A quench detection system was developed for protecting and monitoring the superconducting solenoids for the Muon-to-Electron Conversion Experiment (Mu2e) at Fermilab. The quench system was designed for a high level of dependability and long-term continuous operation and is based on three tiers: Tier-I, FPGA-based Digital Quench Detection (DQD); Tier-II, Analog Quench Detection (AQD); and...
The Universal Quench Detection System (UQDS) has been primarily developed to detect quenches in various superconducting magnets of LHC’s High Luminosity upgrade (HL-LHC). The functionality of the system, which comprises insulated high-resolution digitizing front-end channels and a central processing element, is mainly defined by the configuration of the central FPGA (Field Programmable Gate...
The super high field magnets using superconducting wires have been promisingly applied for thermonuclear fusion power generation such as Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) and International Thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER) systems. The quench detection system (QDS) is essential for high reliability in the super high field magnet facilities. Generally, the quench...
A long-term scientific project such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN must undergo periodic, preventive and corrective maintenance of electronic components along their lifetime. Components that typically require replacement are the aluminium electrolytic capacitors. More than 36’000 units, rated 500 V and 4.7 mF are installed in the protection systems of the high field LHC...
The Center Solenoid Model Coil (CSMC) is a pre-research project of CFETR, and its task is to design and manufacture the CS superconducting model coil to gain wider experience in solving the related technical problems existing in design and construction of CFETR CS coils. The expected achievement is to charge the CSMC up to the operation current of 47.65 kA and the maximum magnetic field to 12...
L. Morici, C. Fiamozzi Zignani and G. Messina
The CS and PF coils of the DTT tokamak are operated in dynamic mode and, even in normal operation, the induced and self voltages across each coil are of the order of several 100 V. In DTT (Divertor Tokamak Test facility currently being built in the site of ENEA C.R.E. Frascati – Italy), these coils will be realized with superconducting...
The Center Solenoid Model Coil (CSMC) is a pre-research project of CFETR, and its task is to design and manufacture the CS superconducting model coil to gain wider experience in solving the related technical problems existing in design and construction of CFETR CS coils. The expected achievement is to charge the CSMC up to the operation current of 47.65 kA and the maximum magnetic field to 12...
Nested combined orbit correctors are needed for the upgrade of LHC. They are developed at CIEMAT, in collaboration with CERN in the framework of HL-LHC project. There are two types of magnets, so-called MCBXFA and MCBXFB, with different lengths (2.5 and 1.5 m, respectively), but sharing the same cross section. Coils of both magnets are wound with the same Rutherford-type NbTi cable, composed...
Institute of Modern Physics is developing the Fourth-generation of Electron Cyclotron Resonance source, also known as FECR. In order to fulfill the requirements of higher beam intensity and quality, the FECR needs a Nb3Sn superconducting magnet with high performance and complex structure. Therefore, a half-scale prototype is produced for the technical research, it was wound by a 1.3mm diameter...