Implications of First LHC Data
32-123 (MIT)
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02474
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A joint Berkeley-MIT Workshop
In 2010 we expect to see the first significant LHC collision data, and this workshop is held to get theorists and experimentalists together with the goal of helping maximize the physics potential of this first LHC run.
The LHC experiments have already analyzed data at a center-of-mass energy of 0.9 TeV which were collected end of 2009 and reveal new information on the understanding of soft physics. Many new measurements are expected to be available by the summer. Current estimates are that the LHC will run in 2010 and 2011 at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV with the goal of collecting a total of 1 fb-1. This will provide a dataset that is very competitive with the Tevatron dataset available today and surpasses the Tevatron on most aspects of high pT physics. First results at √ s = 7 TeV are expected for this summer from this run.
This workshop aims at exploring the physics that might be possible with such a data sample and particularly is aimed at PhD students who wish to graduate on the 2010 data. For theorists this presents the great opportunity to inspire those students to measure some property that may otherwise not get measured. The opportunities for both a luminosity of 200 pb-1 (2010 data) and 1 fb-1 (2010+2011) data will be explored.