The LHC physics programme has successfully started. It is expected to give answers to fundamental questions in high-energy physics, such as those on the origin of Electro Weak (EW) symmetry breaking, the existence of supersymmetry, and the nature of dark matter.
Since the LHC is a hadron collider, all the interesting high-pT new reactions are driven by QCD hard scattering. To claim for new-physics signals, a good control over known Standard Model (SM) processes is thus necessary. The series of Workshops "High Precision for Hard Processes" (HP2) was started to discuss advances in the field of QCD and EW radiative corrections to both SM and BSM processes at hadron colliders. The first workshop of the series was held in Zürich in 2006, and it was followed by a second workshop in Buenos Aires in 2008. The third workshop, HP2.3rd, takes place in Florence from 14 to 17 september 2010.
We plan to discuss:
Furthermore, we plan to have status reports on the first LHC physics results, on the latest Tevatron results and on new developments in Beyond the Standard Model physics.