2656 / 2656
- 석원 정 (Seoul National University)
- Mohamed Abatal (Universidad Autonoma del Carmen)
- Toru ABE (Tohoku university)
- Toru Abe (Tohoku University)
- Taichi Abe (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
Mitsushi Abe
- Author in Design method of active shield coils of steering magnet for fine tuning of muon injection orbit in muon storage magnet of g-2/EDM precision measurement
- Author in Design of a strong X-Y coupling beam transport line for J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment
- Co-author in [Invited] Development of precise shimming technique with materials having low saturation magnetization
- Co-author in Developments of a Pulse Kicker System for the Three-Dimensional Spiral Beam Injection of the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM Experiment
- Co-author in Effect on temperature dependence for long-term stable control of the magnetic field at sub-ppm using superconducting magnet for MRI
- Yasushi Abe (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Yasushi Abe (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
Dmitry Abin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Author in Characteristics of magnetic force interaction of СС-tape windings with a permanent magnet guideway.
- Author in Dynamics of magnetic flux during CC-tapes local magnetization
- Author in Investigations of stability of the second generation HTS composites under of current loads at various regimes
- Co-author in Features of the formation of pinning centers in HTS tapes under the laser irradiation action
Dmytro Abraimov
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Co-author in Quench Protection and Cyclic Fatigue Test Results for MTI Coils in the 40T All-superconducting Magnet Project at the NHMFL
- Co-author in The effects of nanostructure on Jc(B, T) in ReBCO coated conductors at multiple angles
- Todd Adkins (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Luigi Affinito (ENEA)
- Keizo Agari (KEK)
- Patricia Aguar Bartolome (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für schwerionenforschung GmbH)
- R Agustín-Serrano (Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla)
- Anton Ahl (Scanditronix Magnet AB)
- Minchul Ahn (Kunsan National University)
- Min Cheol Ahn (Kunsan National University)
Mark Ainslie
(University of Cambridge)
- Author in [Invited] Portable, desktop high-field magnet systems using bulk high-temperature superconductors
- Author in A Comparative Study of Experimental and Computational Modeling for Thickness Dependence of Trapped Field in Machined MgB2 Bulk Superconductors
- Co-author in Mitigation of non-uniform current distribution in bulk high-temperature superconducting rings for the generation of NMR-grade magnetic fields
- Co-author in Pulsed field magnetization of GdBaCuO superconducting bulks with high magnetization efficiency using a split type coil with a soft iron yoke
- Co-author in The influence of local heat generation in a REBaCuO ring bulk with large bore on mechanical fracture during pulsed-field magnetization
- Co-author in Validation of a high-gradient trapped field magnet with an open bore providing a quasi-microgravity space on Earth and its application to magnetic levitation
- Arooj Akbar (EPFL)
Padma Akella
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Co-author in Designing a Magnetic Measurement Data Acquisition and Control System with Reuse in Mind: A Rotating Coil System Example
- Co-author in Software Architecture and Hardware Organization in Mu2e Solenoid Field Mapping System
- Hironobu Akiyama (KEK)
- Yoko Akiyama (Osaka University)
- Omar Al Atassi
- Omar Al Atassi (Fermilab)
- Cristóbal Alcazar (CIEMAT)
- Zanichelli Alessandro (RODOFIL)
- Alberto Amaduzzi (ASG Superconductors S.p.A)
- Ugo Amaldi (TERA Foundation (IT))
- John Amann (Fermilab)
- Saki Amano (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Saki Amano (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Munenori Amaya (National Institute for Materials Science)
Giorgio Ambrosio
- Author in [Invited] Analysis of the production of MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC at 50% coil fabrication
- Author in Conceptual design optimization of a 20 T hybrid cos-theta dipole superconducting magnet for future High-Energy particle accelerators.
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in Magnetic Measurement and Cold Test Results of the Mu2e Transport Solenoid Coils
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Author in Superconducting coil stress specifications for the series production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Co-author in An examination of the mechanical performance of the 4.5 m long MQXFA Pre-Series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
- Co-author in Comparative Analysis of MAXFAP1b Coils with respect to Magnet Training Behavior.
- Co-author in Status of mu2e Transport Solenoid cold mass
Naoyuki Amemiya
(Kyoto University)
- Author in AC loss simulation in HTS coil windings coupled with an iron core
- Author in Coupling time constant measurements and analyses of spiral copper-plated multifilament coated conductors
- Author in Coupling time constant measurements of short pieces of copper-plated multifilament coated conductors at 4.2 K and 77 K
- Author in Current-sharing between filaments and voltage-current characteristics of copper-plated multifilament coated conductors
- Author in Development of large-scale numerical electromagnetic field analysis model for SCSC cables
- Author in Development of quench analysis model for single copper–plated multifilament coated conductor
- Author in Effect of current-sharing and heat capacity of metal core on quench protection of spiral coated conductors
- Author in Low-AC-loss SCSC cable: magnetization loss measurements of spiral copper-plated multifilament coated conductors
- Johannes Amend (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Kathleen Amm
Soobin An
(Seoul National University)
- Author in Adaptive Element Equivalent Circuit of No-Insulation High Temperature Superconductor Coil Containing Multiple Defects
- Co-author in A Numerical and Experimental Study on Dynamic Operation of a Synchronous Rotating Machine with NI HTS Field Windings
- Co-author in Comparative Design Study of HTS Synchronous Motor with Inner and Outer Rotor Type Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
- Co-author in Investigation on Time-Varying Behavior of No-Insulation HTS Field Coil for Synchronous Motors Considering Armature Reaction and Slotting Effect
- Co-author in Long-Term Operation Results of a Stack of Metal Insulation HTS Pancake Coils for SMES Applications
- Co-author in Thermal-Quench Behavior of GdBCO Coils Wound with Grease Containing Various Fillers as Insulation Materials
- Lian-tong An (Guangdong Ocean University)
Shizhong An
(China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Co-author in [Invited] Design of the HTS based, high power proton Cyclotron CYCIAE-100B
- Co-author in Coupling Design of Focusing Function Bending Magnet and High Current Electron Beam for 100 kW Irradiation Accelerator
- Co-author in Fabrication and Test of a 1:4 Scaled HTS Coil for the Defocusing Magnet of a 2 GeV FFAG Accelerator
- Diadechko Anastasiia (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
- Eric Anderssen (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (US))
- Hiroya Andoh (National Institute of Technology)
Alessandro Anemona
- Author in Designing and Manufacturing of REBCO-based Al-slotted core Cable-In–Conduit Conductors for quench experiments
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Co-author in Design and structural assessment overview of the DTT TFC system
- Co-author in Updated structural assessment of the Poloidal Field Coils of the DTT tokamak
- Michael Anerella (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Giuliano Angeli (RSE S.p.A.)
- Achille Angrisani Armenio (ENEA)
Irina Anishenko
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
- Author in Characteristics of magnetic force interaction of СС-tape windings with a permanent magnet guideway.
- Author in Dynamics of magnetic flux during CC-tapes local magnetization
- Author in Features of the formation of pinning centers in HTS tapes under the laser irradiation action
- Author in Magnetization and Hysteresis Losses in HTS Coated Conductors in Magnetic Field of Various Orientation
- Ethan Anliker (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Cucchiaro Antonio (DTT Scarl)
- Kazuya Aoki (KEK)
- Manabu Aoki (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Luis Aparicio (Dept. Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)
- Giorgio Apollinari (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Piergiorgio Aprili
(Fusion for Energy)
- Author in About the first 6 toroidal field coils and 2 poloidal field coils completed by EU for ITER
- Author in Factory acceptance test and delivery of the first two poloidal field coils to ITER fusion facility
- Co-author in Current Centre Line control, results and comparison after the manufacturing of the ITER Toroidal Field Coils
- Co-author in Status of the production of the European ITER Toroidal Field Coil Insertion.
- Hitoshi Arakawa (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
Diego Arbelaez
- Author in Assembly and mechanical analysis of the Canted-Cosine-Theta subscale magnets
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in Design of CCT6: a large-aperture, 12 T, Nb3Sn Dipole Magnet
- Author in Design, Construction, and Testing of 0.5-m-long, 18-mm Period Nb3Sn Superconducting Undulator Magnets
- Author in Engineering design of a large aperture 15 T cable test facility dipole magnet
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Numerical Modelling of the Interfacial Debonding in Superconducting Magnets
- Author in Quench protection of a large aperture 15 T Cable Test Facility Nb3Sn Magnet
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
- Cristian Arcola (Universita degli Studi di Parma (IT))
- Yasushi Arimoto (KEK)
- Ginpei Arisaka (Sophia University)
- Ola Tranum Arnegaard (Norwegian University of Science and and Technology (NTNU) (NO))
- Don Arnold (Fermi National Accelerator Laboatory)
- Massimo Ascade (RSE S.p.A.)
- Yosuke Atake (Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)
- Serdar Atamert
- Miroslav Georgiev Atanasov (CERN)
- Bernhard Auchmann (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Andrea Augieri (ENEA)
- Martial Authier (CEA)
- Ignacio Aviles Santillana (CERN)
- Julien Avronsart (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Satoshi Awaji
- Satoshi Awaji (Tohoku University)
Satoshi Awaji
(Tohoku University)
- Author in 25.1T generation in 25T cryogen-free superconducting magnet with a modified Bi2223 insert
- Author in Current review of the 2G-HTS wires production for high-field applications at SuperOx
- Co-author in Design considerations for practical very high field cryogen-free superconducting magnets: 33 T and beyond
- Co-author in Effect of 2 and 10 MeV Au-ion irradiation on superconducting properties in GdBa2Cu3Oy coated conductors
- Co-author in Electromagnetic characteristics of two-tape co-winding REBCO coil including local defects
- Co-author in Hoop stress test of four-stacked two-ply REBCO pancake coils
- Co-author in Jc performance under the transverse compressive stress on the bronze matrix reinforced Nb3Sn multifilamentary wires
- Satoshi Awaji (Tohoku University)
- Tomosumi Baba (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Romain Babouche (CEA French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Com)
Rod Badcock
(Victoria University of Wellington)
- Author in AC loss reduction on a 6.5 MVA/25 kV HTS traction transformer by exploiting asymmetric conductor critical current
- Author in AC loss simulation in HTS coil windings coupled with an iron core
- Author in Design of a Bifilar HTS Switching Element Using Iron-Core Field Coils
- Author in Variable inductance observed in the HTS non-insulation (NI) coils
- Co-author in [Invited] 15% reduction in AC loss of a 3-phase 1 MVA HTS transformer by exploiting asymmetric conductor critical current
- Co-author in AC loss measurement and simulation in a REBCO coil assembly utilizing two types of low-loss magnetic flux diverters
- Co-author in Role of asymmetric critical current on magnetization loss characteristics of REBCO coated conductors at various temperatures
Arnaud Badel
(Tohoku University)
- Author in 25.1T generation in 25T cryogen-free superconducting magnet with a modified Bi2223 insert
- Author in Design considerations for practical very high field cryogen-free superconducting magnets: 33 T and beyond
- Author in Finite Element Analysis of AC Loss Properties in Pancake Coils Wound Using Two-ply Bundle Conductor
- Co-author in Electromagnetic characteristics of two-tape co-winding REBCO coil including local defects
- Co-author in Hoop stress test of four-stacked two-ply REBCO pancake coils
- arnaud badel (CNRS)
- Karie Badgley (Fermilab)
- Dario Baffari (CERN)
Nadezda Bagrets
- Author in Mechanical Characterization of Low-Carbon Steels for High-Field Accelerator Magnets: Application to Nb3Sn Low-β Quadrupole MQXF
- Author in Thermal resistance between metallic surfaces of copper and stainless steel at different temperatures and contact pressures for high current HTS Cable-in-Conduit Conductors
- Co-author in Design and manufacturing of a KIT sample for a Quench Experiment on HTS Cable in Conduit Conductors
- Carsten Bähtz (Institute of Radiation Physics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- ye bai (GE Global Research Center)
- Mingliang Bai (School of Astronautics, Beihang University, China)
Hongyu Bai
(National High Magnetic Fied Laboratory)
- Co-author in Cyclic Axial Pressure Limits of REBCO Double Pancake Coils with Variable Co-wind Dimensions at 77 K
- Co-author in Lap joint resistivity and crossover resistance of REBCO conductors and coils
- Co-author in Quench Protection and Cyclic Fatigue Test Results for MTI Coils in the 40T All-superconducting Magnet Project at the NHMFL
- Andrei Baikalov (ITER)
- Wendell Osbern Bailey
- Nitin Bairagi (Institute for Plasma Research)
- Hugo Bajas (CERN)
- Marta Bajko (CERN)
- Thanatheepan Balachandran (University of Illinois at Urbana Chamapign)
Maria Baldini
- Author in [Invited] Analysis of the production of MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC at 50% coil fabrication
- Author in [Invited] Main results and lessons learned from the MDPCT1 R&D program
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Co-author in Analysis of quench data and performance of MDPCT1 – the 15 T Nb3Sn dipole demonstrator
- Amalia Ballarino (CERN)
Sang Jae Ban
(Jeonbuk National University)
- Author in Comparison of Current Limiting Characteristics of REBCO Superconducting Wire of the Electrical Coupling Condition between Core and Coil
- Author in Study on AC Over-Current Characteristics with the Physical Properties of the Outer Layer of REBCO Superconducting Wire Having Composite Structure Using RF Sputtering Deposition Method
Tae-Kyoung Bang
(Republic of Korea /Chungnam National University)
- Author in Comparative Study of MW class Superconducting Machines according to Shielding and Electromagnetic Structures Based on Analytical Method
- Author in Experimental and Comparative Study of Noise Vibrations and Harshness of Permanent Magnet Machines according to Rotor Eccentricity with Two Different Fractional Pole/Slot Combinations
- Co-author in Design and Preliminary Experiments of Rotating Armature Partial Superconducting Air Core Generator
Jeseok Bang
(Seoul National University)
- Author in Real-time Field Mapping of Screening Current induced Fields in an HTS Pancake Coil using a Hall Sensor Array
- Co-author in Analysis of the Defect-Irrelevant behavior of a No-Insulation HTS pancake coil including multiple superconductive joints
- Co-author in Comparative Design Study of HTS Synchronous Motor with Inner and Outer Rotor Type Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
- Co-author in Conduction Cooling Test of Short Period NI HTS Undulator at Different Opearating Temperature Ranges 20-77 K
- Co-author in Design of a Cryogen-free 6 T 320 mm All-REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Experiment and analysis of spatial electromagnetic and thermal behaviors during quench propagation in no-insulation HTS coil with multi-physics distributed-circuit approach
- Co-author in Long-Term Operation Results of a Stack of Metal Insulation HTS Pancake Coils for SMES Applications
- Co-author in Temperature Considered Active Feedback Control of No-Insulation HTS Magnet
- Co-author in Test and Analysis of Stacked-Tape-Wound Laboratory-Scale NI HTS TF Module Coil
- Seungmin Bang (Hanyang University)
Nobuya Banno
(National Institute for Materials Science)
- Author in Microstructure and superconducting properties of Hf,Ta-added bronze-route Nb3Sn wire
- Author in Novel Pb- and Cd-free superconducting joint between NbTi and Nb3Sn wires using high-temperature-tolerable superconducting Nb-alloy intermedia
- Co-author in Influence of Ti doping on the Nb3Sn layer formation for various Nb3Sn wire structure
- Co-author in Influence of Zn addition in Cu matrix on the mechanical and superconducting properties of Nb$_3$Sn conductor
- Anees Bano (Institute For Plasma Research)
- Yeying Bao (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Romain Barbier (LNCMI-Grenoble, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)
- Daniel Barna (Wigner Research Centre for Physics)
- Christian Barth (CERN)
- Shaon Barua (Florida State University)
emanuela barzi
- Author in [Invited] Main results and lessons learned from the MDPCT1 R&D program
- Author in [Invited] Stability of Nb3Sn Superconducting Planar Undulator for ANL Advanced Photon Source
- Author in Conceptual design optimization of a 20 T hybrid cos-theta dipole superconducting magnet for future High-Energy particle accelerators.
- Author in Conductors for Fast Ramping Accelerator Magnets
- Author in Development of a 120-mm aperture Nb3Sn dipole coil with stress management
- Author in Development of a small-aperture cos-theta dipole insert coil based on Bi2212 Rutherford cable and stress management structure
- Author in Minimum Quench Energy of Nb3Sn Wires and Rutherford Cables with High Specific Heat
- Author in Minimum Quench Energy of NbTi and Nb3Sn Conductors Impregnated with High Heat Capacity Resin
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
- Co-author in A Novel High Heat Capacity Resin for Impregnation of Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnets
- Co-author in Analysis of quench data and performance of MDPCT1 – the 15 T Nb3Sn dipole demonstrator
- Emanuela Barzi (Fermilab)
Juan Bascuñán
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Co-author in [Invited] Stability of Two Impregnated 1.5-T NbTi Coils Operated in the 4.2-6 K Range, Paraffin vs. Solid Nitrogen
- Co-author in A Validation Study of Updated Features in a New 835-MHz REBCO Insert Coil for the MIT 1.3-GHz NMR Magnet
- Co-author in Operation Results of a 23.5-T REBCO Magnet Prototype Towards a Tabletop Liquid-Helium-Free 1-GHz Microcoil NMR
- Co-author in Partial-Insulation HTS Magnet for Reduction of Quench-Induced Peak Currents
- Rod Bateman (Tokamak Energy Ltd)
- Rita Batista (Fusion for Energy)
- Alexander Batrakov (Unknown)
- Ruslan Batulin (Kazan Federal University)
- Bertrand Baudouy (CEA Paris-Saclay)
- Pierre Bauer (ITER Organization)
- Mike Beck (University of Cambridge)
Wu Beimin
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Electromagnetic Design of a 6 T Cos-theta Fast Cycling Dipole Model
- Author in Fabrication and Test of a 1.5 T Cryogen-Free HTS Magnet for the Heavy Ion Spectrometer
- Author in Mechanical validation of the Combined Support Structure for FECR Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet Prototype
- Author in Quench analysis and experiment of FECR prototype Nb3Sn superconducting magnet
- Author in Quench Detection and Voltage Spikes Analysis of the FECR Half-scale Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet
- Author in Strain measurements of a combined superconducting magnet on sextupole coils and solenoids during its assembly and excitation
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in Designing a Large-gap Superferric Dipole Magnet for CEE
- Léopold Belaina (Sigmaphi)
boris bellesia
(fusion for energy)
- Author in About the first 6 toroidal field coils and 2 poloidal field coils completed by EU for ITER
- Author in Status of the production of the European ITER Toroidal Field Coil Insertion.
- Co-author in Current Centre Line control, results and comparison after the manufacturing of the ITER Toroidal Field Coils
- Co-author in Metrology in process control for the European Toroidal Field Coil project
- giovanni bellomo
- Tong Ben (China Three Gorges University)
- Markus Bendele (THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH)
- Elena Benedetto (TERA Foundation (IT))
- Janilee Benitez (LBNL)
- José Bennet (CEA Saclay IRFU/DACM)
- Anis Ben Yahia (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Andreas Berghäuser (Institute of Radiation Physics, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Christophe Paul Berriaud
- Co-author in [Invited] 43+T Grenoble Hybrid Magnet: From final Assembly to Commissioning of the Superconducting Outsert
- Co-author in [Invited] First images of the Iseult Whole Body 11.7 T MRI
- Co-author in Experimental analysis of quench behavior in a Cable-In-Conduit-Conductor cooled by stagnant superfluid helium
- Andrea Bersani
- Jean Louis Bersier
- Romain Berthier (CEA-Saclay)
- Scott Betts (NHMFL)
- Yanbo Bi (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
- Tianjian Bian (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Julien Billette (LNCMI - CNRS - UPS - INSA - UGA)
- Qin Bin (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology)
Mark Bird
- Author in [Invited] Some Lessons Learned During 27 Years Operating Above 27 Tesla.
- Author in A Pulse Forming Network Power Supply for Quench Protection Heaters
- Co-author in [Invited] Status of the HFML-Nijmegen 45 T Hybrid Magnet
- Co-author in Quench Protection and Cyclic Fatigue Test Results for MTI Coils in the 40T All-superconducting Magnet Project at the NHMFL
- Co-author in Screening Current Induced Field changes during De-energization with Axial Clamping
- Erik Hildre Bjorkhaug (CERN)
- Marcos Blanco Aguado (CIEMAT)
- Alexander Bleile (GSI)
- Marco Bocchi (RSE S.p.A.)
