matt LeBlanc
Matthew Sievert
Melina Gomez Bock
Michael Albrow
Michael Murray
Michael Sanhueza
Michal Krelina
Mohammed Maher Abdelrahim Mohammed
Mriganka Mouli Mondal
Nada Ali
Narbe Kalantarians
Navagyan Ghimire
Patricia Rebello Teles
Paul Newman
Pawel Nadel-Turonski
Pete Markowitz
Peter Alan Steinberg
Philippe Simonis
Piotr Kotko
Prabhakar Palni
Rachid Guernane
Rafal Sikora
Ram Chand
Ramya Srinivasan
Riccardo Longo
Rohaan Deb
Sakina Boudissa
sergio scopetta
Shengli Huang
Simran Kaur
Somadutta Bhatta
Suneel Dutt
Takashi Sako
Tanguy Pierog
Tatsuya Chujo
Tomas Truhlar
Tommaso Isidori
Vadim Guzey
Vaibhavi Gawas
varun vaidya
Victor Goncalves
Vitalii Okorokov
Wlodek Guryn
Xianglei Zhu
xin'yang wang
Yang-Ting Chien
Yossathorn Tawabutr
Yoxara Sánchez Villamizar
Yuji Goto
Yulia Furletova
Zachary Baldwin
Zafer Acar
Zuhal Seyma Demiroglu