1:15 PM
The influence of SMES magnet operation parameters on voltage distribution characteristic
Jing Shi
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
1:15 PM
[Invited] Preliminary tests 12 T REBCO isolated solenoid magnet used as compact 1 MJ SMES.
Julien Vialle
(Institut Néel CNRS)
1:15 PM
Current Source Converter Based Photovoltaic Synchronous Generator Incorporated with a SMES
Wenyong Guo
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)
1:15 PM
The research on double pancake coil of 1MJ high temperature superconducting magnet energy storage for the power system of NICA complex
Ming Li
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Scien)
1:15 PM
Study on Low Loss Coil Structure for High Energy Density of a Wireless Power Transmission System Using High Temperature Superconducting Coils for Railway Vehicle
Ryota Inoue
(Okayama University)
1:15 PM
Evaluation of operating characteristics of coils wound with no-insulation REBCO bundle conductor for SMES
Yu Miyamoto
(Waseda University)
1:15 PM
Design of 10MJ toroidal field D-type superconducting energy storage magnet
Xinyu Zou
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
1:15 PM
Multi-Input, Long-Distance, HTS-Based Wireless Charging System for Undersea Sensor Networks
Xiaoyang Tian
1:15 PM
Design Study of 3φ-10 MVA-6.9/1.0 kV REBCO Superconducting Transformers with Lightweight and Current-Limiting Function for an E-aircraft Propulsion System
Masashi Sumida
(Kyushu University)
1:15 PM
Investigation of HTS Power Devices Cooled by LN2/CF4 Mixture
Qingquan Qiu
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
1:15 PM
Design and Simulation of a 150 kVA Single-Phase HTS Transformer with 1G/2G Hybrid HTS Tapes
Wei Pi
(North China Electric Power University)
Zhaoyu Zhang
(North China Electric Power University)
Yu Yang
(North China Electric Power University)
Ziyuan Sun
Ruiqi Wang
(North China Electric Power University)
1:15 PM
AC loss reduction on a 6.5 MVA/25 kV HTS traction transformer by exploiting asymmetric conductor critical current
Yue Wu
(Beijing Jiaotong University)
1:15 PM
Basic study on coil structure for high-temperature superconducting cable termination applying a wireless power transmission system
Ryota Inoue
(Okayama University)
1:15 PM
Wind photovoltaic Synchronous Generating System integrating with a SMES for a Grid Forming Renewable Energy System
Wenyong Guo
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)
1:15 PM
Optimized configurations for enhancing the interaction capacity between permanent magnet and superconductor coil
Wenxin Li
(Tianjin University)
1:15 PM
Study on thermal stability of transformer under external thermal disturbance
Binyi Tian
1:15 PM
AC Loss Measurement of Double Pancakes Wound with MgB2 Rutherford Type Superconductor
Toshihiro Komagome