- Cristian Boffo (Bilfinger Noell, now Fermilab)
- Timothy Bogdanof (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Uijong Bong
(Seoul National University)
- Author in A Numerical and Experimental Study on Dynamic Operation of a Synchronous Rotating Machine with NI HTS Field Windings
- Co-author in Analysis of the Defect-Irrelevant behavior of a No-Insulation HTS pancake coil including multiple superconductive joints
- Co-author in Comparative Design Study of HTS Synchronous Motor with Inner and Outer Rotor Type Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
- Co-author in Investigation on Time-Varying Behavior of No-Insulation HTS Field Coil for Synchronous Motors Considering Armature Reaction and Slotting Effect
- Co-author in Long-Term Operation Results of a Stack of Metal Insulation HTS Pancake Coils for SMES Applications
- Co-author in Test and Analysis of Stacked-Tape-Wound Laboratory-Scale NI HTS TF Module Coil
Roberto Bonifetto
(Politecnico di Torino)
- Author in A 3D electromagnetic model for eddy currents analysis in superconducting magnets for fusion applications
- Author in Analysis of AC losses in the tests of the ITER CS Module #2
- Author in Analysis of the thermal-hydraulic effects of a plasma disruption on the DTT magnet system
- Author in Designing and Manufacturing of REBCO-based Al-slotted core Cable-In–Conduit Conductors for quench experiments
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
Alessandro Bonito-Oliva
(Fusion for Energy)
- Author in About the first 6 toroidal field coils and 2 poloidal field coils completed by EU for ITER
- Author in Factory acceptance test and delivery of the first two poloidal field coils to ITER fusion facility
- Co-author in Completion and Installation of the ITER Lower Poloidal Field Coils PF5 & 6
- Co-author in Current Centre Line calculation method and results for ITER Poloidal Field Coils
- Co-author in Current Centre Line control, results and comparison after the manufacturing of the ITER Toroidal Field Coils
- Co-author in Metrology in process control for the European Toroidal Field Coil project
- Co-author in Status of the production of the European ITER Toroidal Field Coil Insertion.
Alessandro Bonito-Oliva
- Author in Manufacturing of ITER PF2-6 Coil
- François BONNE (CEA)
- Simon Bonnin (CERN)
- Matthias Bonora (CERN)
- Chang-Jin Boo (Jeju International University)
- Jan Borburgh (CERN)
Bernardo Bordini
- Author in Effect of the sub-elements layout on the electro-mechanical properties of high Jc Nb3Sn wires under transverse load
- Author in Magnetic and Electromechanical Characterization of a High-Jc RRP wire for the MQXF Cable
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Author in The Nb3Sn superconductor procured for the High Luminosity Upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider
- Co-author in Characterizing performance degradation through the analysis of V-I measurements in Nb3Sn accelerator magnets
- Lorenzo Bortot (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt (DE))
- Alyona Bortsova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia)
- Hans-Stephan Bosch (MPI für Plasmaphysik)
- Daniela Boso (University of Padova)
Ernesto Bosque
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Quench Protection and Cyclic Fatigue Test Results for MTI Coils in the 40T All-superconducting Magnet Project at the NHMFL
- Co-author in Cyclic Axial Pressure Limits of REBCO Double Pancake Coils with Variable Co-wind Dimensions at 77 K
Ernesto Bosque
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Author in Experimental Study on Effectiveness of Different Reinforcement Layouts Applied to Recent Bi-2212 Test Coils
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Author in Test Results of Alternative Magnet Technologies for HTS Magnet Quench Detection and Protection
- Author in Use of Critical Current Distribution Measurements in Bi-2212 Round Wires as a tool to significantly enhance and stabilize the $J_{\text{c}}$ properties
- Co-author in Lap joint resistivity and crossover resistance of REBCO conductors and coils
Rodger Bossert
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Design of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Co-author in Fabrication of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in US-HiLumi Accelerator Upgrade Project Pre-series Cryo-Assembly 01 Production and First Results
Luca Bottura
- Author in Feasibility Study of GaToroid Gantries for Carbon Ions
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Author in The Nb3Sn superconductor procured for the High Luminosity Upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider
- Co-author in Characterizing performance degradation through the analysis of V-I measurements in Nb3Sn accelerator magnets
- Nicolas BOULANT (CEA)
- Konstantinos Bouloukakis (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Nicolas Bourcey (CERN)
- Thierry Boutboul (F4E)
- Denis Bouziat (CEA-Saclay)
- Griffin Bradford (FSU - NHMFL - ASC)
- Alexey Bragin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Aleksei Bragin (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
Jeffrey Brandt
- Co-author in Status of mu2e Transport Solenoid cold mass
- Philippe Bredy (CEA Saclay)
- Marcel Breitenbach (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
Marco Breschi
(Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))
- Author in Analysis of AC losses in the tests of the ITER CS Module #2
- Author in Comparative electromechanical study of different Nb3Sn CICC designs for tokamaks with FE simulations
- Co-author in Analysis of the Defect-Irrelevant behavior of a No-Insulation HTS pancake coil including multiple superconductive joints
- Co-author in Current and temperature distributions in HTS coils with and without insulation in a layer-wound configuration
- Co-author in Development of a AC Loss Model for the ITER CS Coils
- Matthew Bristow (Tokamak Energy Ltd)
- Greg Brittles (Tokamak Energy)
- Francesco Broggi (INFN - LASA Lab.)
- Justin Brooks (Robinson Research Institute)
- Alan Bross (Fermilab)
Lucas Brouwer
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Author in Assembly and mechanical analysis of the Canted-Cosine-Theta subscale magnets
- Author in Design and Test of a Superconducting Lens for an Ultra-Stable Electron Microscope
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in Design of CCT6: a large-aperture, 12 T, Nb3Sn Dipole Magnet
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Mechanical and thermal analysis of an HTS superconducting magnet for an achromatic gantry for proton therapy
- Author in Numerical Modelling of the Interfacial Debonding in Superconducting Magnets
- Author in Persistent Current Stabilization and Tuning of Bi-2223 HTS Coils
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
- Andrew Bruton (Iter)
- Pierluigi Bruzzone (EPFL-SPC, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland)
Pierluigi Bruzzone
- Author in DC and AC characterization of a Low-Field Nb3Sn prototype conductor for a DEMO TF Coil
- Author in Measurements of AC loss evolution in ITER TF Conductors
- Author in Progress on the Design of the 15 T Magnet of the EDIPO Test Facility
- Co-author in Engineering the main structures of the DEMO fusion reactor magnet system
- Co-author in Heat Treatment Optimization on Nb3Sn Strands Based on Electrical and Physical Properties
- Co-author in Preliminary Design of a High Current R&W TF Coil Conductor for the EU DEMO
- Benjamin Bryant (Oxford Instruments Nanoscience)
- Alexandr Bryazgin (BINP)
Kyle Buchholz
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Co-author in Cyclic Axial Pressure Limits of REBCO Double Pancake Coils with Variable Co-wind Dimensions at 77 K
- Co-author in Lap joint resistivity and crossover resistance of REBCO conductors and coils
- Co-author in Quench Protection and Cyclic Fatigue Test Results for MTI Coils in the 40T All-superconducting Magnet Project at the NHMFL
- Nathan Bultman (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University )
- Chris Bumby (Victoria University of Wellington)
- William Burger (Universita degli Studi di Trento and INFN (IT))
- Sergio Burioli (INFN Genova)
- Victor Bykov (Max-Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics)
- Nikolay Bykovskiy (EPFL-SPC)
Lim Byung Su
- Author in About the first 6 toroidal field coils and 2 poloidal field coils completed by EU for ITER
- Co-author in Completion and Installation of the ITER Lower Poloidal Field Coils PF5 & 6
- Co-author in Factory acceptance test and delivery of the first two poloidal field coils to ITER fusion facility
- Zhenming Cai (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology)
Yang Cai
- Author in A novel cryogenic model for SiC MOSFET
- Yang Cai
- Yang Cai
- Hongru Cai (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Zhenming Cai (Huazhong university of science and technology)
- Zhenming Cai (Huazhong university of science and technology)
Yang Cai
- Author in A Novel Quench Detection Method for SMES
- Yang Cai
- Chuanbing Cai (Shanghai University)
- Barbara Caiffi
- Giacomo Calchi (Fusion for Energy)
- Valerio Calvelli
- Ciro Calzolaio (Paul Scherrer Institut)
- Marco Campaniello (SAES Getters)
- Matthieu Canale (Universite de Savoie Mont-Blanc (FR))
- Marco Canetti (Unknown)
- Simon Canfer (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
- Quanliang Cao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Quanliang Cao (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Quanliang Cao
- Alessio Capelluto (ASG Superconductors)
- Ruben Horacio Carcagno
- David Cardwell (University of Cambridge)
- David Carrillo (CERN)
- Pedro CARVAS (F4E)
- Frederic Carville (GANIL)
- Valerie Casarin (Fusion for Energy)
- Maria Paz Casas Lino (Unknown)
Shlomo Caspi
- Author in Assembly and mechanical analysis of the Canted-Cosine-Theta subscale magnets
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Alessandro Cattabiani
- Antomne Caunes (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
- Lorenzo Cavallucci (University of Bologna)
- Eugenio Cavanna (ASG)
- Isadora Cavassani (CNPEM)
- Giuseppe Celentano
- Roberto Cereseto (INFN Genova)
Yoon Seok Chae
(Jeju National University)
- Author in Analysis and Experiments on Electrical and Thermal Characteristics of REBCO Racetrack Coil co-wound by Stainless Steel Tape under asynchronous rotating magnetic field
- Co-author in Investigation on Quench and Normal Zone Propagation Behaviors of REBCO Coil wound by vanadium III oxide turn-to-turn insulator
- Co-author in Investigation on thermal and electrical stabilities of REBCO coil insulated by vanadium III oxide under various disturbance environments
- Yiliang Chai
- Wei Chang (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University )
- Wei-Hsuan Chang (National Cheng Kung University)
- Li Changxing (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Zhang Chao (Shanghai Superconductor Co., Ltd.)
- Kostopoulos Charalampos (Fusion for Energy)
- K. T. Chau (HKU)
- Xavier CHAUD (Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses ‐ European Magnetic Field Laboratory, UPR3228 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Univ. Grenoble ‐Alpes, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse, Univ. Paul Sabatier)
- Elizabeth Chavira (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
- Peter Cheetham (Center for Advanced Power Systems)
- Najib Cheggour (FSU)
- Xin Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Wenge Chen
- Shunzhong Chen (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Shunzhong Chen (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Chih Wei Chen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Yuan Chen (University of Science and Technology of China)
- yi wen chen (上海交通大学)
- wan chen
- Hsiung Chen (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Geng Chen (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology)
Yuquan Chen
- Author in An electro-thermal coupling model of quench protection using nonlinear quench-back for superconducting magnets
- Author in Development of a demountable joint for NUCLOTRON type cable
- Author in Electromagnetic Design of a 6 T Cos-theta Fast Cycling Dipole Model
- Author in Fabrication and Test of a 1.5 T Cryogen-Free HTS Magnet for the Heavy Ion Spectrometer
- Author in Magnet Design of the Electron Cooling System for HIAF
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Mirror Structure for the full-length Nb3Sn Sextupole Coil of 45 GHz ECR Ion Source
- Author in Mechanical validation of the Combined Support Structure for FECR Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet Prototype
- Author in Quench analysis and experiment of FECR prototype Nb3Sn superconducting magnet
- Author in Quench Detection and Voltage Spikes Analysis of the FECR Half-scale Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Co-author in Designing a Large-gap Superferric Dipole Magnet for CEE
- Long Chen (China Three Gorges University)
- Fusan Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 1000049, China)
- Dachuan Chen
- Shunzhong Chen (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- In-Gann chen (National Cheng Kung University)
- Panpan Chen
- Qushan Chen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Nan Chen (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Shunzhong Chen (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Shunzhong Chen (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Shunzhong Chen (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jianya Chen (WST)
- Shunzhong Chen (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jessica Cheng (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yanxing Cheng (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- yue cheng (Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Daniel Cheng
- Author in An examination of the mechanical performance of the 4.5 m long MQXFA Pre-Series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in Superconducting coil stress specifications for the series production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC
- Yuan Cheng ( Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Junsheng Cheng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Enrico Chesta (CERN)
- Geoffroy CHEVALLIER (Université de Toulouse, CIRIMAT, CNRS-INPT-UPS)
- Sandro Chiarelli (ENEA)
- Seiya Chida (National Institute of Technology, Ichinoseki College)
- Luisa Chiesa (Tufts University)
- Hirotaka Chikaraishi
Noriko Chikumoto
(Chubu University)
- Author in Application of direct diffusion bonding technique for preparation of low-resistivity joint in REBCO coated conductors
- Co-author in Current- transport properties of HTS-FAIR conductor at variable temperatures in high magnetic field
- Co-author in Gas-cooled Peltier current leads for compact HTS devices
- T. W. Ching (University of Macau)
- Ohgane Chiori (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Antonella Chiuchiolo (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
Guram Chlachidze
- Author in A Quench Detection and Monitoring System for Superconducting Magnets at Fermilab
- Author in Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Upgrade Overview and Commissioning
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Co-author in Analysis of quench data and performance of MDPCT1 – the 15 T Nb3Sn dipole demonstrator
- Co-author in Designing a Magnetic Measurement Data Acquisition and Control System with Reuse in Mind: A Rotating Coil System Example
- Co-author in Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Cryogenic System Upgrade and Commissioning
- Eun Jung Cho (GSI)
Han-Wook Cho
(Chungnam National University)
- Author in Design and Preliminary Experiments of Rotating Armature Partial Superconducting Air Core Generator
- Co-author in Comparative Study of MW class Superconducting Machines according to Shielding and Electromagnetic Structures Based on Analytical Method
- Co-author in Experimental and Comparative Study of Noise Vibrations and Harshness of Permanent Magnet Machines according to Rotor Eccentricity with Two Different Fractional Pole/Slot Combinations
Jang Young Choi
(Chungnam National University)
- Co-author in Comparative Study of MW class Superconducting Machines according to Shielding and Electromagnetic Structures Based on Analytical Method
- Co-author in Experimental and Comparative Study of Noise Vibrations and Harshness of Permanent Magnet Machines according to Rotor Eccentricity with Two Different Fractional Pole/Slot Combinations
Kibum Choi
(Seoul National University)
- Author in Design of a Cryogen-free 6 T 320 mm All-REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Comparative Design Study of HTS Synchronous Motor with Inner and Outer Rotor Type Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
- Co-author in Experiment and analysis of spatial electromagnetic and thermal behaviors during quench propagation in no-insulation HTS coil with multi-physics distributed-circuit approach
- Co-author in Real-time Field Mapping of Screening Current induced Fields in an HTS Pancake Coil using a Hall Sensor Array
- Co-author in Temperature Considered Active Feedback Control of No-Insulation HTS Magnet
- Yoonhyuck Choi (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at Michigan State University)
- Jun Hyuk Choi (Sam Dong Co., Ltd.)
- Yeon Suk Choi
- Kyeongdal Choi (Korea Polytechnic University)
- Seyong Choi (Kangwon National University)
- Jongho Choi (Supercoil Co., Ltd.)
- Yong Chu (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)
- yong chu
- Nikolay Chumakov (NRC Kurchatov institute)
Yoon Do Chung
(Suwon Science College)
- Author in Conceptual Design of Multi Power Receivers for Wireless Power Supply of Quench Detector with Highly Insulating Stability under Superconducting High Field Magnet
- Author in Design and Performance for Wireless Power Charging Module combined with HTS Resonance Coils under Different Frequency Ranges in Superconducting MAGLEV Trainv
- Vito Cientanni (University of Cambridge)
- James Ciston (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- James Citadini (Brazilian Center for Research in Materials and Energy)
- Todd Claybaugh (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
- Bradley Claypool (Fermilab)
- Matthew Clegg (University of Leicester)
- Dominic Coll (M&I Materials Ltd)
Edward Collings
(The Ohio State University)
- Author in Dipole magnets wound using YBCO cables - FEM stability issues modeling
- Author in Electrical and Thermal Contact Resistance in ReBCO Stacks and Cables with Modified Surfaces
- Author in FEM modeling of superconducting whole body, actively shielded 7 T MRI magnets wound using Nb3Sn strands
- Author in Magnetization measurements of Bi-2212 Rutherford cable using a ± 3-T magnetometer
- Author in Numerical Study of Temperature Distribution within a Conduction-Cooled, MgB2 MRI Coil Segment
- Author in Simulation and Experiments on an AC-Injection Active Protection Scheme for a Conduction Cooled, React-and-Wind, MgB2 MRI Coil Segment
- Author in Stability and current sharing in YBCO cables – impact of broken elements - FEM modeling
- Crhis Compton (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University )
Lance Cooley
- Author in [Invited] Analysis of the production of MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC at 50% coil fabrication
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
Tim Coombs
- Author in Compact MRI
- Author in Conceptual Design and Optimisation of HTS Roebel Tapes
- Author in High performance switch design for HTS transformer rectifier type flux pump
- Author in High temperature superconducting magnet wireless power transmission technology based on flux pump
- Author in Numerical study of quench behaviour in YBCO CORC cables
- Co-author in A Novel Switch Design for Compact HTS Flux Pumps
- Co-author in Dynamic loss and magnetization loss of HTS coated conductors with magnetic substrate
- Co-author in Numerical Modeling for Electrical Machines with Superconducting Windings using H-A formulation
Valentina Corato
- Author in [Invited] Strategy for developing the EU-DEMO Magnet System in the Conceptual Design Phase
- Author in A top-down modeling approach for DEMO magnetic system
- Author in Analysis of the Quench Experiments on HTS conductors
- Author in DC and AC characterization of a Low-Field Nb3Sn prototype conductor for a DEMO TF Coil
- Author in DEMO fusion reactor Toroidal Field coil optimized layer-wound design
- Co-author in Engineering and Structural Assessment for the updated design of the DTT Central Solenoid
- Co-author in Engineering the main structures of the DEMO fusion reactor magnet system
- Co-author in Preliminary Design of a High Current R&W TF Coil Conductor for the EU DEMO
- Co-author in Various methodologies used in the mechanical analysis of TF coils for EU DEMO
- Carl Cormany (Iter)
- Simon Corrodi (ANL)
Todd Corwin
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Phasing Magnet for CSX-2 beamline at NSLS-II
- John Cozzolino (Unknown)
- Mickael Denis Crouvizier (CERN)
- Thomas Cummings (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
- Benoit Cure (CERN)
- Anang Dadhich (Institute of Electrical Engineering, SAV)
- Chao Dai (Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Yinming Dai (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yinming Dai (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yinming Dai (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Chao Dai (Institute of Plasma Physics, CAS)
- Tianli Dai (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Chao Dai
(Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Author in Cable R&D Program for 14T MRI
Masanori Daibo
- Author in Low resistance soldered joint of REBCO coated conductors with novel Ag-dispersed structure
- Author in Recent progress of RE-based High Temperature Superconductors at Fujikura
- Co-author in Electromagnetic characteristics of two-tape co-winding REBCO coil including local defects
- Co-author in Quench protection study of a large scale REBCO magnet with additional copper tapes
- Kazuhiro Daiho (Hokkaido University)
- Michael Daly
- Magnus Dam
Haizheng Dang
(State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in A long-life, high-capacity and high-efficiency cryogenic system developed for high-Tc superconducting magnet applications
- Co-author in Design and experimental investigations on the helium circulating cooling system operating at around 20 K for a 10-Mvar class HTS dynamic synchronous condenser
- Laura D'Angelo (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
- Raju Daniel (Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar-382 428 Gujarat, India & Homi Bhaba National Institute, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai-400 085, Maharashtra, India)
- Hoa Dao (SuperOx Japan LLC)
Daniel Davis
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Author in Experimental Study on Effectiveness of Different Reinforcement Layouts Applied to Recent Bi-2212 Test Coils
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Author in Test Results of Alternative Magnet Technologies for HTS Magnet Quench Detection and Protection
- Author in Use of Critical Current Distribution Measurements in Bi-2212 Round Wires as a tool to significantly enhance and stabilize the $J_{\text{c}}$ properties
- Sam Davis (Fusion for Energy)
- Philippe De Antoni (CEA - Saclay)
- Marco De Bastiani (Politecnico di Torino)
- Francois Debray (CNRS)
- Tim de Bruin (High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML-EMFL), Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
- Patrick Decool (CEA)
- Nikkie Deelen (CERN)
- Rafael Defavari (CNPEM - Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source)
- Herbert De Gersem (TU Darmstadt)
- Pavel Degtyarenko (S-Innovations LLC)
- morgan DELBECQ (sigmaphi)
- Michael De Leon (Andong National University)
- Dimitri Delkov (CERN)
Antonio Della corte
- Author in DC and AC characterization of a Low-Field Nb3Sn prototype conductor for a DEMO TF Coil
- Author in DEMO fusion reactor Toroidal Field coil optimized layer-wound design
- Author in Designing and Manufacturing of REBCO-based Al-slotted core Cable-In–Conduit Conductors for quench experiments
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Co-author in Design and structural assessment overview of the DTT TFC system
- Co-author in Engineering and Structural Assessment for the updated design of the DTT Central Solenoid
- Co-author in Engineering the main structures of the DEMO fusion reactor magnet system
- Co-author in Magnetic and Electromechanical Characterization of a High-Jc RRP wire for the MQXF Cable
- Co-author in Preliminary structural analysis of the DTT current feeders conductors and clamps
- Co-author in Updated structural assessment of the Poloidal Field Coils of the DTT tokamak
- Beatriz Del Valle Grande (RUAG Slip Rings SA)
Gianluca De Marzi
(ENEA, 00044 Frascati, Italy)
- Author in Behavior of Bi-2212 wires above liquid Helium temperature: critical current, irreversibility field and filaments coupling
- Author in Designing and Manufacturing of REBCO-based Al-slotted core Cable-In–Conduit Conductors for quench experiments
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Co-author in Engineering and Structural Assessment for the updated design of the DTT Central Solenoid
- Co-author in Evaluation of the thermal performance of the SC Feeders for the magnetic system of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility
- Gianluca De Marzi (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
Gianluca De Marzi
(INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
- Author in DC and AC characterization of a Low-Field Nb3Sn prototype conductor for a DEMO TF Coil
- Author in Magnetic and Electromechanical Characterization of a High-Jc RRP wire for the MQXF Cable
- Co-author in Heat Treatment Optimization on Nb3Sn Strands Based on Electrical and Physical Properties
- Co-author in Preliminary structural analysis of the DTT current feeders conductors and clamps
- Federica Dematte (EPFL)
Ernesto De Matteis
- Author in Advanced electrical quality assurance methods for the series production of the superconducting coils of the HL-LHC high order corrector magnets
- Author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Nb3Sn Cos-theta Short Model Dipole for the Future Circular Collider
- Author in Preliminary study of 4 T superconducting dipoles for a light rotating gantry for ion-therapy
- Eugeni Demikhov (FIAN)
- Loïc DENARIE (CEA Paris Saclay)
- Loïc Denarie (CEA)
- Peter Denes (LBNL)
Zigang Deng
- Author in A High-Speed Maglev Test Rig Designed for HTS Pining Levitation and Electrodynamic Levitation
- Author in Dynamic Response of HTS Pinning Maglev System Under High Frequency Excitation
- Author in Levitation characteristics of high-temperature superconducting bulks under different orientations and arrays
- Author in Multi-Mode Vibration Suppression of High-Temperature Superconducting Maglev System Via Negative Resistance Electromagnetic Shunt Damper
- Author in Vibration Characteristics of HTS Maglev System Levitated Above a Halbach Permanent Magnet Track
- Co-author in Influence of Traction Rod on the Dynamic Performance of High-temperature Superconducting Maglev Vehicle
- Co-author in Running State Detection of HTS Pining Maglev System Based on Deep Learning Algorithms
- Changdong Deng (institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
- Anthony Dennis (University of Cambridge)
- Andries den Ouden (Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
- Reiner Denz (CERN)
- Henrique de O. Caiafa Duarte (CNPEM)
- Gijs De Rijk (CERN)
- Vincent Jeremy Desbiolles (CERN)
- Arnaud Devred (CERN)
- Mukesh Dhakarwal (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization/KEK)
Marc Dhallé
(University of Twente)
- Author in [Invited] Modelling and characterization of a ReBCO HTS degaussing demonstrator
- Co-author in [Invited] Assembly and Test of the world’s first conduction-cooled NbTi Magnet System for Magnetic Density Separation
- Co-author in Characterizing performance degradation through the analysis of V-I measurements in Nb3Sn accelerator magnets
- Co-author in Feasibility of different cryogenic systems for ReBCO coils based high-dynamic superconducting actuators
- Co-author in Introduction and results of the Bonding Experiments (BOX).
- Chris Dhulst (Bekaert)
- Mark Angelo Diaz (Andong National University)
- Ortensia Dicuonzo (EPFL-SPC)
- Ventura Diego (asg)
- Guillaume Dilasser (CEA)
Joseph DiMarco
- Author in Field Quality Measurements of High-Temperature Superconducting Canted Cosine Theta Accelerator Magnets
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in Flex-PCB quench antenna developments at FNAL
- Author in Magnetic Measurement and Cold Test Results of the Mu2e Transport Solenoid Coils
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Co-author in An examination of the mechanical performance of the 4.5 m long MQXFA Pre-Series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
- Co-author in Designing a Magnetic Measurement Data Acquisition and Control System with Reuse in Mind: A Rotating Coil System Example
- Co-author in Fabrication of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in ITER Outer Vessel Steady-State magnetic sensor calibration
- Co-author in US-HiLumi Accelerator Upgrade Project Pre-series Cryo-Assembly 01 Production and First Results
- Hongfa Ding (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Kaizhong Ding (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Lea Di Noto (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
- Steffen Dittrich (Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Iain Dixon
(Florida State University)
- Author in A Pulse Forming Network Power Supply for Quench Protection Heaters
- Author in Cyclic Axial Pressure Limits of REBCO Double Pancake Coils with Variable Co-wind Dimensions at 77 K
- Author in Redesign and rebuild of the Coils for the 60 T Controlled Waveform Magnet at the NHMFL
- Co-author in [Invited] Status of the HFML-Nijmegen 45 T Hybrid Magnet
- Co-author in Lap joint resistivity and crossover resistance of REBCO conductors and coils
- Co-author in Quench Protection and Cyclic Fatigue Test Results for MTI Coils in the 40T All-superconducting Magnet Project at the NHMFL
Aldo Di Zenobio
- Author in Analysis of the thermal-hydraulic effects of a plasma disruption on the DTT magnet system
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Co-author in Design and structural assessment overview of the DTT TFC system
- Co-author in Engineering and Structural Assessment for the updated design of the DTT Central Solenoid
- Co-author in Evaluation of the thermal performance of the SC Feeders for the magnetic system of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility
- Co-author in Preliminary structural analysis of the DTT current feeders conductors and clamps
- Co-author in Updated structural assessment of the Poloidal Field Coils of the DTT tokamak
- Steffen Doebert (CERN)
- Yutaro Doi (Kyushu university)
- Nello Dolgetta
- David Doll (Hyper Tech Research)
- Manuel Ángel Domínguez Martínez (Ciemat)
- Tenghui Dong (Kyoto university)
- Fangliang Dong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Song Dongbin (School of Astronautics, Beihang University)
- Alun Down (Tokamak Energy Ltd)
- Jennifer Doyle (LBNL)
- Oleksiy Drachenko (CNRS-LNCMI)
- Giovanni Drago (Unknown)
- Valeriy Drobin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Antoine Drouart (CEA)
Ho Ik Du
(Jeonbuk National University)
- Author in Comparison of Current Limiting Characteristics of REBCO Superconducting Wire of the Electrical Coupling Condition between Core and Coil
- Author in Study on AC Over-Current Characteristics with the Physical Properties of the Outer Layer of REBCO Superconducting Wire Having Composite Structure Using RF Sputtering Deposition Method
- Shuangsong Du (ASIPP, China)
- Zhuoyue Du (Institute of Modern Physics ,Chinese Academy of Science)
- Shuangsong Du
- Pu Duan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Delio Duarte Ramos (CERN)
- Olivier DUBOIS (CEA)
- Jean-Luc Duchateau (CEA Cadarache - IRFM)
Michal Duda
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in NI test coil program at the Paul Scherrer Institute
Alexey Dudarev
- Author in CERN North Area Multi-Purpose Superconducting Magnet Facility
- Co-author in Design and quench analysis for transparent superconducting solenoids for the Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerators at the lepton Future Circular Collider
- Co-author in Method of Manufacturing Fast Ramping Non-Insulated HTS Pancake Coils
- Izudin Dugic
- Olaf Dunkel (CERN)
- Ivan Duran (IPP)
- Oscar Duran Lucas (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
- Unai Duranona (CEA)
- Maria Durante
- John Durrell (University of Cambridge)
- Damien Durville (Paris-Saclay University)
Bertrand Dutoit
- Author in Feasibility Study of GaToroid Gantries for Carbon Ions
- Author in Modeling stabilizer and superconducting inhomogeneities of commercial REBCO tapes with a 1-D electro-thermal model
- Author in Optical fiber based quench detection in HTS applications using feature extraction on response signal
- Daisuke Echizenya (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
- Hiroshi Eisaki (AIST)
- Jack Ekin (LBNL)
- Vijayakumar Elayapan (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, Korea)
- Luciano Elementi (Fermilab)
- Abdelrahman El-Wakeel (University of Strathclyde)
- Lamar English (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Slavomir Entler (Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS)
- Beomyong Eom (SuperGenics Corporation, Limited)
- Peter Ercius (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Alexandre Esper (Ganil)
Antonio Estevez Fornari
- Co-author in Fabrication and Power Test of last MCBXFB Magnets
- Claude ESTOURNÈS (Université de Toulouse, CIRIMAT, CNRS-INPT-UPS)
- Nicholas Evans (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Daniel Evbota (Fermilab)
- David Everitt (5ak Ridge National Laboratory, US ITER Project)
Pasquale Fabbricatore
(INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
- Author in A complete magnetic design for the DUNE ND-GAr solenoid magnet
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Nb3Sn Cos-theta Short Model Dipole for the Future Circular Collider
- Author in The separation-recombination dipole MBRD for the High-Luminosity LHC: from prototype to series
- Co-author in Status of mu2e Transport Solenoid cold mass
- Simon Fabrice (ITER)
- Peng Fan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Junxian Fan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Pierluigi Fanelli (University of Tuscia, Department of Economy, Engineering, Society and Business Organization (DEIM))
- Zhen Fang
- Muhammad Umar Fareed (University of Leicester)
Stefania Farinon
(INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
- Author in A complete magnetic design for the DUNE ND-GAr solenoid magnet
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Nb3Sn Cos-theta Short Model Dipole for the Future Circular Collider
- Author in The separation-recombination dipole MBRD for the High-Luminosity LHC: from prototype to series
- Co-author in Design and Digital Twin of INFN’s main Nb3Sn 15T Dipole for CERN’s FCC
philippe fazilleau
- Author in Modeling of screening currents in superconducting non-insulated REBCO magnets: fast and accurate 2D approach
- Author in Self-protecting behavior of Metal-as-Insulation windings made of High Temperature Superconductor tapes
- Author in Transient behavior of a REBCO No-Insulation or Metal-as-Insulation multi-pancakes-or racetracks- coil using a Partial Element Equivalent Circuit model.
- Co-author in Metal-as-Insulation HTS Insert for Very-High-Field Magnet: A Test Report after Repairment
- Gianfranco Federici (EUROFusion)
Sandor Feher
- Author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Author in A Quench Detection and Monitoring System for Superconducting Magnets at Fermilab
- Author in Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Upgrade Overview and Commissioning
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Co-author in Design of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in Fabrication of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Cryogenic System Upgrade and Commissioning
- Co-author in Software Architecture and Hardware Organization in Mu2e Solenoid Field Mapping System
- Co-author in US-HiLumi Accelerator Upgrade Project Pre-series Cryo-Assembly 01 Production and First Results
- NING Feipeng (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Enrico Felcini (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
Roland Felder
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Co-author in NI test coil program at the Paul Scherrer Institute
Helene Felice
- Author in 3D Conceptual Design of R2D2, the Research Racetrack Dipole Demonstrator
- Author in Dimensional Changes Measurement of Nb3Sn Cables and Strands during Heat Treatment Using Digital Image Correlation
- Author in Multiphysics study of phase transformations in Nb3Sn strands during Heat Treatment
- Co-author in Test Results of the MQYYM: a 90 mm NbTi quadrupole magnet option for HL-LHC
- Changle Feng (ASIPP,China)
- Wentian Feng (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)
- Jianqing Feng (Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research)
- Yong Feng (WST)
- Wen-Tian Feng
- Ze Feng (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Gerard Ferlin (CERN)
- Alejandro Fernandez (CIEMAT)
Paolo Ferracin
- Author in 20 T Hybrid Nb3Sn-HTS Block-coil Design for a Future Particle Collider
- Author in [Invited] A subscale canted cosθ dipole magnet using high-temperature superconducting STAR™ wires
- Author in [Invited] Analysis of the production of MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC at 50% coil fabrication
- Author in Assembly and mechanical analysis of the Canted-Cosine-Theta subscale magnets
- Author in Conceptual design optimization of a 20 T hybrid cos-theta dipole superconducting magnet for future High-Energy particle accelerators.
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in Design of CCT6: a large-aperture, 12 T, Nb3Sn Dipole Magnet
- Author in Distributed fiber optic sensing to identify locations of resistive transitions in REBCO conductors and magnets
- Author in Engineering design of a large aperture 15 T cable test facility dipole magnet
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Numerical Modelling of the Interfacial Debonding in Superconducting Magnets
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Author in Superconducting coil stress specifications for the series production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
- Co-author in An examination of the mechanical performance of the 4.5 m long MQXFA Pre-Series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
Salvador Ferradas Troitino
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Author in Protection strategy and quench study of MCBXF magnets
- Co-author in Construction and test of the enhanced Racetrack Model Coil, first CERN R&D magnet for the FCC
- Co-author in Fabrication and Power Test of last MCBXFB Magnets
- Jose Ferradas Troitino (CERN)
- Federico Ferraro (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)
- Marc Ferrater (Fusion for Energy)
- Nelson FERREIRA (Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, EMFL, CNRS-INSA-UGA-UPS)
- Vittorio Ferrentino (CERN)
- Vittorio Ferrentino (Universita e sezione INFN di Napoli (IT))
- Sergey Fetisov (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute)
Chiarasole Fiamozzi Zignani
- Author in DC and AC characterization of a Low-Field Nb3Sn prototype conductor for a DEMO TF Coil
- Author in DEMO fusion reactor Toroidal Field coil optimized layer-wound design
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Co-author in Primary quench detection analysis for DTT Central soledoid (CS) and polidal field coils (PF)
- Walter Fietz (KIT)
- Stefan Findeisen (Department of Research Technology, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
Lucio Fiscarelli
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Co-author in Fabrication and Power Test of last MCBXFB Magnets
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Co-author in Test Results of the MQYYM: a 90 mm NbTi quadrupole magnet option for HL-LHC
- Stefan Flassig (Bilfinger Noell GmbH )
- Jerome Fleiter (CERN)
- Frederick Forest (SIGMAPHI)
- Andrea Formichetti (ICAS)
- Andrea Formichetti (ICAS)
Eric Forton
(IBA - Ion Beam Applications)
- Author in [Plenary] Radiation Therapy Systems
Arnaud Pascal Foussat
- Author in Conceptual Design of the HL-LHC Hollow electron lens superconducting magnet system
- Author in Superconducting Curved Canted-Cosine-Theta (CCT) Nested and Combined Error Free Dipole Quadrupole Fields Coil Geometry for the HIE-ISOLDE Recoil Separator Ring Project.
- Author in The separation-recombination dipole MBRD for the High-Luminosity LHC: from prototype to series
- Co-author in Mechanical characterisation of Nb3Sn cable insulation systems at ambient and cryogenic temperature used for HL-LHC accelerator magnets.
- Co-author in Quench Protection of the HL-LHC Hollow Electron Lens Superconducting Solenoid Magnets
- Co-author in Test Results of the MQYYM: a 90 mm NbTi quadrupole magnet option for HL-LHC
Ashleigh Francis
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Author in The effects of nanostructure on Jc(B, T) in ReBCO coated conductors at multiple angles
- Rosa Freda (ENEA)
- Fabio Freschi (Politecnico di Torino)
- Kevin Freudenberg (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Tobias Freund (Bilfinger Noell GmbH )
- Paul Frings (LNCMI - CNRS - UPS - INSA - UGA)
- Chiara Frittitta (EPFL)
- Yannick Froidevaux (Sigmaphi)
Yutong Fu
(1.Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2.Chongqing University)
- Author in Comparison between T-A formulation and uniform current assumption for the critical current calculation of high temperature superconductor ReBCO coils
- Author in Electromagnetic Shielding Technique for No-insulation Superconducting Rotor Windings in Electrical Aircraft Propulsion
- Author in Magnetization Loss of no-insulation high temperature superconductor coil exposed to background fields
- Author in The influence of metal plates on quench protection of high temperature superconducting pancake coils
- wei fu (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Yao Fu
- Zhaodi Fu (Huaiyin Institute of Technology)
- Shuichiro Fuchino (The University of Tokyo)
- Tetsuya Fujimoto (Accelerator Engineering Corporation)
- Tetsuya Fujimoto (Accelerator Engineering Corporation)
Hiroyuki Fujishiro
(Iwate University)
- Author in Trapped field properties of MgB2 bulks prepared via an in-situ infiltration-reaction process using refined boron powders
- Co-author in Pulsed field magnetization of GdBaCuO superconducting bulks with high magnetization efficiency using a split type coil with a soft iron yoke
- Co-author in The influence of local heat generation in a REBaCuO ring bulk with large bore on mechanical fracture during pulsed-field magnetization
- Co-author in Validation of a high-gradient trapped field magnet with an open bore providing a quasi-microgravity space on Earth and its application to magnetic levitation
Shinji Fujita
(Fujikura Ltd.)
- Author in Low resistance soldered joint of REBCO coated conductors with novel Ag-dispersed structure
- Author in Quench Study on REBCO Coil for a HTS Sextupole Magnet
- Author in Recent progress of RE-based High Temperature Superconductors at Fujikura
- Co-author in Electromagnetic characteristics of two-tape co-winding REBCO coil including local defects
- Co-author in Quench protection study of a large scale REBCO magnet with additional copper tapes
- Shinji Fujita (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Kai Fukano (Sophia University)
- Yoshinori FUKAO (KEK)
- Hibiki Fukuda (Okayama University)
Mitsuhiro FUKUDA
- Author in An Optimal Configuration Method of Superconducting Magnet with Iron Shield using Model Order Reduction
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of screening current-induced magnetic field in HTS coil system of Skelton Cyclotron for targeted alpha-particle therapy
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Mechanical Behavior of No-insulation REBCO Pancake Coils in Skeleton Cyclotron
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Quench Behavior of REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
Kazuma Fukui
(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Te)
- Author in AC losses in JT-60SA magnets during commissioning: experimental analysis and simulations
- Author in Estimation of the Cool-Down Speed under the SHe inlet condition in JT-60SA CS module
- Author in The pressure drop measurement of JT-60SA superconducting magnets
- Author in Thermal characteristics of JT-60SA thermal shield
Satoshi Fukui
(Niigata University)
- Author in Investigation of AC Loss Characteristics of REBCO Armature Developed for 50 kW-class HTS Induction/Synchronous Motor
- Co-author in Development of Induction Heating Device Using HTS Magnet in Aluminum Extrusion Processing
- Co-author in Modeling of AC loss characteristics under electromagnetic conditions in High-temperature superconducting cable
- Ikkoh Funaki (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
- Shuhei Funaki (Shimane Univ.)
- Waku FUNAKOSHI (Kagoshima University)
- Kazuro Furukawa (KEK)
- Mitsuho Furuse (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
- Mitsuho Furuse (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technolog)
- Mitsuho Furuse (AIST)
- Muneo Futamura (Akita Prefectural University)
Yasuhiro Fuwa
(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Author in Development of Hybrid Multipole Permanent Magnet for High-Intensity Beam Transportation
- Author in Performance of Bipolar Correction Magnet with Permanent Magnets
- Author in Property of Praseodymium Permanent Magnet for Cryogenic Hybrid Magnet
- Author in Radiation-Induced Demagnetization Measurement of Permanent Magnet Materials by Systematic Neutron Irradiation
- Co-author in Magnetic Field Shielding with Superconductors
- Marat Gaifullin (SuperOx Japan LLC)
- Artur Galt (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
- Juan Galvez
- Tom Galvin (M&I materials ltd)
- Ravi Gampa (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Fabrizio Gangini (Unknown)
- Yusong Gao (Shanghai Jiao Tong university)
Peng Gao
(Institute of Plasma Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development of superconducting joints between bronze-route Nb3Sn multifilamentary wires for persistent-mode operation
- Author in Inter-wire contact force induced critical current degradation of Bi-2212/Ag round wires reacted with and with no pre-pressure
- Co-author in Critical current of various ReBCO tapes under uniaxial strain
- Yuhang Gao (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Yuhang Gao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Xiang Gao (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yuanwen Gao (Lanzhou University)
- Peifeng Gao (Lanzhou University)
- Hongye Gao (Kyushu University)
Laura Garcia Fajardo
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Author in Field Quality Measurements of High-Temperature Superconducting Canted Cosine Theta Accelerator Magnets
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Quench detection and protection of high-temperature superconducting magnets: The case of a Bi-2212 Rutherford cable canted-cosine-theta dipole magnet
- Francisco Garcia Lorenzo (Wedge Global)
- Jesus Angel Garcia Matos
- Luis Garcia-Tabares (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
- Valentin García- Vázquez (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla)
- Florent GAUTHIER (ITER Organization)
- Pierre Gavouyere-Lasserre (Fusion for Energy)
- Andrey Gavrilin (Florida State University, Florida, USA)
- Sergey Gavrilkin (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Enrique Gaxiola (ITER Organization)
- jian ge (asipp)
- Hui Ge
- Martin Geier (UNISINOS)
- Jianzhao Geng (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Clément Genot (CEA Paris Saclay)
- Luca Gentini (CERN)
- Thomas Gerhard (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- jean marc Gheller (CEA/IRFU)
William Ghiorso
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Author in [Invited] A subscale canted cosθ dipole magnet using high-temperature superconducting STAR™ wires
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
Lorenzo Giannini
- Author in A top-down modeling approach for DEMO magnetic system
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Author in Engineering and Structural Assessment for the updated design of the DTT Central Solenoid
- Author in Engineering the main structures of the DEMO fusion reactor magnet system
- Co-author in Design and structural assessment overview of the DTT TFC system
- Co-author in Preliminary structural analysis of the DTT current feeders conductors and clamps
- Co-author in Updated structural assessment of the Poloidal Field Coils of the DTT tokamak
- Graham Gilgrass (Aimant Ltd)
- James Gillman (ASC, NHMFL)
- Francesco Giorgetti (Università Tuscia)
- Francesco Giorgetti (University of Tuscia)
- Calabrò Giuseppe (University of Tuscia, Department of Economy, Engineering, Society and Business Organization (DEIM))
- Weronika Gluchowska (University of Wroclaw (PL))
- Efim Gluskin (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Mikhail Glyavin (IAP RAS)
- Byeong-Soo Go (Changwon National University)
- Robert Goddard (NHMFL)
- Robert Goddard (NHMFL)
- Pascal Godon (CEA)
- Romain Godon (CEA)
- Pablo Gómez (CIEMAT)
- Fedor Gömöry (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Tianyong Gong
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Author in AC losses of high temperature superconducting magnet under the external magnetic fields generated by the ground coils of electrodynamic suspension train
- Author in Design optimization and fabrication of HTS magnet with stepped cross-section
- Author in Design, fabrication and testing of a coated superconductor magnet for electrodynamic suspension
- Author in Levitation force enhancement of a magnetic bearing using the stator of hybrid superconducting magnet
- Author in Multi-objective Optimization Design for Null-flux Superconducting Electrodynamic Suspension Using NSGA-II and Response Surface Method
- Author in Numerical modelling and calculation of mechanical properties of HTS magnet wound with multi-thickness armored REBCO tapes
- Author in Structure Optimization of Linear Generator Coil in No-contact On-board Power Source for EDS Maglev
- Luis Antonio Gonzalez Gomez (CERN)
- Jisung Goo (Korea Polytechnic University)
- Quentin Gorit (CEA)
- Thodoris Gortsas (FEAC Engineering P.C.)
- Arsenii GORYNIN (École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay)
- Paul Goslawski (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB))
- Takuya Goto (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Yoshitaka Gotou (Kyoto University)
- Stephen Gourlay (LBNL)
- Cédric Grandclément (LNCMI-Grenoble, CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)
- Michael Green (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory)
- Bert Green (National High Magnetic FIeld Lab)
- David Greene (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University )
- Van Griffin (ASC, NHMFL)
- Francesco Grilli (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
- Veit Große (THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH)
- James Grudzinski (Argonne National Laboratory (ANL))
- Ming Gu (Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Mingzhi Guan
(The Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Internal strain responses of YBCO superconducting taps based using embedded and distributed FBGs under tensile,compression and bending loading
- Author in Mechanical validation of the Combined Support Structure for FECR Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet Prototype
- Author in Numerical investigation of thermoelastic coupling behaviors of stacks of high temperature superconductor during a quench
- Author in Strain measurements of a combined superconducting magnet on sextupole coils and solenoids during its assembly and excitation
- Author in The influence of friction between layers of coil on the magneto-mechanical behaviors of YBCO superconducting magnet
- Co-author in Non-uniform screening-current-induced mechanical strains in small-scale REBCO insert coils
- Leilei Guan (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
Shen Guang
- Author in [Invited] Engineering Design and R&D Work for Toroidal Field Superconducting Magnet of CFETR
- Author in Manufacturing of ITER PF2-6 Coil
- Co-author in Completion and Installation of the ITER Lower Poloidal Field Coils PF5 & 6
- Co-author in Factory acceptance test and delivery of the first two poloidal field coils to ITER fusion facility
- Wang Guangda (HUST)
- Xiao Guanyu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Roberto Guarino (EPFL-SPC)
- C Guarneros Aguilar (Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Materiales y Tecnología ́ıas para Energ ́ıa Salud y Medio Ambiente )
- Josep Guasch Martinez (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (ES))
- Quentin Guihard (CEA)
Michael Guinchard
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Co-author in Construction and test of the enhanced Racetrack Model Coil, first CERN R&D magnet for the FCC
- Co-author in Examination and Characterization of Physical and Mechanical Properties of the ITER Central Solenoid Module Coils
- Co-author in Fabrication and Power Test of last MCBXFB Magnets
- Scott Gundlach (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- CHEN-YU GUNG (ITER Organization)
shuqiang guo
(Huazhong University of Science and technology)
- Author in State predictive control of modular SMES magnet based on deep reinforcement learning
- Author in Thermal Stability Analysis of No-insulation Magnet under Dynamic Operational Conditions
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid-Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Junwei Guo (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Shuqiang Guo (Huazhong university of science and technology)
Wenyong Guo
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Author in A novel cryogenic model for SiC MOSFET
- Author in A Novel Quench Detection Method for SMES
- Author in An adaptive control strategy of electromagnetic bearing for flywheel energy storage based on online parameters identification
- Author in Current Source Converter Based Photovoltaic Synchronous Generator Incorporated with a SMES
- Author in Wind photovoltaic Synchronous Generating System integrating with a SMES for a Grid Forming Renewable Energy System
- Zimeng GUO (Kyushu University)
- Qiang Guo (WST)
- Shuqiang Guo
- Qiudong Guo (Chongqing Academy of science and technology)
- Liang Guo
- Zichuan Guo (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Ramesh Gupta
- Author in Conceptual design optimization of a 20 T hybrid cos-theta dipole superconducting magnet for future High-Energy particle accelerators.
- Author in Magnetic Design of the EIC IR Cable Magnets
- Author in Performance of a test coil wound from defect-tolerant second generation cable
- Author in Proof-of-Principle Demonstration of a Novel Overpass/Underpass High Field Dipole
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
- Valentin Guryev (NRC Kurchatov institute)
- Dong-Woo Ha (Korea Electric Research Institute)
- Taekyun Ha (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
Hongsoo Ha
(Korea electrotechnology research institute)
- Co-author in A Numerical and Experimental Study on Dynamic Operation of a Synchronous Rotating Machine with NI HTS Field Windings
- Co-author in Stability of a metal insulated 2G HTS coil under the external ac field
- Co-author in Thermal and electrical characteristics of NI HTS coil fabricated by diffusion bonding technique
Aurelio Hafalia
- Author in Assembly and mechanical analysis of the Canted-Cosine-Theta subscale magnets
- Author in Design and Test of a Superconducting Lens for an Ultra-Stable Electron Microscope
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in Engineering design of a large aperture 15 T cable test facility dipole magnet
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
Seungyong Hahn
(Seoul National University)
- Author in [Invited] Lessons Learned in No-insulation HTS Magnet Technology
- Co-author in A Numerical and Experimental Study on Dynamic Operation of a Synchronous Rotating Machine with NI HTS Field Windings
- Co-author in A study on the electrical contact resistance and thermal conductivity of soldered-metal insulation coil with conduction cooling
- Co-author in Adaptive Element Equivalent Circuit of No-Insulation High Temperature Superconductor Coil Containing Multiple Defects
- Co-author in Analysis of the Defect-Irrelevant behavior of a No-Insulation HTS pancake coil including multiple superconductive joints
- Co-author in Comparative Design Study of HTS Synchronous Motor with Inner and Outer Rotor Type Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
- Co-author in Conduction Cooling Test of Short Period NI HTS Undulator at Different Opearating Temperature Ranges 20-77 K
- Co-author in Design of a Cryogen-free 6 T 320 mm All-REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Effects of Friction Force on the Stress-Strain Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Co-Wound Using Intentionally Scratched Stainless Steel and GdBCO Tape
- Co-author in Experiment and analysis of spatial electromagnetic and thermal behaviors during quench propagation in no-insulation HTS coil with multi-physics distributed-circuit approach
- Co-author in Investigation on Time-Varying Behavior of No-Insulation HTS Field Coil for Synchronous Motors Considering Armature Reaction and Slotting Effect
- Co-author in Long-Term Operation Results of a Stack of Metal Insulation HTS Pancake Coils for SMES Applications
- Co-author in Real-time Field Mapping of Screening Current induced Fields in an HTS Pancake Coil using a Hall Sensor Array
- Co-author in Temperature Considered Active Feedback Control of No-Insulation HTS Magnet
- Co-author in Test and Analysis of Stacked-Tape-Wound Laboratory-Scale NI HTS TF Module Coil
- Co-author in Thermal-Quench Behavior of GdBCO Coils Wound with Grease Containing Various Fillers as Insulation Materials
- Garam HAHN (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yu Haiyang (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Alexandre Halbach (Tampere University)
Kazuya Hamada
(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Author in AC losses in JT-60SA magnets during commissioning: experimental analysis and simulations
- Author in Estimation of the Cool-Down Speed under the SHe inlet condition in JT-60SA CS module
- Author in Investigation of Transient Response caused by Power Supply on JT-60SA Central Solenoid
- Author in Thermal characteristics of JT-60SA thermal shield
- Co-author in The pressure drop measurement of JT-60SA superconducting magnets
- Mamoru Hamada (JASTEC)
- Shinji Hamaguchi (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Takataro Hamajima (Tohoku University)
- Jinwoo Han (Korea Polytechnic University)
- Ke Han
- Xiaotao Han
Houxiang HAN
- Author in Design of DC Magnet for Super-X Test Facility
- Co-author in Analysis of Radial Preload of 14 T MRI Magnet
- Ke Han (Florida State University)
- Xiaotao Han (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center)
- Peng Han (North Information Control Research Academy Group Co.,Ltd)
- Ke Han (Florida State University)
(joungwon university)
- Author in Analysis on Fault Current Limiting and Recovery Characteristics of Three-Phase Transformer Type SFCL using Two SMs between Secondary Windings
- Co-author in DC Fault Current Limiting Characteristics of Flux-Lock Type SFCLs with Parallel and Series connection between Two Coils
- Co-author in Fault Current Limiting Operations of Three-Phase Transformer Type SFCL using Secondary Windings with Closed Loop
- Xiaotao Han (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Xiaotao Han (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Satoshi Hanai (Toshiba Energy System & Solutions Corporation)
- Author in A Simple Calculation Method for Center Magnetic Flux Density of a Magnetic Core Electromagnet with a Wide Air-Gap
- Author in Feasibility Study on a Real-Scale High-Frequency Electromagnets for Magnetic Hyperthermia Base on a Magnetic Scaling Law
- Co-author in Operation Scenario of Mobile SMES for On-Site Eigenvalue Measurement of Electric Power System
- Izak Hanse (University of Twente)
- Satoru Hanyu (Fujikura Ltd.)
- Qiang Wang Hao
- Luning Hao (University of Cambridge)
- Chen Haozhou (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
- Kiruba Haran (University of Illinois)
- David Harder (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- David Harding (Fermilab)
- Stefanus Harjo (Neutron Science Section, J-PARC Center, JAEA, )
- Robert Harrison (Fusion for Energy)
- Zach Hartwig (MIT)
- Yoshiji Hase (Fuji Electric Company Ltd.)
- Yoshiji Hase (Fuji Electric Co. Ltd.)
- Yuta Hasegawa (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- Mitsuru Hasegawa (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
- Hidetoshi Hashizume (Dept. Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)
- Quentin Hasse (Argonne National Laboratory)
- QUENTIN HASSE (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Satoshi Hata (Kyushu University)
- Shoichi Hatakeyama (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Takafumi Hatano (Japan/Nagoya Univ.)
- Taishi Hatano (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
- Takashi Hattori (Kyoto University)
Taisuke Hattori
- Author in Hybrid Microscopy to Clarify Failure Mechanisms of REBCO Tapes in Meter-Class Pancake-Coils
- Author in Temperature Dependence of Optimal Shape and DC Current Transport Characteristics of 3T Whole Body REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Study of the Basic Properties of Meter-class REBCO High-Temperature Superconducting Coils for MRI
- Timothy Haugan (U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory)
- Steven HAYS (FNAL)
- Drew Hazelton (SuperPower Inc.)
- Miao He
- Zhou He (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- ye he
- Reinhard Heller (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Eric Hellstrom
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Use of Critical Current Distribution Measurements in Bi-2212 Round Wires as a tool to significantly enhance and stabilize the $J_{\text{c}}$ properties
- Jin-Seok Heo (Chungnam National University)
- Angela Hernandez (Fusion for Energy)
- Thomas Herrmannsdörfer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden)
- Bertrand Hervieu (CEA Saclay)
- Robert Herzog (Bruker Switzerland AG)
- Katrin Heyn (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Dean Andrew Hidas
Kohei Higashikawa
(Kyushu University)
- Author in [Invited] Experimental and theoretical study on power generation characteristics of 1 kW class fully high-temperature superconducting induction/synchronous generator using a stator winding with a bending diameter of 20 mm
- Author in Automatic Detection of Local Obstacles in a Long Length RE-123 Coated Conductor by Deep Learning Based Image Classification in Reel-to-Reel Magnetic Microscopy
- Author in Development of DC Superconducting Cable with Magnetic Energy Storage Function for Compensating Power Fluctuation from Renewable Energy Sources
- Author in Hybrid Microscopy to Clarify Failure Mechanisms of REBCO Tapes in Meter-Class Pancake-Coils
- Author in Measurement and Analyses of In-field Critical Currents in Multi-Filamentally Bi-2223 Tapes at Ultra-Low Electric-Field Criterion Down to at around 10^-13 V/m
- Co-author in Study of the Basic Properties of Meter-class REBCO High-Temperature Superconducting Coils for MRI
- Hugh Higley (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Cornelia Hintze (THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH)
- Masaaki Hirai (Fukui University of Technology)
- Naoki Hirano
- Naoki Hirano (National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS))
- Wataru Hirata (Fujikura Ltd.)
- Yutaka Hirata (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Kazuto Hirata (NIMS)
- Tomo Hirata (Okayama University)
- Yutaka Hirata (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Tadashi HIRAYAMA (Kagoshima University)
- Honoka Hirayama (Ibaraki University)
- Fujita Hirokazu (Kyoto University)
- Erina Hirose (Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Yuta Hirose (Sophia University)
- Noriyuki Hirota (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Megumi Hirota (Naval Ship M&UEP R.C., NPO)
- Yamada Hiroyuki (Nagoya University)
- Tetsuo Hisashige (QST)
Nakayama Hisayoshi
- Author in Design of a strong X-Y coupling beam transport line for J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment
- Co-author in Control of Rotatable-Quadrupole Magnets Angles for 3-D Spiral Injection Test Experiment
- Co-author in Design method of active shield coils of steering magnet for fine tuning of muon injection orbit in muon storage magnet of g-2/EDM precision measurement
- Co-author in Developments of a Pulse Kicker System for the Three-Dimensional Spiral Beam Injection of the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM Experiment
- Yoshimitsu Hishinuma (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Ryoji Hiwatari (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Christine Hoa (CEA SBT)
- Achim Hobl (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Achim Hobl (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Andy Hocker
- Adrian Hodgkinson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Jeffrey Holmes (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Roberto Petry Homrich (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
Hirokazu Honda
(Fuji Electric Co. Ltd.)
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
Zhiyong Hong
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Author in Comparison between T-A formulation and uniform current assumption for the critical current calculation of high temperature superconductor ReBCO coils
- Author in Demagnetization rate of no-insulation HTS coil for persistent-current operation in alternating fields
- Author in Electromagnetic Shielding Technique for No-insulation Superconducting Rotor Windings in Electrical Aircraft Propulsion
- Author in Magnetization Loss of no-insulation high temperature superconductor coil exposed to background fields
- Author in Off-Power Operation of prototype on-board HTS Magnets for EDS-type Maglev Trains
- Author in The influence of metal plates on quench protection of high temperature superconducting pancake coils
- Co-author in A miniaturized high temperature superconducting flux pump
wenzhe hong
- Author in Critical Bending Radius Test and Analysis of 7-Filament Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Iron-Based Superconductor Tapes under 12 T Background Field
- Author in Development of an Iron-Based Superconductor Magnet: A Study on the 64 mm Diameter Iron-based Superconductors Coils
- Author in Thermodynamic Behavior Analysis and Heat Transfer Structure Design of Helium Bubble Aggregation in High Field Superconducting Magnets
- Wei Hong (Tianjin University)
- Xu Hongliang
- Atsushi Horikoshi
- Koki Horino (JAEA/J-PARC)
S Imam Hossain
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, FL 32310, USA)
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- M.S.A. Hossain (University of Queensland)
- Min-Fu Hsieh (National Cheng Kung University)
- Yang-Yang Hsu (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Jintao Hu (University of Cambridge)
- Xinning Hu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Hong Hu (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Qiang Hu (Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Science)
- Jintao Hu (University of Cambridge)
- Jintao Hu (University of Cambridge)
- Rui Hu
- Heng Hu ( Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Xinning Hu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Huan Huang (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Jyun-Rong Huang (National Cheng Kung University)
- Rongjin Huang (Institute of Physics and Chemistry)
- Yongheng Huang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Zhen Huang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Chuanjun HUANG (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy o)
- W. C. Huang (Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
- Binyu Huang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Jui-Che Huang (National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center)
- Yibing Huang (Oxford Superconducting Technology)
- Olivier Hubert (Laboratoire de Mécanique et Technologie)
- Christoph Hug (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Thanh Anh Huynh (National Cheng Kung University)
- Young Jin Hwang (Korea Basic Science Institute)
Choi Hyo-Sang
(Chosun university)
- Author in Analysis of cut-off characteristics of transformer-type superconducting DC circuit breaker according to reactance of superconductor and transformer turns ratio.
- Author in Comparison and analysis of inductance according to toroidal winding type of superconducting element combined the DC circuit breaker
- Yota Ichiki (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Ataru Ichinose (Central Research Institute of Electrical Power Industry)
- Tetsuya Ida (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
- Masaharu Ieiri (KEK)
- Muhammad Iftikhar (University of Strathclyde United Kingdom)
- Masahide Iguchi (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Te)
- Kazumasa Iida (Nagoya University)
- Ryota Iida (Niigata University)
- Masahisa Iida (KEK)
- Yasuo Iijima (NIMS)
Yasuhiro Iijima
(Fujikura Ltd.)
- Author in Low resistance soldered joint of REBCO coated conductors with novel Ag-dispersed structure
- Author in Recent progress of RE-based High Temperature Superconductors at Fujikura
- Co-author in Electromagnetic characteristics of two-tape co-winding REBCO coil including local defects
- Co-author in Quench protection study of a large scale REBCO magnet with additional copper tapes
Hiromi Iinuma
- Author in Design of a strong X-Y coupling beam transport line for J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment
- Co-author in [Invited] Development of precise shimming technique with materials having low saturation magnetization
- Co-author in Control of Rotatable-Quadrupole Magnets Angles for 3-D Spiral Injection Test Experiment
- Co-author in Design method of active shield coils of steering magnet for fine tuning of muon injection orbit in muon storage magnet of g-2/EDM precision measurement
- Co-author in Developments of a Pulse Kicker System for the Three-Dimensional Spiral Beam Injection of the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM Experiment
- Co-author in Effect on temperature dependence for long-term stable control of the magnetic field at sub-ppm using superconducting magnet for MRI
- Masami Iio (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
- Masami IIO (KEK)
- Kikelomo Ijagbemi (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Hiroshi Ikeda (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hiroshi Ikeda (KEK)
- Yukiko Ikemoto
Yury ilin
- Author in Manufacturing of ITER PF2-6 Coil
- Yury ILIN (ITER Organization)
- Igor Ilyin (BINP SB RAS)
Chaemin Im
(Seoul National University)
- Author in Long-Term Operation Results of a Stack of Metal Insulation HTS Pancake Coils for SMES Applications
- Co-author in Adaptive Element Equivalent Circuit of No-Insulation High Temperature Superconductor Coil Containing Multiple Defects
- Co-author in Analysis of the Defect-Irrelevant behavior of a No-Insulation HTS pancake coil including multiple superconductive joints
- Co-author in Design of a Cryogen-free 6 T 320 mm All-REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Experiment and analysis of spatial electromagnetic and thermal behaviors during quench propagation in no-insulation HTS coil with multi-physics distributed-circuit approach
- Shinsaku Imagawa (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Hayato Imamichi (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
- Kazutaka Imamura (Kyushu University)
- Junya Imani (Yuki Precision Co. Ltd.)
- Luca Imeri (INFN Milano - LASA)
- Dennis Indrigo (ENI S.p.A.)
Ryota Inoue
(Tohoku University)
- Author in Basic study on coil structure for high-temperature superconducting cable termination applying a wireless power transmission system
- Author in Study on Low Loss Coil Structure for High Energy Density of a Wireless Power Transmission System Using High Temperature Superconducting Coils for Railway Vehicle
- Co-author in Deformation Analysis of no-insulation REBCO coils considering turn-to-turn contact configuration
- Co-author in Evaluation of magnetic properties of REBCO wire by modified SST for cryogenics
- Co-author in Experimental Study on the Accuracy of the Proposed LFAC Method for Measuring the Contact Resistance of NI HTS Coils
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation of Reinforcement Structure against Electromagnetic and Thermal Stresses in Stacked REBCO Pancake Coils
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Mechanical Behavior of No-insulation REBCO Pancake Coils in Skeleton Cyclotron
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Quench Behavior of REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
- Co-author in Structure design on the 3-T HTS coil for desktop MRI magnet using the Distributed Genetic Algorithm method.
- Co-author in Study on the structure design for high performance non-contact rotating machine using HTS bulks
- Co-author in Study on the structure design of HTS bulk magnets for compact MRI
- Co-author in The critical properties and AC loss characteristics of the developed ultra-fine and flexible Nb3Al superconducting wires
- Yuta Inoue (Okayama university)
- Masayoshi Inoue (Fukuoka Institute of Technology)
- Natsuki Inoue (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
- Kazuo Inoue (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Shigeru Ioka (Toshiba Energy System & Solutions Corporation)
- Shigeyuki Ishida (AIST)
- Hirotaka Ishii (Toshiba Corporation)
- Akimitsu Ishii (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- Norito Ishikawa (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Atsushi Ishiyama
(Waseda University)
- Author in AC loss simulation of NI REBCO pancake coils in external low-frequency magnetic field
- Author in An Optimal Configuration Method of Superconducting Magnet with Iron Shield using Model Order Reduction
- Co-author in Energization waveform for reducing Screening Current-induced Magnetic Field in No-Insulation REBCO Coil Systems
- Co-author in Evaluation of operating characteristics of coils wound with no-insulation REBCO bundle conductor for SMES
- Co-author in Mechanical strength evaluation of Yoroi-coil structured non-circular REBCO pancake coil in high magnetic field
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of electromagnetic behavior of multi-stacked no-insulation REBCO coil system assuming applications to high-field whole-body MRIs and medical cyclotrons
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of screening current-induced magnetic field in HTS coil system of Skelton Cyclotron for targeted alpha-particle therapy
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of transient thermal stability of no-insulation pancake coil wound with REBCO coated conductor with some defects
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of transient thermal stability of no-insulation REBCO pancake coils with non-contact area between turns
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Mechanical Behavior of No-insulation REBCO Pancake Coils in Skeleton Cyclotron
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Quench Behavior of REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
- Kimito Ishizuka (Tokai University)
- Takanori Isobe (University of Tsukuba)
- Toshinobu Ito (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Satoshi Ito (Dept. Quantum Science and Energy Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)
- Tetsuya Ito (Teral Inc.)
- Taishi Itoh (JFCC)
- Roberto Iuppa (Universita degli Studi di Trento and INFN (IT))
- Yury Ivanov (Chubu University)
Yury Ivanyushenkov
- Author in Design, Construction, and Testing of 0.5-m-long, 18-mm Period Nb3Sn Superconducting Undulator Magnets
- Author in Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a 1.9 m Long, 16.5 mm Period NbTi Superconducting Undulator for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade
- Co-author in [Invited] Stability of Nb3Sn Superconducting Planar Undulator for ANL Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in A preliminary cryogenic performance test of the 4.8-m-long cryostat for superconducting undulators
- Sadanori Iwai (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Takeo Iwai (Yamagata University)
Masataka Iwakuma
- Co-author in Design Study of 3φ-10 MVA-6.9/1.0 kV REBCO Superconducting Transformers with Lightweight and Current-Limiting Function for an E-aircraft Propulsion System
- Co-author in Experimental Evaluation of Current Distribution in Three-Strand Transposed Parallel Conductors Composed of REBCO Superconducting Tapes
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Study of REBCO Trapezoidal Armature Windings for Superconducting Induction Motor
- Co-author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
- Masataka Iwakuma
- Yosuke Iwamoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Akifumi Iwamoto (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Akifumi Iwamoto (National Institute for Fusion Science)
Yukikazu IWASA
- Co-author in [Invited] Stability of Two Impregnated 1.5-T NbTi Coils Operated in the 4.2-6 K Range, Paraffin vs. Solid Nitrogen
- Co-author in A Validation Study of Updated Features in a New 835-MHz REBCO Insert Coil for the MIT 1.3-GHz NMR Magnet
- Co-author in Operation Results of a 23.5-T REBCO Magnet Prototype Towards a Tabletop Liquid-Helium-Free 1-GHz Microcoil NMR
- Co-author in Partial-Insulation HTS Magnet for Reduction of Quench-Induced Peak Currents
yoshihisa iwashita
- Author in Magnetic Field Shielding with Superconductors
- Author in Performance of Bipolar Correction Magnet with Permanent Magnets
- Co-author in Development of Hybrid Multipole Permanent Magnet for High-Intensity Beam Transportation
- Co-author in Property of Praseodymium Permanent Magnet for Cryogenic Hybrid Magnet
- Co-author in Radiation-Induced Demagnetization Measurement of Permanent Magnet Materials by Systematic Neutron Irradiation
- Yoshiyuki Iwata (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Yosuke Iwata (The University of Tokyo)
- Akira Iyo (AIST)
Susana Izquierdo Bermudez
- Author in Construction and test of the enhanced Racetrack Model Coil, first CERN R&D magnet for the FCC
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in Mechanical Characterization of Low-Carbon Steels for High-Field Accelerator Magnets: Application to Nb3Sn Low-β Quadrupole MQXF
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Author in Superconducting coil stress specifications for the series production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC
(Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
- Co-author in Design Study of 3φ-10 MVA-6.9/1.0 kV REBCO Superconducting Transformers with Lightweight and Current-Limiting Function for an E-aircraft Propulsion System
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
- Jae young Jang (Korea Basic Science Institute)
- Jaeyoung Jang (Korea university of technology and education)
- Se Hun Jang (Kiswire Advanced Technology Co., Ltd., Daejeon, 34026, Korea)
- Marvin Janitschke (Technische Universitaet Berlin (DE))
- Andreas Jankowiak (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
- Jan Jaroszynski (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Brent Jarvis (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Ju Heum Jeon (Sam Dong Co., Ltd.)
- Hyun Gi Jeong (Jeonbuk National University)
- Hyun Gi Jeong (Jeonbuk National University)
Ji-Sol Jeong
(Chosun University)
- Author in Analysis of cut-off characteristics of transformer-type superconducting DC circuit breaker according to reactance of superconductor and transformer turns ratio.
- Author in Comparison and analysis of inductance according to toroidal winding type of superconducting element combined the DC circuit breaker
- Youngsik Jeong
- Qing Ji (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Bao-zhu Jia (Guangdong Ocean University)
- Zhu Jiamin (Shanghai Superconductor Co., Ltd.)
- Linni Jian (Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China)
- shan jiang
Zhenan Jiang
(Victoria University of Wellington)
- Author in [Invited] 15% reduction in AC loss of a 3-phase 1 MVA HTS transformer by exploiting asymmetric conductor critical current
- Author in AC loss reduction on a 6.5 MVA/25 kV HTS traction transformer by exploiting asymmetric conductor critical current
- Author in AC loss simulation in HTS coil windings coupled with an iron core
- Author in New Methods to Reduce Fast-Ramping AC loss in High Temperature Superconductors Coils at High Currents of 500 A – 800 A
- Co-author in AC loss measurement and simulation in a REBCO coil assembly utilizing two types of low-loss magnetic flux diverters
- Co-author in Role of asymmetric critical current on magnetization loss characteristics of REBCO coated conductors at various temperatures
- jiufu Jiang (Applied Superconductivity Laboratory, State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Fan Jiang
- Zhaofei Jiang
- X. H Jiang (Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
- Donghui Jiang (The High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Jianyi Jiang
(Florida State University)
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Author in Experimental Study on Effectiveness of Different Reinforcement Layouts Applied to Recent Bi-2212 Test Coils
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Use of Critical Current Distribution Measurements in Bi-2212 Round Wires as a tool to significantly enhance and stabilize the $J_{\text{c}}$ properties
- Shili Jiang
- jun jiao (Baoding Tianwei Wire Manufacturing Co. LTD, Baoding, Hebei Province, 071023, China)
- Jesus Jimenez (Ciemat)
Marc Jimenez
(Fusion For Energy)
- Author in About the first 6 toroidal field coils and 2 poloidal field coils completed by EU for ITER
- Author in Current Centre Line calculation method and results for ITER Poloidal Field Coils
- Author in Current Centre Line control, results and comparison after the manufacturing of the ITER Toroidal Field Coils
- Author in Factory acceptance test and delivery of the first two poloidal field coils to ITER fusion facility
- Co-author in Metrology in process control for the European Toroidal Field Coil project
- Co-author in Status of the production of the European ITER Toroidal Field Coil Insertion.
- Andrés Jiménez Oñate (FUSION FOR ENERGY)
- Zhijian Jin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University Dept. of Physics)
Zhijian Jin
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Author in Comparison between T-A formulation and uniform current assumption for the critical current calculation of high temperature superconductor ReBCO coils
- Author in Demagnetization rate of no-insulation HTS coil for persistent-current operation in alternating fields
- Author in Effect of Different Impregnation Materials on Electromechanical Behaviors of Superconducting Compact Cables
- Author in Electromagnetic Shielding Technique for No-insulation Superconducting Rotor Windings in Electrical Aircraft Propulsion
- Author in Magnetization Loss of no-insulation high temperature superconductor coil exposed to background fields
- Author in Off-Power Operation of prototype on-board HTS Magnets for EDS-type Maglev Trains
- Author in The influence of metal plates on quench protection of high temperature superconducting pancake coils
- Co-author in A miniaturized high temperature superconducting flux pump
- Co-author in A temperature and over current controlled persistent current switch for high temperature superconducting magnets
- Huan Jin
- Zhijian Jin
Fang Jin
(Beijing Jiaotong University)
- Author in AC loss reduction on a 6.5 MVA/25 kV HTS traction transformer by exploiting asymmetric conductor critical current
- Author in AC loss simulation in HTS coil windings coupled with an iron core
- Co-author in [Invited] 15% reduction in AC loss of a 3-phase 1 MVA HTS transformer by exploiting asymmetric conductor critical current
- Co-author in Role of asymmetric critical current on magnetization loss characteristics of REBCO coated conductors at various temperatures
- Liwei Jing (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Libing Jing (China Three Gorges University)
- Zhao Jinghong (Naval University of Engineering)
- Cao Jingying
Young-Sik Jo
(Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
- Co-author in Analysis and Experiments on Electrical and Thermal Characteristics of REBCO Racetrack Coil co-wound by Stainless Steel Tape under asynchronous rotating magnetic field
- Co-author in Current Bypass of a Metal Stitching Smart Insulation 2G HTS Coil
- Co-author in Electrical Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Insulated with Doped Smart Materials
- Co-author in Investigation on Quench and Normal Zone Propagation Behaviors of REBCO Coil wound by vanadium III oxide turn-to-turn insulator
- Co-author in Investigation on thermal and electrical stabilities of REBCO coil insulated by vanadium III oxide under various disturbance environments
- Co-author in Magnetic Field Reduction Phenomenon of a Metal Insulation and a No-insulation Coil by External Fluctuating Magnetic Field
- Thomas Johnson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Carol Johnstone
- Co-author in Conductors for Fast Ramping Accelerator Magnets
- Cornelis Jong (ITER Organization)
- Piyush Joshi (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Julien Jousset (LNCMI-Grenoble, CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)
- Mariusz Juchno (LBNL)
- Stephane Jurie (CEA)
- Francois-Paul Juster (CEA)
- Janakiram Kadiyala (AMPeers LLC)
- Florian Kaeter (GSI)
- Stephen Kahn (Muons, Inc.)
- Kazuhiro Kajikawa (Sanyo-Onoda City University)
- Hideki Kajitani (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Te)
- Itsuhiro Kakeya (Kyoto University)
- Kazuomi Kakimoto (Fujikura Ltd.)
Hiroharu Kamada
(Meiji University)
- Co-author in A Simple Calculation Method for Center Magnetic Flux Density of a Magnetic Core Electromagnet with a Wide Air-Gap
- Co-author in Feasibility Study on a Real-Scale High-Frequency Electromagnets for Magnetic Hyperthermia Base on a Magnetic Scaling Law
- Co-author in Operation Scenario of Mobile SMES for On-Site Eigenvalue Measurement of Electric Power System
- Norihito Kambe (National Institute of Technology, Toyota College)
- Petrus Kambo (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
- Atsushi Kamitani (Yamagata University)
- Koji Kamiya (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Yoshihisa Kamiya (IMRA JAPAN CO. LTD.)
- Deven Kanabar (Institute For Plasma Research)
- Takayuki Kanai (Yamagata University)
- Shintetsu Kanazawa (Muroran Institute of Technology)
- Kenji Kaneko
- Kenji Kaneko
- Ihu Kanezawa
Rui Kang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
- Author in Detecting quench in HTS conductors with LTS conductors — a theoretical and numerical analysis
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
- Co-author in A preliminary study on a new epoxy resin system IR-3 for the high-field HTS applications
- Co-author in Investigation of a novel transposed superconducting cable using REBCO coated conductors
- Rui Kang (Accelerator Division, Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP))
- Takafumi Kanno (Kyushu University)
- Milan Kapolka (University of Leicester)
- Soumen Kar (AMPeers LLC)
- Anna Kario (University of Twente)
- Gustav Karlsson (Linneaus University)
- Viktor Karpinskiy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Mikko Karppinen
- Author in Design of a Curved Superconducting Combined Function Bending Magnet Demonstrator for Hadron Therapy
- Author in Preliminary study of 4 T superconducting dipoles for a light rotating gantry for ion-therapy
- Co-author in Thermal analysis of powering and protection transients in a superconducting magnet for medical applications
Matthew Kasa
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in Design, Construction, and Testing of 0.5-m-long, 18-mm Period Nb3Sn Superconducting Undulator Magnets
- Author in Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a 1.9 m Long, 16.5 mm Period NbTi Superconducting Undulator for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade
- Co-author in [Invited] Stability of Nb3Sn Superconducting Planar Undulator for ANL Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in A preliminary cryogenic performance test of the 4.8-m-long cryostat for superconducting undulators
- Takuya Kashihara (Kwansei Gakuin University)
- Author in Current Status of the Facility for High Field Cable Testing at Fermilab
- Author in HTS Dipole Magnet Model for the Persistent Current Operation
- Author in Magnetic Designs of New First Target Beamline Magnets for the ORNL SNS Upgrade
- Author in Quench protection of a large aperture 15 T Cable Test Facility Nb3Sn Magnet
- Co-author in Study on Conduction Cooling of Superconducting Magnets for the ILC Main Linac
Vadim Kashikhin
- Author in [Invited] Main results and lessons learned from the MDPCT1 R&D program
- Author in Conceptual design optimization of a 20 T hybrid cos-theta dipole superconducting magnet for future High-Energy particle accelerators.
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
- Co-author in Analysis of quench data and performance of MDPCT1 – the 15 T Nb3Sn dipole demonstrator
- Souha Kassab (CEA)
- Takashi Katayama (Kuraray)
- Takeharu Kato (JFCC)
- Takeshi Kato (Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd.)
- Yohji Katoh (KEK)
- Shuma KAWABATA (Kagoshima University)
Akifumi Kawagoe
(Kagoshima University)
- Co-author in Current- transport properties of HTS-FAIR conductor at variable temperatures in high magnetic field
- Co-author in Development of static magnetic refrigeration system using multiple high-temperature superconducting coils
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Resistances between soldered YBCO tapes consisting of the stacked cable
- Co-author in Study of REBCO Trapezoidal Armature Windings for Superconducting Induction Motor
- Co-author in Verifying the method to estimate local critical currents in the HTS coil by means of Pick up coils
- Hiroshi Kawamata (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Hiroshi Kawamata (KEK)
- Kohei KAWAMURA (Okayama University)
- Ryozo Kawanami (Kawanami Ironworks Inc.)
- Masatoshi Kawano (Meiko Futaba Co. Ltd.)
- Katsumi Kawano (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Te)
- Takuro Kawasaki (Neutron Science Section, J-PARC Center, JAEA)
- Rikako Kawasaki (Kyoto University)
- Shinya Kawashima (KOBE STEEL, LTD.)
- Kenji Kawashima (IMRA JAPAN CO. LTD.)
- Hiroshi Kawashima (TERAL Inc.)
- Nagisa Kawasumi (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
- Zhihao Ke
- Zhihao Ke (Southwest Jiaotong University)
Ruben Keijzer
(Universiteit Twente (NL))
- Author in [Invited] Modelling and characterization of a ReBCO HTS degaussing demonstrator
- Author in Characterizing performance degradation through the analysis of V-I measurements in Nb3Sn accelerator magnets
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Vladimir Kekelidze (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Asami Ken-ichi (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Kaneko Kenji (Kyushu Univ.)
Ibrahim Kesgin
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in Design, Construction, and Testing of 0.5-m-long, 18-mm Period Nb3Sn Superconducting Undulator Magnets
- Author in Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a 1.9 m Long, 16.5 mm Period NbTi Superconducting Undulator for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade
- Co-author in [Invited] Stability of Nb3Sn Superconducting Planar Undulator for ANL Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in A preliminary cryogenic performance test of the 4.8-m-long cryostat for superconducting undulators
- Georg Jochen Ketter (GSI)
- Natalia Khlebova (Nanoelectro LLC)
Hamlet Khodzhibagiyan
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Development of superconducting magnetic energy storage for the power system of the particle accelerators Booster and Nuclotron of NICA
- Author in Investigations of stability of the second generation HTS composites under of current loads at various regimes
- Author in Magnetization and Hysteresis Losses in HTS Coated Conductors in Magnetic Field of Various Orientation
- Author in Quadrupole Superconducting Model Magnet for Upgrade of the Nuclotron Synchrotron
- Author in The research on double pancake coil of 1MJ high temperature superconducting magnet energy storage for the power system of NICA complex
- Sergey Khrushchev (BINP)
- Kenneth Khumthong (General Atomics)
- Yushi Kido (Kyoto University)
- Andreas Kienzler (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Akihiro Kikuchi
(National Institute for Materials Science)
- Author in A Novel High Heat Capacity Resin for Impregnation of Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnets
- Author in Jelly-Roll Processed Nb3Al Super-Fine Monofilament Wires with Cu/non-Cu Ratio of 1.0
- Author in Minimum Quench Energy of NbTi and Nb3Sn Conductors Impregnated with High Heat Capacity Resin
- Author in Unique and Novel High Tin Bronze and Nb3Sn Multifilamentary Wires
- Co-author in Demonstration of a kA-class Rutherford Cables using MgB2 Wires for Energy Storage Device optimal for Liquid Hydrogen Indirect Cooling System
- Co-author in Jc performance under the transverse compressive stress on the bronze matrix reinforced Nb3Sn multifilamentary wires
- Co-author in Mechanical properties and strain effect of various Nb3Al superconducting wires
- Co-author in The critical properties and AC loss characteristics of the developed ultra-fine and flexible Nb3Al superconducting wires
- Sho Kikuchi (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
- Konomi Kikutoji (Niigata University)
Ho Min Kim
(Jeju National University)
- Co-author in Analysis and Experiments on Electrical and Thermal Characteristics of REBCO Racetrack Coil co-wound by Stainless Steel Tape under asynchronous rotating magnetic field
- Co-author in Electrical Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Insulated with Doped Smart Materials
- Co-author in Investigation on Quench and Normal Zone Propagation Behaviors of REBCO Coil wound by vanadium III oxide turn-to-turn insulator
- Co-author in Investigation on thermal and electrical stabilities of REBCO coil insulated by vanadium III oxide under various disturbance environments
- Co-author in Operation Results of a 23.5-T REBCO Magnet Prototype Towards a Tabletop Liquid-Helium-Free 1-GHz Microcoil NMR
- Junil Kim (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
- Chul Kim (Florida State University)
Seog-Whan Kim
(Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
- Co-author in Current Bypass of a Metal Stitching Smart Insulation 2G HTS Coil
- Co-author in Electrical Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Insulated with Doped Smart Materials
- Co-author in Investigation on Quench and Normal Zone Propagation Behaviors of REBCO Coil wound by vanadium III oxide turn-to-turn insulator
- Co-author in Investigation on thermal and electrical stabilities of REBCO coil insulated by vanadium III oxide under various disturbance environments
- Co-author in Magnetic Field Reduction Phenomenon of a Metal Insulation and a No-insulation Coil by External Fluctuating Magnetic Field
Hyung-Wook Kim
(Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
- Author in Current Bypass of a Metal Stitching Smart Insulation 2G HTS Coil
- Author in Magnetic Field Reduction Phenomenon of a Metal Insulation and a No-insulation Coil by External Fluctuating Magnetic Field
- Co-author in Analysis and Experiments on Electrical and Thermal Characteristics of REBCO Racetrack Coil co-wound by Stainless Steel Tape under asynchronous rotating magnetic field
- Co-author in Investigation on thermal and electrical stabilities of REBCO coil insulated by vanadium III oxide under various disturbance environments
Geon-woong Kim
- Author in Analysis of cut-off characteristics of transformer-type superconducting DC circuit breaker according to reactance of superconductor and transformer turns ratio.
- Author in Comparison and analysis of inductance according to toroidal winding type of superconducting element combined the DC circuit breaker
- Junil Kim (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
- Junil Kim (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
- Jin-Geun Kim
- Hyung-Wook Kim (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Changwon, 51543, Korea)
- Gwan tae Kim (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
Geonyoung Kim
(Seoul National University)
- Author in Experiment and analysis of spatial electromagnetic and thermal behaviors during quench propagation in no-insulation HTS coil with multi-physics distributed-circuit approach
- Co-author in Adaptive Element Equivalent Circuit of No-Insulation High Temperature Superconductor Coil Containing Multiple Defects
- Co-author in Analysis of the Defect-Irrelevant behavior of a No-Insulation HTS pancake coil including multiple superconductive joints
- Co-author in Conduction Cooling Test of Short Period NI HTS Undulator at Different Opearating Temperature Ranges 20-77 K
- Co-author in Design of a Cryogen-free 6 T 320 mm All-REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Long-Term Operation Results of a Stack of Metal Insulation HTS Pancake Coils for SMES Applications
- Co-author in Real-time Field Mapping of Screening Current induced Fields in an HTS Pancake Coil using a Hall Sensor Array
- Co-author in Test and Analysis of Stacked-Tape-Wound Laboratory-Scale NI HTS TF Module Coil
- Yongrok Kim (Hanyang University)
Sung-Kyu Kim
(Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
- Co-author in A Numerical and Experimental Study on Dynamic Operation of a Synchronous Rotating Machine with NI HTS Field Windings
- Co-author in Design of a Cryogen-free 6 T 320 mm All-REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Stability of a metal insulated 2G HTS coil under the external ac field
- Co-author in Thermal and electrical characteristics of NI HTS coil fabricated by diffusion bonding technique
- Dong-Eon Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Young-Gyun Kim (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)
- Changhyun Kim (Changwon National University)
- Hyun Wook Kim (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)
- Youngkyoung Kim (Kiswire Advanced Technology Ltd, Daejeon, 34026, Korea)
Youngjae Kim
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Author in Experimental Study on Effectiveness of Different Reinforcement Layouts Applied to Recent Bi-2212 Test Coils
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Author in Test Results of Alternative Magnet Technologies for HTS Magnet Quench Detection and Protection
- Author in Use of Critical Current Distribution Measurements in Bi-2212 Round Wires as a tool to significantly enhance and stabilize the $J_{\text{c}}$ properties
- Seokho Kim (Department Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University)
- Rae-Eun Kim (Seoul National University)
- Kwangmin Kim (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Kwanglok Kim (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
Jaemin Kim
(Seoul National University)
- Co-author in A Numerical and Experimental Study on Dynamic Operation of a Synchronous Rotating Machine with NI HTS Field Windings
- Co-author in Analysis of the Defect-Irrelevant behavior of a No-Insulation HTS pancake coil including multiple superconductive joints
- Co-author in Conduction Cooling Test of Short Period NI HTS Undulator at Different Opearating Temperature Ranges 20-77 K
- Co-author in Design of a Cryogen-free 6 T 320 mm All-REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Experiment and analysis of spatial electromagnetic and thermal behaviors during quench propagation in no-insulation HTS coil with multi-physics distributed-circuit approach
- Co-author in Long-Term Operation Results of a Stack of Metal Insulation HTS Pancake Coils for SMES Applications
- Co-author in Real-time Field Mapping of Screening Current induced Fields in an HTS Pancake Coil using a Hall Sensor Array
- Co-author in Temperature Considered Active Feedback Control of No-Insulation HTS Magnet
Seokho Kim
(Changwon National University)
- Author in Contact Resistance Dependent Transient Loss of REBCO No-insulation Magnet using T-A formula during Ramping Process
- Co-author in A Numerical and Experimental Study on Dynamic Operation of a Synchronous Rotating Machine with NI HTS Field Windings
- Co-author in A study on the electrical contact resistance and thermal conductivity of soldered-metal insulation coil with conduction cooling
- Co-author in Design of a Cryogen-free 6 T 320 mm All-REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Experimental test and characteristic analysis of a real scale HTS coil for 10 MW HTS generator using performance evaluation system
- Co-author in Thermal and electrical characteristics of NI HTS coil fabricated by diffusion bonding technique
- Jiman Kim (Kiswire Advanced Technology)
- Hyun Wook Kim (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)
- Jung Ho Kim (University of Wollongong)
Ji Hyung Kim
(Jeju National University)
- Author in Investigation on Quench and Normal Zone Propagation Behaviors of REBCO Coil wound by vanadium III oxide turn-to-turn insulator
- Author in Investigation on thermal and electrical stabilities of REBCO coil insulated by vanadium III oxide under various disturbance environments
- Co-author in Analysis and Experiments on Electrical and Thermal Characteristics of REBCO Racetrack Coil co-wound by Stainless Steel Tape under asynchronous rotating magnetic field
- Co-author in Electrical Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Insulated with Doped Smart Materials
(Okayama University)
- Author in Study on the structure design of HTS bulk magnets for compact MRI
- Co-author in Basic study on coil structure for high-temperature superconducting cable termination applying a wireless power transmission system
- Co-author in Deformation Analysis of no-insulation REBCO coils considering turn-to-turn contact configuration
- Co-author in Evaluation of magnetic properties of REBCO wire by modified SST for cryogenics
- Co-author in Experimental Study on the Accuracy of the Proposed LFAC Method for Measuring the Contact Resistance of NI HTS Coils
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation of Reinforcement Structure against Electromagnetic and Thermal Stresses in Stacked REBCO Pancake Coils
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Mechanical Behavior of No-insulation REBCO Pancake Coils in Skeleton Cyclotron
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Quench Behavior of REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
- Co-author in Structure design on the 3-T HTS coil for desktop MRI magnet using the Distributed Genetic Algorithm method.
- Co-author in Study on Low Loss Coil Structure for High Energy Density of a Wireless Power Transmission System Using High Temperature Superconducting Coils for Railway Vehicle
- Co-author in Study on the structure design for high performance non-contact rotating machine using HTS bulks
- Co-author in The critical properties and AC loss characteristics of the developed ultra-fine and flexible Nb3Al superconducting wires
- Hoseung Kim (Hanyang.ac.kr)
Younghoon Kim
(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, Korea)
- Author in Enhanced Thermal and Electrical Properties of GdBCO Magnets Impregnated with Epoxy Composites Containing Various Fillers
- Co-author in Effects of Friction Force on the Stress-Strain Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Co-Wound Using Intentionally Scratched Stainless Steel and GdBCO Tape
- Co-author in Superconducting Joint for “Reacted” MgB2 multifilament Wires for the Development of MRI Magnets
- Co-author in Thermal-Quench Behavior of GdBCO Coils Wound with Grease Containing Various Fillers as Insulation Materials
- Woo-Seok Kim (Korea Polytechnic University)
- Hyungjun Kim
- Nobuhiro Kimura (The University of Tokyo)
- Ryo Kimura (Okayama University)
- Michikazu Kinsho (JAEA/J-PARC)
Glyn Kirby
- Author in Cloverleaf dipole demonstrator magnet with 2-tape ReBCO stack conductor
- Author in Design of a double aperture Canted-cosine-theta orbit corrector for the High Luminosity LHC
- Author in High-performance simulation of the magnetic field in superconducting magnets using domain decomposition algorithms in the Sparselizard open source FEM library
- Author in Superconducting Curved Canted-Cosine-Theta (CCT) Nested and Combined Error Free Dipole Quadrupole Fields Coil Geometry for the HIE-ISOLDE Recoil Separator Ring Project.
- Author in Superconducting Magnet Energy Extraction with Varistors to Reduce Quench Voltages and Hot-Spots
- Author in The Superconducting Shield (SuShi) septum magnet prototype
- Author in Varistor Insulation for HTS Magnets
- Co-author in Quench Behaviour of Prototype HL-LHC Dipole Canted Cos-Theta Orbit Corrector Nb-Ti Magnet
- Michel Kireeff Covo (LBNL)
- Sohki Kishikawa (Kyushu University)
- Naoki Kishimoto (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
Takanobu Kiss
(Kyushu University)
- Author in [Invited] Experimental and theoretical study on power generation characteristics of 1 kW class fully high-temperature superconducting induction/synchronous generator using a stator winding with a bending diameter of 20 mm
- Author in Air-gap Observation in Joints of REBCO Tapes by Use of X-ray Computed Tomography
- Author in Automatic Detection of Local Obstacles in a Long Length RE-123 Coated Conductor by Deep Learning Based Image Classification in Reel-to-Reel Magnetic Microscopy
- Author in Development of DC Superconducting Cable with Magnetic Energy Storage Function for Compensating Power Fluctuation from Renewable Energy Sources
- Author in Hybrid Microscopy to Clarify Failure Mechanisms of REBCO Tapes in Meter-Class Pancake-Coils
- Author in Measurement and Analyses of In-field Critical Currents in Multi-Filamentally Bi-2223 Tapes at Ultra-Low Electric-Field Criterion Down to at around 10^-13 V/m
- Author in Robust and low-loss high temperature superconducting armature winding technology to realize a practical fully superconducting rotating machine: from the viewpoint of self-organizing design method and FFDS conductor technique
- Co-author in Study of the Basic Properties of Meter-class REBCO High-Temperature Superconducting Coils for MRI
- Ryusuke Kita (Shizuoka University)
Hitoshi Kitaguchi
(National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS))
- Author in In-field evaluation of REBCO superconducting joint
- Author in Novel Pb- and Cd-free superconducting joint between NbTi and Nb3Sn wires using high-temperature-tolerable superconducting Nb-alloy intermedia
- Co-author in Ultra-low resistance joints between Bi2223 and NbTi wires using superconducting Bi-Pb solder
Mayu Kitamura
(Waseda University)
- Author in Numerical evaluation of transient thermal stability of no-insulation REBCO pancake coils with non-contact area between turns
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of electromagnetic behavior of multi-stacked no-insulation REBCO coil system assuming applications to high-field whole-body MRIs and medical cyclotrons
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of transient thermal stability of no-insulation pancake coil wound with REBCO coated conductor with some defects
- Toshiki Kitamura (Sophia University)
- Masaru Kiuchi (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
Seok-Cheol Ko
(Kongju National University)
- Author in DC Fault Current Limiting Characteristics of Flux-Lock Type SFCLs with Parallel and Series connection between Two Coils
- Co-author in Analysis on Fault Current Limiting and Recovery Characteristics of Three-Phase Transformer Type SFCL using Two SMs between Secondary Windings
- Co-author in Fault Current Limiting Operations of Three-Phase Transformer Type SFCL using Secondary Windings with Closed Loop
- Rock Kil Ko (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
- Tae Kuk Ko (Yonsei University)
- Hirotaka Kobayashi
- Hiroaki Kobayashi (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA)
- Hiroyasu Kobayashi (Chiba University)
Kensuke Kobayashi
(National Institute for Materials Science)
- Author in In-field evaluation of REBCO superconducting joint
- Author in Novel Pb- and Cd-free superconducting joint between NbTi and Nb3Sn wires using high-temperature-tolerable superconducting Nb-alloy intermedia
- Co-author in Ultra-low resistance joints between Bi2223 and NbTi wires using superconducting Bi-Pb solder
- Martin Kocan (ITER)
- Sebastien Koczorowski (ITER)
- Kazuma Kodaka (Hokkaido University)
- Motomune Kodama (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Motomune Kodama (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Norikiyo Koizumi (QST)
Charilaos Kokkinos
(FEAC Engineering P.C.)
- Author in Design and Digital Twin of INFN’s main Nb3Sn 15T Dipole for CERN’s FCC
- Author in Design of a Curved Superconducting Combined Function Bending Magnet Demonstrator for Hadron Therapy
- Co-author in A FEM/BEM scalar potential formulation for 3D nonlinear magnetostatic analysis in superconducting accelerator magnets, implemented in PITHIA-EM software
- Co-author in Nonlinear magnetic field analysis in superconducting accelerator magnets via a new FPM/BEM scheme, implemented in PITHIA-EM software
- Charilaos Kokkinos
- Dylan Kolb-Bond (NHMFL)
- Antti Kolehmainen (CERN)
- J. Kolonko (Unknown)
- Toshihiro Komagome (MAYEKAWA MFG. Co., Ltd.)
- Toshihiro Komagome (Mayekawa MFG)
- Yusuke Komatsu (University of Tokyo)
- Mochimitsu Komori (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Bogdan Kondratyev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Masayuki Konno
(Fuji Electric Co. Ltd.)
- Co-author in Design Study of 3φ-10 MVA-6.9/1.0 kV REBCO Superconducting Transformers with Lightweight and Current-Limiting Function for an E-aircraft Propulsion System
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
- Tea-Hyung Koo (Korea Electric Research Institute)
- Sergey Koshelev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Hiroshi Koshikawa (Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Jaap Jeroen Kosse (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
- Hiroshi Kotaki (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Sergey Kotelnikov
- Long Kou (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Paul Kovach (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Janka Kovacikova (Linnaeus University)
- Chris Kovacs (Air Force Research Laboratory)
- Steffen Kramer ( Univ. Grenoble Alpes, INSA Toulouse, Univ. Toulouse Paul Sabatier, EMFL, CNRS, LNCMI, France)
- Steve Krave (Fermilab)
- Erik Krooshoop (University of Twente)
- Vitaliy Kruglov (NRC Kurchatov institute)
- Marcel Kruip (Tokamak Energy)
- Mark Krutulis (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Guangli Kuang
- Vitaly Kubarev (BINP)
- Matthew Kufer (Fermilab)
- Shota Kuki (Sophia university)
- Mithlesh Kumar (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
- Kazuki Kume (Okayama University)
- Ruri Kurasaki (KEK)
- Thomas Kurauchi (Hokkaido University)
- Yuuta Kurihara (tokai university)
- Yasutoshi Kuriyama (Kyoto University)
- Noriyuki KUROSAWA (KEK)
- Takashi Kusano (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Mehmet Kutukcu (Epoch Wires)
- Yuriy Kuzmin (Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of RAS)
- Grigory Kuznetsov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Jozef Kvitkovic (Florida State University)
- Jin Kwon (The Ohio State University)
Dawool Kwon
(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, Korea)
- Author in Superconducting Joint for “Reacted” MgB2 multifilament Wires for the Development of MRI Magnets
- Co-author in Effects of Friction Force on the Stress-Strain Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Co-Wound Using Intentionally Scratched Stainless Steel and GdBCO Tape
- Co-author in Electrical Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Insulated with Doped Smart Materials
- Co-author in Enhanced Thermal and Electrical Properties of GdBCO Magnets Impregnated with Epoxy Composites Containing Various Fillers
- Co-author in Optimization of the react and wind coil manufacturing process using MgB2 twisted cable
- Co-author in Persistent Current Switch with Diode Protection and Superconducting Joint for a 5 T NbTi NMR Magnet
- Co-author in Thermal-Quench Behavior of GdBCO Coils Wound with Grease Containing Various Fillers as Insulation Materials
Friedrich Lackner
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Nb3Sn Cos-theta Short Model Dipole for the Future Circular Collider
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Co-author in Mechanical characterisation of Nb3Sn cable insulation systems at ambient and cryogenic temperature used for HL-LHC accelerator magnets.
- Benoit LACROIX (CEA)
- Jean-Marc Lagarrigue (LNCMI - CNRS - UPS - INSA - UGA)
Zhipeng Lai
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Author in Optimum field shaper design for electromagnetic forming by balancing trade-off among energy efficiency, field distribution, and thermo-mechanical loadings
- Author in Toward flexible coil design for electromagnetic forming of both sheet and tubular metal by combining of coil and field shaper: Principle, Optimization, and Experimental validation
- Zhipeng Lai (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Li Laifeng (CAS)
- Michael Lamm (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
- Herve Lannou (Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (CEA-Saclay))
David Larbalestier
(National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Author in [Invited] Lessons Learned in No-insulation HTS Magnet Technology
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Author in Experimental Study on Effectiveness of Different Reinforcement Layouts Applied to Recent Bi-2212 Test Coils
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Author in Test Results of Alternative Magnet Technologies for HTS Magnet Quench Detection and Protection
- Author in Use of Critical Current Distribution Measurements in Bi-2212 Round Wires as a tool to significantly enhance and stabilize the $J_{\text{c}}$ properties
- Co-author in Real-time Field Mapping of Screening Current induced Fields in an HTS Pancake Coil using a Hall Sensor Array
- Co-author in The effects of nanostructure on Jc(B, T) in ReBCO coated conductors at multiple angles
- Delbert Larson (Particle Beam Lasers, Inc.)
- Andrea Latina (CERN)
- Gideon Laureijs (High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML-EMFL), Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
- Christophe LAURENT (Université de Toulouse, CIRIMAT, CNRS-INPT-UPS)
- Karine Lavernhe-Taillard (Laboratoire de Mécanique et Technologie)
- Frédéric Lebon (Aix-Marseille University)
- Florence Lecouturier-Dupouy (Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, EMFL, CNRS-INSA-UGA-UPS)
- Quentin Le Coz (CEA)
- Christophe Le Crenn (Sigmaphi)
(CEA-Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
- Author in Transient behavior of a REBCO No-Insulation or Metal-as-Insulation multi-pancakes-or racetracks- coil using a Partial Element Equivalent Circuit model.
- Co-author in Metal-as-Insulation HTS Insert for Very-High-Field Magnet: A Test Report after Repairment
- Co-author in Self-protecting behavior of Metal-as-Insulation windings made of High Temperature Superconductor tapes
Wooseung Lee
- Author in [Invited] Stability of Two Impregnated 1.5-T NbTi Coils Operated in the 4.2-6 K Range, Paraffin vs. Solid Nitrogen
- Author in Partial-Insulation HTS Magnet for Reduction of Quench-Induced Peak Currents
- Co-author in A Validation Study of Updated Features in a New 835-MHz REBCO Insert Coil for the MIT 1.3-GHz NMR Magnet
- Co-author in Operation Results of a 23.5-T REBCO Magnet Prototype Towards a Tabletop Liquid-Helium-Free 1-GHz Microcoil NMR
- Jaehwan Lee (Changwon National University)
- Peter Lee (Florida State University)
- Hu-Seung Lee (Chungnam National University)
- Changhyung Lee (Changwon National University)
Jung Tae Lee
(Seoul National University)
- Author in Test and Analysis of Stacked-Tape-Wound Laboratory-Scale NI HTS TF Module Coil
- Co-author in Effects of Friction Force on the Stress-Strain Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Co-Wound Using Intentionally Scratched Stainless Steel and GdBCO Tape
- Co-author in Investigation on Time-Varying Behavior of No-Insulation HTS Field Coil for Synchronous Motors Considering Armature Reaction and Slotting Effect
- Co-author in Long-Term Operation Results of a Stack of Metal Insulation HTS Pancake Coils for SMES Applications
- Co-author in Temperature Considered Active Feedback Control of No-Insulation HTS Magnet
- Sung Hoon Lee
- Reginald Lee (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Jaehwan Lee ( Department of Smart Manufacturing Engineering, Changwon National University)
- Sergey Lee
- Sangjin Lee (Uiduk University)
- Seungje Lee (ITER Organization)
- Jeongmin Lee (Department Mechanical Engineering, Changwon National University)
- SangGap Lee (Korea Basic Science Institute)
- Jun-Yeop Lee (Changwon national university)
- Chang-young Lee (Korea Railroad Research Institute)
- Ji-Kwang Lee (Woosuk University)
Jeong-In Lee
- Co-author in Design and Preliminary Experiments of Rotating Armature Partial Superconducting Air Core Generator
- Co-author in Experimental and Comparative Study of Noise Vibrations and Harshness of Permanent Magnet Machines according to Rotor Eccentricity with Two Different Fractional Pole/Slot Combinations
- Dong Gun Lee (Sam Dong Co., Ltd.)
Haigun Lee
(Korea University)
- Co-author in Design of a Cryogen-free 6 T 320 mm All-REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Effects of Friction Force on the Stress-Strain Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Co-Wound Using Intentionally Scratched Stainless Steel and GdBCO Tape
- Co-author in Electrical Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Insulated with Doped Smart Materials
- Co-author in Enhanced Thermal and Electrical Properties of GdBCO Magnets Impregnated with Epoxy Composites Containing Various Fillers
- Co-author in Investigation on thermal and electrical stabilities of REBCO coil insulated by vanadium III oxide under various disturbance environments
- Co-author in Optimization of the react and wind coil manufacturing process using MgB2 twisted cable
- Co-author in Persistent Current Switch with Diode Protection and Superconducting Joint for a 5 T NbTi NMR Magnet
- Co-author in Superconducting Joint for “Reacted” MgB2 multifilament Wires for the Development of MRI Magnets
- Co-author in Test and Analysis of Stacked-Tape-Wound Laboratory-Scale NI HTS TF Module Coil
- Co-author in Thermal-Quench Behavior of GdBCO Coils Wound with Grease Containing Various Fillers as Insulation Materials
- Hunju Lee (SuNAM Co., Ltd.)
- Yuri Lee (SuNAM Co., Ltd.)
- Jae-Hun Lee (SuNAM Co., Ltd.)
- Hyunwoo Lee (Hanyang University)
Bang-Wook Lee
(Hanyang University)
- Author in Evaluation of Selection Criteria for the Level of Liquid Nitrogen in HTS Magnet System
- Author in Surface Dielectric Characteristics of GFRP and PTFE in Cryogenic Environment under the Switching Impulse Superimposed on DC Voltage
- Co-author in Trap Energy Distribution of PPLP according to PP ratio at cryogenic temperature
- Seok-Ju Lee (Changwon National University)
- Jorick Leferink (University of Twente)
- Kevin Lefevers (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Thierry Lefrou (GANIL)
- Gang Lei (University of Technology Sydney)
- Sergey Lelechov (ITER Design Center)
- Thierry Lemaire (LNCMI - CNRS - UPS - INSA - UGA)
- Sebastian Lengsfeld (Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology)
- Gilles Lenoir (CERN)
Augusto Leone
(INFN Sezione di Milano (INFN))
- Author in Advanced electrical quality assurance methods for the series production of the superconducting coils of the HL-LHC high order corrector magnets
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Frédéric LEPRETRE (CEA)
- Cécile Lerman (CEA Saclay)
- Alessandro Leveratto (CNR-SPIN)
- Filippo Levi (INFN)
Jeremy Levitan
(National High Magnetic Field Lab)
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Changxing Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Jianfeng Li (Western Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd.)
- X Li (Shenzhen institute of advanced technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, China)
Zheng Li
- Author in Analysis of Three Types of SFCL in Ship MVDC System
- Author in Comparison of Solenoid-type and Annular-type Parallel Inductors Schemes in H-SFCL of Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Author in Electromagnetic Design and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid-Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Author in The Coil Optimization Design of H-SFCL Applied in Ship DC System
Ming Li
(China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Author in Coupling Design of Focusing Function Bending Magnet and High Current Electron Beam for 100 kW Irradiation Accelerator
- Co-author in [Invited] Design of the HTS based, high power proton Cyclotron CYCIAE-100B
- Co-author in Fabrication and Test of a 1:4 Scaled HTS Coil for the Defocusing Magnet of a 2 GeV FFAG Accelerator
- Chengshan Li (Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research)
- Wenhao Li (Shanghai University)
- Guang LI (Shanghai Electric Machinery Company, Ltd.)
Songlin Li
(Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China)
- Author in Design optimization and fabrication of HTS magnet with stepped cross-section
- Author in Design, fabrication and testing of a coated superconductor magnet for electrodynamic suspension
- Author in Numerical modelling and calculation of mechanical properties of HTS magnet wound with multi-thickness armored REBCO tapes
- Jing Li (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Yuxiao Li (southwest jiaotong university)
- Liang Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Lu Li (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Jiangang Li
(Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in A NbTi persistent current switch for MRI superconducting magnet
- Author in Evaluation of the screening current effect in an all-superconducting high-field magnet
- Author in Inter-wire contact force induced critical current degradation of Bi-2212/Ag round wires reacted with and with no pre-pressure
- Chao Li (Tianjin University)
- Changxing Li (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Meng Li
- Liang Li (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Gengyao Li (Tianjin University)
- Meng Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Wenxin li (Tianjin University)
- Quan Li (University of Edinburgh)
Jingdong Li
- Author in Analysis of Three Types of SFCL in Ship MVDC System
- Author in Design of 10MJ toroidal field D-type superconducting energy storage magnet
- Author in The Coil Optimization Design of H-SFCL Applied in Ship DC System
- Author in Thermal Stability Analysis of No-insulation Magnet under Dynamic Operational Conditions
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid-Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Co-author in High-temperature superconducting cable optimization design software based on 2-D electromagnetic thermal analysis model
Xiao-Fen Li
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Author in Off-Power Operation of prototype on-board HTS Magnets for EDS-type Maglev Trains
- Co-author in A miniaturized high temperature superconducting flux pump
- Co-author in A temperature and over current controlled persistent current switch for high temperature superconducting magnets
- Co-author in The electrical behavior of stacked coated conductors concerning the interlayer resistance
- Chao Li
- Junjie LI (CHMFL)
- Jingdong Li (Huazhong university of science and technology)
- Ning Li (Tianjin University)
- Gengyao Li
- Jun jun Li (ASIPP)
- Shuo Li (Northeastern University)
Liang Li
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Author in 25T/52mm warm-bore All YBCO superconducting magnet designed for High-frequency Gyrotrons
- Author in A Flexible Control System Design of Pulsed High Magnetic Field Facility based on Physical Model
- Author in A Novel Design of Multi-coil Magnet System for 100 T
- Author in Influence of Stainless Steel Shell on the 100 T Pulsed Magnet
- Author in Superconducting Magnet Design for a Vertical-ring High Gradient Magnetic Separation System
- Co-author in Design of Pulsed Magnet for Adjusting the Residual Stress Field in Large-size Aluminum Alloy Rings
- Co-author in Numerical simulation and experimental study on the composite process of electromagnetic and electro-hydraulic tube forming
- Co-author in Relaxation of residual stress in the aluminum alloy ring by electromagnetic bulging method
- Dake Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Ming Li
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Scien)
- Author in [Invited] Engineering Design and R&D Work for Toroidal Field Superconducting Magnet of CFETR
- Author in The research on double pancake coil of 1MJ high temperature superconducting magnet energy storage for the power system of NICA complex
- Co-author in Development of superconducting magnetic energy storage for the power system of the particle accelerators Booster and Nuclotron of NICA
- Tong Li (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yi Li (Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory/Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Chunyan Li
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
- Co-author in A preliminary study on a new epoxy resin system IR-3 for the high-field HTS applications
- Co-author in Investigation of a novel transposed superconducting cable using REBCO coated conductors
- Daozheng Li (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Xiaoxiang Li
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Author in Relaxation of residual stress in the aluminum alloy ring by electromagnetic bulging method
- Co-author in Design of Pulsed Magnet for Adjusting the Residual Stress Field in Large-size Aluminum Alloy Rings
- Co-author in Numerical simulation and experimental study on the composite process of electromagnetic and electro-hydraulic tube forming
- Xiaodong Li (Technical University of Munich)
- xiongzhuang Li (Baoding Tianwei Wire Manufacturing Co. LTD, Baoding, Hebei Province, 071023, China)
- Xin Li
- Kai Li (CRRC)
- Hong Li (Sichuan University)
- Jianwei Li (Suzhou Inn-Mag New Energy Ltd)
- Chunyi Li (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology)
Yu Liang
(Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Sicences)
- Author in Design and Test of a half-aperture Canted-Cosine-Theta multipole Prototype Magnet For the HIAF Fragment Separator
- Author in Electromagnetic Design of a 6 T Cos-theta Fast Cycling Dipole Model
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Co-author in Design of a large aperture Canted Cosine Theta (CCT) combined function curved superconducting bending magnet
- Co-author in Designing a Large-gap Superferric Dipole Magnet for CEE
- Ming Liang (Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research)
- Li Liang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Min Liao
- Author in [Invited] Bringing a Nuclear Quality Approach to Superconducting Magnets
- Author in About the first 6 toroidal field coils and 2 poloidal field coils completed by EU for ITER
- Author in Completion and Installation of the ITER Lower Poloidal Field Coils PF5 & 6
- Author in Manufacturing of ITER PF2-6 Coil
- Author in Moving Toward Completion of manufacturing of ITER PF1 Coil
- Author in Start of the ITER Central Solenoid Assembly
- Co-author in Factory acceptance test and delivery of the first two poloidal field coils to ITER fusion facility
- Paul Libeyre (ITER Organization)
- Cui Libin (State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Cui Libin (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Melvin Liebsch (TE-MSC-MM)
- Byung Su LIM (ITER)
Sung-Hun Lim
(Soongsil University)
- Author in Fault Current Limiting Operations of Three-Phase Transformer Type SFCL using Secondary Windings with Closed Loop
- Co-author in Analysis on Fault Current Limiting and Recovery Characteristics of Three-Phase Transformer Type SFCL using Two SMs between Secondary Windings
- Co-author in DC Fault Current Limiting Characteristics of Flux-Lock Type SFCLs with Parallel and Series connection between Two Coils
- Bruno Edson Limeira (CNPEM)
- Dengquan Lin (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Jun Lin (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Jonathan Lindström (Ryd-Verken AB)
- Haihong Liu (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Fei Liu ( Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jianhua Liu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Cong Liu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xin Liu (Ganjiang Innovation Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Quanyue Liu
- Xiaojian Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Xianghong Liu (Western Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd.)
- Jianhua Liu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xiaogang Liu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Hui Liu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Haiyang Liu ( Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jianhua Liu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xin Liu (Ganjiang Innovation Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Huajun Liu
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Inter-wire contact force induced critical current degradation of Bi-2212/Ag round wires reacted with and with no pre-pressure
- Co-author in Compact MRI
- Co-author in Critical Bending Radius Test and Analysis of 7-Filament Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Iron-Based Superconductor Tapes under 12 T Background Field
- Co-author in Critical current of various ReBCO tapes under uniaxial strain
- Co-author in Development of an Iron-Based Superconductor Magnet: A Study on the 64 mm Diameter Iron-based Superconductors Coils
- Co-author in Non-uniform screening-current-induced mechanical strains in small-scale REBCO insert coils
- Co-author in Structural Design and Analysis of Cryogenic System for 3.5 T HTS Magnetic Separation Facility
- Co-author in Thermodynamic Behavior Analysis and Heat Transfer Structure Design of Helium Bubble Aggregation in High Field Superconducting Magnets
- chengcheng liu (Hebei university of technology)
- Yongfang LIU (SARI-CAS)
- Xufeng Liu ( Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xu Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
fang Liu
- Author in Critical Bending Radius Test and Analysis of 7-Filament Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Iron-Based Superconductor Tapes under 12 T Background Field
- Author in Development of an Iron-Based Superconductor Magnet: A Study on the 64 mm Diameter Iron-based Superconductors Coils
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
- Author in Inter-wire contact force induced critical current degradation of Bi-2212/Ag round wires reacted with and with no pre-pressure
- Co-author in Critical current of various ReBCO tapes under uniaxial strain
Haixiang Liu
(Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Co-author in Design of Pulsed Magnet for Adjusting the Residual Stress Field in Large-size Aluminum Alloy Rings
- Co-author in Numerical simulation and experimental study on the composite process of electromagnetic and electro-hydraulic tube forming
- Co-author in Relaxation of residual stress in the aluminum alloy ring by electromagnetic bulging method
- Jingyuan Liu (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Mengyu Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Mengyu Liu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Chaoxin Liu
- Wei Liu (the Key Lab of HV and EMC Beijing Electrical, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China)
- Xiao Liu (Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Scienc)
- Wei Liu (The University of Hong Kong)
- Xin Liu (Ganjiang Innovation Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Science and Technology of China)
- Xiaoning Liu (High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei ,China)
- Hui Liu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yiyong Liu ((Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS)))
- Hui Liu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jianhua Liu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Sumei Liu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Kang Liu (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- XiaoGang Liu (ASIPP)
- Yating Liu (the Key Lab of HV and EMC Beijing Electrical, North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China)
- Jianhui Liu (SouthWest JiaoTong University)
- Xiaoning Liu (High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei , China)
Penelope Livesey
(M&I Materials ltd)
- Author in Varistor Insulation for HTS Magnets
- Oleg Lobkis (Etegent Technologies, Ltd.)
- Alessandro Lo Bue (Fusion for Energy)
- Tim Loew (LBNL)
- Ander Loizaga (F4E)
- Vito Lombardo (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Jiajie Long (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Run Long (Sichuan University)
Nicholas J. Long
(Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 33436, Lower Hutt 5046, New Zealand)
- Author in AC loss simulation in HTS coil windings coupled with an iron core
- Co-author in AC loss measurement and simulation in a REBCO coil assembly utilizing two types of low-loss magnetic flux diverters
- Co-author in Role of asymmetric critical current on magnetization loss characteristics of REBCO coated conductors at various temperatures
- Antoine LONJON (Université de Toulouse, CIRIMAT, CNRS-INPT-UPS)
- Jose Lorenzo (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
Clement Lorin
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
- Author in Dimensional Changes Measurement of Nb3Sn Cables and Strands during Heat Treatment Using Digital Image Correlation
- Author in Multiphysics study of phase transformations in Nb3Sn strands during Heat Treatment
- Co-author in Experimental analysis of quench behavior in a Cable-In-Conduit-Conductor cooled by stagnant superfluid helium
- Ksenia Loshmanova (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia)
- Jean-Pierre Lottin (DAPNIA)
- Konstantinos LOUKAS (FEAC Engineering P.C. )
- Sandra Sophie Lourenco (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (FR))
- Alexandre LOUZGUITI (CEA)
- Jianing Lu
- Jianing Lu (Tianjin University)
- Wang Lu
Jiaqi Lu
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Analysis of Coupled Electromagnetic Thermal Effects of Scanning Magnet for SESRI
- Author in Design of a large aperture Canted Cosine Theta (CCT) combined function curved superconducting bending magnet
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in Design and Test of a half-aperture Canted-Cosine-Theta multipole Prototype Magnet For the HIAF Fragment Separator
- Co-author in Designing a Large-gap Superferric Dipole Magnet for CEE
Jun Lu
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Co-author in Lap joint resistivity and crossover resistance of REBCO conductors and coils
- Co-author in Microanalysis of Glidcop® conductor, an alumina particle dispersion strengthened copper, for ultrahigh field pulsed magnet applications
- Pavel Lukyanov (Bochvar Institute (VNIINM))
- Xijie Luo (Kyoto University)
- Jun Luo (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Linqing Luo (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Cesar Luongo (ITER)
- Franck Lutton (GANIL)
- Ming-Bang Lv
- Yiliang Lv (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Mingbang Lv
- Mika Lyly
- Valery Lyssenko (FIAN)
Guangtong Ma
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Author in AC losses of high temperature superconducting magnet under the external magnetic fields generated by the ground coils of electrodynamic suspension train
- Author in Design optimization and fabrication of HTS magnet with stepped cross-section
- Author in Design, fabrication and testing of a coated superconductor magnet for electrodynamic suspension
- Author in Force Characteristic Analysis of Active EDS System Under Different Control Currents
- Author in Influence of the Stator Substrate Magnetism on the Charging Performance of Dynamo-type HTS Flux Pump
- Author in Levitation force enhancement of a magnetic bearing using the stator of hybrid superconducting magnet
- Author in Multi-objective Optimization Design for Null-flux Superconducting Electrodynamic Suspension Using NSGA-II and Response Surface Method
- Author in Numerical modelling and calculation of mechanical properties of HTS magnet wound with multi-thickness armored REBCO tapes
- Author in Numerical study on dynamic characteristics of stack-type HTS Maglev system based on H-formulation
- Author in Optimization of the Levitation Performance for the Fully-Superconducting Magnetic Bearing
- Author in Structure Optimization of Linear Generator Coil in No-contact On-board Power Source for EDS Maglev
- Author in Vertical Dynamic Response of Vehicle-bridge Coupled Systems in Superconducting Electrodynamic Suspension Train
- Qiwen Ma (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Shizhuo Ma
- Hongjun Ma (Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Yuanzheng Ma
- Jun Ma (College of Electrical and Information Engineering)
- Yuanyuan Ma
- Guangtong Ma
- Yuantong Ma
- Li-Zhen Ma
- Guangtong Ma (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Yiming Ma (Kyushu University)
Yanwei Ma
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
- Co-author in Critical Bending Radius Test and Analysis of 7-Filament Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Iron-Based Superconductor Tapes under 12 T Background Field
- Co-author in Development of an Iron-Based Superconductor Magnet: A Study on the 64 mm Diameter Iron-based Superconductors Coils
- Jun Ma (Cambridge Universitry)
- Hongjun Ma (Institute of Plasma Physics)
Lizhen Ma
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Magnet Design of the Electron Cooling System for HIAF
- Co-author in Design and Test of a half-aperture Canted-Cosine-Theta multipole Prototype Magnet For the HIAF Fragment Separator
- Co-author in Design of a large aperture Canted Cosine Theta (CCT) combined function curved superconducting bending magnet
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements on the Twin Aperture Orbit Correctors for HL-LHC at IMP
- Co-author in Optimization design and development of septum magnet
- Co-author in Study on Forced Flow Cooling of Superconducting Magnet for Compact Synchrotron
- Co-author in The study on the quench helium release process of HFRS superconducting magnet
- Stephen MacDonald (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Takato Machi
- Shutaro Machiya (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Daido University)
- Rafael Macián-Juan (Chair of Nuclear Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Munich)
- Michal Maciejewski (CERN)
- Arnaud Madur (CEA Saclay)
- Hideaki Maeda (j)
- Minoru Maeda (Kangwon National University)
- Nizar Magouri (LATESYS)
- Daniele Magrassi
- Chris Magsig (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University )
- Assaad Mahmoud (Ashikaga University)
Milan Majoros
(The Ohio State University)
- Author in Dipole magnets wound using YBCO cables - FEM stability issues modeling
- Author in Electrical and Thermal Contact Resistance in ReBCO Stacks and Cables with Modified Surfaces
- Author in FEM modeling of superconducting whole body, actively shielded 7 T MRI magnets wound using Nb3Sn strands
- Author in Flux Creep in Bi:2212 Rutherford Cables for Particle Accelerator Applications
- Author in Increased Quench Energy Threshold in Nb3Sn Strands with High Heat Capacity
- Author in Magnetization measurements of Bi-2212 Rutherford cable using a ± 3-T magnetometer
- Author in Numerical Study of Temperature Distribution within a Conduction-Cooled, MgB2 MRI Coil Segment
- Author in Simulation and Experiments on an AC-Injection Active Protection Scheme for a Conduction Cooled, React-and-Wind, MgB2 MRI Coil Segment
- Author in Stability and current sharing in YBCO cables – impact of broken elements - FEM modeling
- Yasuhiro MAKIDA (KEK)
- yasuhiro makida (KEK)
- Andrzej Makulski (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Marina Malabaila (CERN)
- andrea malagoli (CNR-SPIN)
- Filip Maciej Malinowski (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
- Philip Mallon (LBNL)
Franco Julio Mangiarotti
- Author in High-performance simulation of the magnetic field in superconducting magnets using domain decomposition algorithms in the Sparselizard open source FEM library
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Author in Superconducting Magnet Energy Extraction with Varistors to Reduce Quench Voltages and Hot-Spots
- Co-author in Characterizing performance degradation through the analysis of V-I measurements in Nb3Sn accelerator magnets
- Co-author in Quench Behaviour of Prototype HL-LHC Dipole Canted Cos-Theta Orbit Corrector Nb-Ti Magnet
- Pierre Manil (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
- Alexei Mankevich (S-Innovations LLC)
- Mervi Mantsinen (Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC); ICREA)
- Ferrater Marc (ISQ)
- Marcello Marchetti (ENEA)
Maxim Marchevsky
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Progress Towards Hall Sensor-Based Quench Detection in CORC® Cables
- Author in Ultrasonic Waveguides for Quench Detection in HTS Magnets
- Antony Mariani (Iter)
Vittorio Marinozzi
- Author in [Invited] Analysis of the production of MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC at 50% coil fabrication
- Author in Conceptual design optimization of a 20 T hybrid cos-theta dipole superconducting magnet for future High-Energy particle accelerators.
- Author in Current Status of the Facility for High Field Cable Testing at Fermilab
- Author in Quench protection of a large aperture 15 T Cable Test Facility Nb3Sn Magnet
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
Samuele Mariotto
(University of Milan - INFN Milan)
- Author in Advanced electrical quality assurance methods for the series production of the superconducting coils of the HL-LHC high order corrector magnets
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Nb3Sn Cos-theta Short Model Dipole for the Future Circular Collider
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Anton Markelov (S-innovations LLC)
- Bastian Märkisch (Technische Universität München)
- Cinta Lucia Marraco Borderas
- William Marshall (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Ismael Martel Bravo (University of Huelva (ES))
Luke Martin
- Co-author in Design of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in Fabrication of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in US-HiLumi Accelerator Upgrade Project Pre-series Cryo-Assembly 01 Production and First Results
Emma Martin
(Applied Superconductivity Center/National High Magnetic Field L)
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Teresa Martinez de Alvaro
Luis M. Martinez Fresno
- Co-author in Fabrication and Power Test of last MCBXFB Magnets
- Monica Martinezlopez
- Author in About the first 6 toroidal field coils and 2 poloidal field coils completed by EU for ITER
- Author in Factory acceptance test and delivery of the first two poloidal field coils to ITER fusion facility
- Author in Manufacturing of ITER PF2-6 Coil
- Co-author in Current Centre Line calculation method and results for ITER Poloidal Field Coils
- Pedro Martins (CNPEM)
- Vitor Martins (ISQ)
- Carla Martins Jardim (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, MedioAmbientales y Tecnológicas)
- Nicolai Martovetsky (ORNL)
- Egor Marushin (JSC NIIEFA)
- Masaki Maruyama (Tohoku University)
- Ishii Masaaki (Fujikura Ltd.)
- Ratu Mataira (Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington)
- Johansson Mathias (Vattenskärningsteknik i Vislanda AB)
- Takanobu Mato (Hokkaido University)
- Shunya Matsuba (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Shunya Matsuba (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Tetsuya Matsuda (MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Corp.)
- Yasuyuki Matsuda (University of Tokyo (JP))
- Kunihiro Matsui (National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
Kenjiro Matsuki
(Kyoto University)
- Author in Parametric study on starting method with fast torque response in high-temperature superconducting induction/synchronous motor
- Author in Robust and low-loss high temperature superconducting armature winding technology to realize a practical fully superconducting rotating machine: from the viewpoint of self-organizing design method and FFDS conductor technique
- Ryo Matsumoto (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Kazane Matsumoto
- Akiyoshi Matsumoto
- Fumiya Matsumoto (The Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University)
- Keishi Matsumoto
- Ryota Matsushita (University of Tokyo)
- Yuichi Matsutake (Sophia University)
- Jun Matsuura (Kyoto University)
- Hideki Matsuura (Shikoku Research Institute Inc.)
- Evgeniy Matyukhanov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Lorenzo Mauro (ASG Superconductors)
- Yasunori Mawatari (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
- Christophe MAYRI (CEA Saclay)
- Kyle McCombs (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Neville McNeill (University of Strathclyde)
- Byeong-Jin Mean (SuNAM Co. Ltd.)
- Andrey Mednikov (Efremov)
- Bertrand Mehl (CERN)
Enming Mei
- Author in An electro-thermal coupling model of quench protection using nonlinear quench-back for superconducting magnets
- Author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Mirror Structure for the full-length Nb3Sn Sextupole Coil of 45 GHz ECR Ion Source
- Author in Mechanical validation of the Combined Support Structure for FECR Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet Prototype
- Author in Quench analysis and experiment of FECR prototype Nb3Sn superconducting magnet
- Author in Quench Detection and Voltage Spikes Analysis of the FECR Half-scale Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in Design and Test of a half-aperture Canted-Cosine-Theta multipole Prototype Magnet For the HIAF Fragment Separator
- Co-author in Design of a large aperture Canted Cosine Theta (CCT) combined function curved superconducting bending magnet
- Co-author in Designing a Large-gap Superferric Dipole Magnet for CEE
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements on the Twin Aperture Orbit Correctors for HL-LHC at IMP
- Jan Patrick Meier
- Shin-ichiro Meigo (J-PARC/JAEA)
- Robert Memmo (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Zachary Mendleson (Brookhaven Technology Group)
- Liao Meng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Li Meng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Matthias Mentink
- Author in CERN North Area Multi-Purpose Superconducting Magnet Facility
- Co-author in Design and quench analysis for transparent superconducting solenoids for the Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerators at the lepton Future Circular Collider
- Co-author in Method of Manufacturing Fast Ramping Non-Insulated HTS Pancake Coils
- Co-author in Quench Behaviour of Prototype HL-LHC Dipole Canted Cos-Theta Orbit Corrector Nb-Ti Magnet
- Co-author in STEAM Software Framework to Simulate Transients in Accelerator Magnets and Circuits
- Alessandro Mercuri (University of Tuscia, Department of Economy, Engineering, Society and Business Organization (DEIM))
- Andrei Merkuriev (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Lucio Merli (ICAS s.r.l.)
- David MESGUICH (Université de Toulouse, CIRIMAT, CNRS-INPT-UPS)
- Giuseppe Messina (ENEA)
- Giuseppe Messina (ENEA)
- Jan Mestdagh (Bekaert)
- Mickael Sebastien Meyer (CERN)
- Nikolay Mezentsev (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
Tsutomu Mibe
- Author in Design of a strong X-Y coupling beam transport line for J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment
- Co-author in [Invited] Development of precise shimming technique with materials having low saturation magnetization
- Co-author in Control of Rotatable-Quadrupole Magnets Angles for 3-D Spiral Injection Test Experiment
- Co-author in Design method of active shield coils of steering magnet for fine tuning of muon injection orbit in muon storage magnet of g-2/EDM precision measurement
- Co-author in Development of magneitc field mapping system for MuSEUM experiement with high precision using CW-NMR probes
- Co-author in Developments of a Pulse Kicker System for the Three-Dimensional Spiral Beam Injection of the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM Experiment
- Co-author in Effect on temperature dependence for long-term stable control of the magnetic field at sub-ppm using superconducting magnet for MRI
- Philip Michael (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- James Michel (LANL)
- Matthias Michels (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung)
- Anna Mierau (GSI)
- Satoshi MIHARA (KEK)
- Yuta Mihira (Niigata University)
- Attilio Milanese (CERN)
George Miller
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Author in Experimental Study on Effectiveness of Different Reinforcement Layouts Applied to Recent Bi-2212 Test Coils
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Michifumi Minakawa (KEK)
- Marin Minamitani (Kansai University)
- Nikolay Mineev (Bruker Switzerland AG)
- Gilles Minier (CEA Paris-Saclay)
- Andrew Minor (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Masato Misawa (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
Fumihito MISHIMA
(Fukui University of Technology)
- Author in Development of novel magnetic separation for paramagnetic particles using the selection tube
- Author in Separation of Microplastics from Sea Water by Means of Electromagnetic Force
- Co-author in Removal of Iron Oxide Scale from Boiler Feed-water in Thermal Power Plant by Magnetic Separation -Aggregation States of Oxygenated Treatment Scale-
- Nicolas Misiara (CEA)
Neil Mitchell
- Author in [Invited] Successes & Failures in Design Solutions During the 30 Year Life of ITER (and how we could have improved)
- Author in About the first 6 toroidal field coils and 2 poloidal field coils completed by EU for ITER
- Author in Manufacturing of ITER PF2-6 Coil
- Author in Measurements of AC loss evolution in ITER TF Conductors
- Author in Moving Toward Completion of manufacturing of ITER PF1 Coil
- Author in Start of the ITER Central Solenoid Assembly
- Co-author in Completion and Installation of the ITER Lower Poloidal Field Coils PF5 & 6
- Co-author in Factory acceptance test and delivery of the first two poloidal field coils to ITER fusion facility
- Toshiyuki Mito (National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS))
- Toshiyuki Mito (National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS))
Shun Miura
(Kyushu University)
- Co-author in Design Study of 3φ-10 MVA-6.9/1.0 kV REBCO Superconducting Transformers with Lightweight and Current-Limiting Function for an E-aircraft Propulsion System
- Co-author in Experimental Evaluation of Current Distribution in Three-Strand Transposed Parallel Conductors Composed of REBCO Superconducting Tapes
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Study of REBCO Trapezoidal Armature Windings for Superconducting Induction Motor
- Co-author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
- Yushi Miura (Nagaoka University of Technology)
- Osuke Miura (Tokyo Met. University)
Hideaki Miura
- Author in Hybrid Microscopy to Clarify Failure Mechanisms of REBCO Tapes in Meter-Class Pancake-Coils
- Author in Study of the Basic Properties of Meter-class REBCO High-Temperature Superconducting Coils for MRI
- Author in Temperature Dependence of Optimal Shape and DC Current Transport Characteristics of 3T Whole Body REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Design study of superconducting TF coil concept with rectangular conductor layer winding with high manufacturability and insulation reliability for JA DEMO
Daisuke Miyagi
(Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba 263-8522, Japan)
- Author in Thermal stability against local critical current degradation in an HTS pancake coil wound with an insulated conductor composed of no-insulated multiple tapes
- Co-author in AC loss measurement and simulation in a REBCO coil assembly utilizing two types of low-loss magnetic flux diverters
- Co-author in Improvement of excitation delay by multiple high temperature superconducting tapes in no-insulation coil
- Tomohiro Miyajima
- Yuta Miyake (Okayama University)
- Kohei Miyamoto (Okayama University)
- Yoshinobu Miyamoto (Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Yu Miyamoto (Waseda University)
Hiroshi Miyazaki
(Kyushu University)
- Author in 25.1T generation in 25T cryogen-free superconducting magnet with a modified Bi2223 insert
- Co-author in Design considerations for practical very high field cryogen-free superconducting magnets: 33 T and beyond
- Co-author in Design Study of 3φ-10 MVA-6.9/1.0 kV REBCO Superconducting Transformers with Lightweight and Current-Limiting Function for an E-aircraft Propulsion System
- Co-author in Experimental Evaluation of Current Distribution in Three-Strand Transposed Parallel Conductors Composed of REBCO Superconducting Tapes
- Co-author in Hoop stress test of four-stacked two-ply REBCO pancake coils
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Study of REBCO Trapezoidal Armature Windings for Superconducting Induction Motor
- Co-author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
- Junichi Miyazawa (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Yasuyuki Miyoshi (Iter)
- Akihito Mizuno (Nagoya University)
- Kota Mizushima (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Kota Mizushima (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Nikolai Mokhov (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
frederic MOLINIE
(CEA Saclay)
- Co-author in [Invited] 43+T Grenoble Hybrid Magnet: From final Assembly to Commissioning of the Superconducting Outsert
- Co-author in [Invited] First images of the Iseult Whole Body 11.7 T MRI
- Co-author in Experimental analysis of quench behavior in a Cable-In-Conduit-Conductor cooled by stagnant superfluid helium
- Co-author in Test Results of the MQYYM: a 90 mm NbTi quadrupole magnet option for HL-LHC
- Falk Möller (Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Alexander Molodyk (S-innovations LLC)
- Elizabeth Moog (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Seung-Hyun Moon (SuNAM Co., Ltd.)
- Peter Moore (Tufts University)
- Tristan Moraine (LNCMI - CNRS - UPS - INSA - UGA)
- Tatsuya Mori (Osaka University)
- Luigi Morici (ENEA)
- Taro Morita
- Dominic Moseley (Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington)
- Dominic Moseley (University of Cambridge)
Takanori Motoki
(Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Author in Potential of Superconducting Joints Connecting Bi2223 Tapes
- Author in Short-time fabrication and trapped field distributions of large REBCO melt-textured bulks made by Single-Direction Melt Growth method
- Co-author in Development of a persistent-mode 400 MHz (9.39 T) LTS/Bi2223 NMR magnet with a Bi2223 superconducting joint
- Co-author in Fabrication of all c-grown RE123 melt-textured bulks with homogeneous trapping field distributions using Single-Direction Melt Growth method
- Co-author in Physical properties of all c-grown Gd123 bulks starting from various metal compositions
- Hans Guenter Mueller (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
- Rehman Muhammad Abdul (KEK)
- Tim Mulder (CERN)
- jeongmin mun (changwon national university)
- Surbhi Mundra (Graduate Fellow)
- Javier Munilla (CIEMAT)
Haruyuki Murakami
(National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Te)
- Author in [Plenary] Overview of Construction and First Commissioning Results of JT-60SA Superconducting Magnets
- Author in AC losses in JT-60SA magnets during commissioning: experimental analysis and simulations
- Author in Estimation of the Cool-Down Speed under the SHe inlet condition in JT-60SA CS module
- Author in Investigation of Transient Response caused by Power Supply on JT-60SA Central Solenoid
- Co-author in The pressure drop measurement of JT-60SA superconducting magnets
- Shogo MURAKAMI (Waseda University)
- Akira Murakami (Ichinoseki College)
- Masato Murakami (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
- Miryala Muralidhar (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
- Joseph F Muratore (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Marco Musardo (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Riccardo Musenich (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))
Mtangi Mohamed Mussa
(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, Korea)
- Author in Electrical Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Insulated with Doped Smart Materials
- Co-author in Effects of Friction Force on the Stress-Strain Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Co-Wound Using Intentionally Scratched Stainless Steel and GdBCO Tape
- Co-author in Enhanced Thermal and Electrical Properties of GdBCO Magnets Impregnated with Epoxy Composites Containing Various Fillers
- Co-author in Superconducting Joint for “Reacted” MgB2 multifilament Wires for the Development of MRI Magnets
- Co-author in Thermal-Quench Behavior of GdBCO Coils Wound with Grease Containing Various Fillers as Insulation Materials
- Adriano Mussinatto (Criotec Impianti S.p.A)
- Andrea Musso (University of Bologna)
Andrea Musso
- Author in [Invited] Lessons learnt in HL-LHC interaction region superconducting magnets: two case studies
- Author in Magnetic measurements of a full-scale prototype of the HL-LHC beam separation dipole
- Author in Mechanical characterization of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers (GFRP) and resins submitted to ionizing radiations for future accelerator application
- Author in Test result of a full-scale prototype of beam separation dipole magnet for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Shogo Muto (Fujikura Ltd.)
- Ryotaro Muto
- Fumimasa Muto (Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Luigi Muzzi (ENEA, 00044 Frascati, Italy)
Luigi Muzzi
- Author in Analysis of the thermal-hydraulic effects of a plasma disruption on the DTT magnet system
- Author in DC and AC characterization of a Low-Field Nb3Sn prototype conductor for a DEMO TF Coil
- Author in DEMO fusion reactor Toroidal Field coil optimized layer-wound design
- Author in Designing and Manufacturing of REBCO-based Al-slotted core Cable-In–Conduit Conductors for quench experiments
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Author in Engineering and Structural Assessment for the updated design of the DTT Central Solenoid
- Co-author in Design and structural assessment overview of the DTT TFC system
- Co-author in Engineering the main structures of the DEMO fusion reactor magnet system
- Co-author in Heat Treatment Optimization on Nb3Sn Strands Based on Electrical and Physical Properties
- Co-author in Preliminary structural analysis of the DTT current feeders conductors and clamps
- Co-author in Updated structural assessment of the Poloidal Field Coils of the DTT tokamak
- Cory Myers (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
Cory Myers
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Author in [Invited] A subscale canted cosθ dipole magnet using high-temperature superconducting STAR™ wires
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Flux Creep in Bi:2212 Rutherford Cables for Particle Accelerator Applications
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Tatsuoki Nagaishi (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.)
- Yoshifumi Nagamoto (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
Yoh Nagasaki
(Tohoku University)
- Author in Reinforcement Structure of HTS Magnet to Increase the Magnetic Moment for Space Application
- Co-author in [Invited] Design, fabrication and soundness test of a Bi2223 magnet immersed in liquid hydrogen
- Co-author in Improvement of excitation delay by multiple high temperature superconducting tapes in no-insulation coil
- Co-author in Thermal stability against local critical current degradation in an HTS pancake coil wound with an insulated conductor composed of no-insulated multiple tapes
Shigeo Nagaya
(Chubu Electric Power CO., Inc)
- Author in An Optimal Configuration Method of Superconducting Magnet with Iron Shield using Model Order Reduction
- Co-author in Development of Induction Heating Device Using HTS Magnet in Aluminum Extrusion Processing
- Co-author in Evaluation of operating characteristics of coils wound with no-insulation REBCO bundle conductor for SMES
- Co-author in Mechanical strength evaluation of Yoroi-coil structured non-circular REBCO pancake coil in high magnetic field
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Mechanical Behavior of No-insulation REBCO Pancake Coils in Skeleton Cyclotron
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Quench Behavior of REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
- Shigeo NAGAYA
- Keisuke Naito (Okayama University)
- Michio Naito (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- Tomoyuki Naito (Iwate University)
- yuma nakada (Chiba Univ)
- Masataka Nakahira (QST)
- Masataka Nakahira
- Yuki Nakai (Okayama University)
- Yusuke Nakai (Hokkaido University)
- Ukyo Nakai (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Tatsushi Nakamoto
- Author in [Invited] Lessons learnt in HL-LHC interaction region superconducting magnets: two case studies
- Author in Magnetic measurements of a full-scale prototype of the HL-LHC beam separation dipole
- Author in Mechanical characterization of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers (GFRP) and resins submitted to ionizing radiations for future accelerator application
- Author in Test result of a full-scale prototype of beam separation dipole magnet for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade
- Co-author in Irradiation effect on superconductivity of REBCO coated conductors
- Co-author in Repetitive irradiation tests at cryogenic temperature by neutrons and protons on stabilizer materials of superconductor
- Mio Nakamoto
Taketsune Nakamura
(Kyoto University)
- Author in [Invited] Experimental and theoretical study on power generation characteristics of 1 kW class fully high-temperature superconducting induction/synchronous generator using a stator winding with a bending diameter of 20 mm
- Author in Parametric study on starting method with fast torque response in high-temperature superconducting induction/synchronous motor
- Author in Robust and low-loss high temperature superconducting armature winding technology to realize a practical fully superconducting rotating machine: from the viewpoint of self-organizing design method and FFDS conductor technique
- Author in Temperature Dependence of Optimal Shape and DC Current Transport Characteristics of 3T Whole Body REBCO MRI Magnet
Kazuya Nakamura
(Sophia University)
- Author in Estimation of the Cool-Down Speed under the SHe inlet condition in JT-60SA CS module
- Author in Experimental study on quench protection method for HTS coil that uses Cu tape co-wound with HTS tape
- Author in Flywheel uninterruptible power supply using superconducting induction machine
- Author in Investigation of Transient Response caused by Power Supply on JT-60SA Central Solenoid
- Author in Levitation properties of magnetic attraction type levitation system having HTS bulk and HTS racetrack magnet
- Takashi Nakamura (RIKEN)
- Shigetoshi Nakamura (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Shin-ichi Nakamura (TEP)
- Taketsune Nakamura (Kyoto University)
- Kota Nakamura (Sophia University)
- Kosuke Nakanishi (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Kosuke Nakanishi (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Seokho Nam (JH engineering Company Ltd.)
- Gi-Dong Nam (Changwon National University)
- Seitoku Namba (Shikoku Research Institute Inc.)
- Devendra Namburi (University of Cambridge)
- Shao Nan (CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd)
- Colin Narug (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Kyohei Natsume (QST)
- Michael Naus (LBNL)
- Denis Neapolitanskiy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Bogdan Neculaes
Ui Nemoto
(Waseda University)
- Author in Numerical evaluation of electromagnetic behavior of multi-stacked no-insulation REBCO coil system assuming applications to high-field whole-body MRIs and medical cyclotrons
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of transient thermal stability of no-insulation pancake coil wound with REBCO coated conductor with some defects
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of transient thermal stability of no-insulation REBCO pancake coils with non-contact area between turns
- Martina Neri (ASG Superconductor s.p.a.)
- Michela Neroni (Sapienza Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
- Thomas Nes (Twente Technical University (NL))
- Regis Neuenschwander (CNPEM)
- Hubert Neyrial (CEA-Saclay)
- Doan Nguyen (Los Alamos National Lab)
- Doan Nguyen (NHMFL)
- Qicai Ni (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xiaojun Ni (ASIPP)
Dongsheng Ni
(Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development of a demountable joint for NUCLOTRON type cable
- Author in Electromagnetic Design of a 6 T Cos-theta Fast Cycling Dipole Model
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements on the Twin Aperture Orbit Correctors for HL-LHC at IMP
- Co-author in Study on Forced Flow Cooling of Superconducting Magnet for Compact Synchrotron
- Co-author in The study on the quench helium release process of HFRS superconducting magnet
- Daniel Nickel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- Jean-Pierre Nicolin (LNCMI - CNRS - UPS - INSA - UGA)
- Lanxin Nie (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology (School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology))
- Xingchao Nie (Applied Superconductivity Laboratory, State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Yang Nie (North China Electric Power University)
Arend Nijhuis
(University of Twente)
- Author in [Invited] CORC® cables with superior tensile strain performance : FEM and experiments
- Author in [Invited] Development of high-strength CORC® conductors with record-breaking irreversible axial tensile strain limit exceeding 7 %
- Author in Axial and transverse loading model of CORC® cable considering initial contact from cabling process
- Danila Nikiforov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
- Dmitry Nikiforov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
Vladica Nikolic
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Current Status of the Facility for High Field Cable Testing at Fermilab
- Author in Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Upgrade Overview and Commissioning
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Author in Quench protection of a large aperture 15 T Cable Test Facility Nb3Sn Magnet
- Co-author in Design of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Shigeki Nimori (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Gaelle Ninet (CERN)
- Arman Ray Nisay (Andong National University)
Gen Nishijima
(National Institute for Materials Science)
- Author in Development of Bi-2223 magnet for magnetic refrigeration system
- Author in In-field evaluation of REBCO superconducting joint
- Co-author in Demonstration of a kA-class Rutherford Cables using MgB2 Wires for Energy Storage Device optimal for Liquid Hydrogen Indirect Cooling System
- Co-author in Influence of Zn addition in Cu matrix on the mechanical and superconducting properties of Nb$_3$Sn conductor
- Co-author in Mechanical strength evaluation of Yoroi-coil structured non-circular REBCO pancake coil in high magnetic field
- Co-author in Ultra-low resistance joints between Bi2223 and NbTi wires using superconducting Bi-Pb solder
- Takashi Nishimura (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.)
- Taichiro Nishio (Tokyo University of Science)
- Tomokazu Nishiyama (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Terukazu Nishizaki
- Tanzo Nitta (The University of Tokyo)
- Rongmei Niu (National High Magnetic Field Lab.)
- Chang Niu (Hunan University)
- Fred Nobrega (Fermilab)
- Etsuo Noda (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Etsuo Noda (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Shuya Nogata (Kyushu University)
Jerzy Nogiec
- Author in A Quench Detection and Monitoring System for Superconducting Magnets at Fermilab
- Author in Designing a Magnetic Measurement Data Acquisition and Control System with Reuse in Mind: A Rotating Coil System Example
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Author in Software Architecture and Hardware Organization in Mu2e Solenoid Field Mapping System
So Noguchi
(Hokkaido University)
- Author in AC loss simulation of NI REBCO pancake coils in external low-frequency magnetic field
- Author in An Optimal Configuration Method of Superconducting Magnet with Iron Shield using Model Order Reduction
- Author in Current behaviors of NI REBCO pancake coil wound with multi-bundled conductors during charging and against local normal state transition.
- Author in Screening current simulation of REBCO pancake coils considering coil deformation
- Co-author in Energization waveform for reducing Screening Current-induced Magnetic Field in No-Insulation REBCO Coil Systems
- Co-author in Experimental Study on the Accuracy of the Proposed LFAC Method for Measuring the Contact Resistance of NI HTS Coils
- Co-author in Mechanical strength evaluation of Yoroi-coil structured non-circular REBCO pancake coil in high magnetic field
- Co-author in Mechanical stress simulation of REBCO tapes using particle methods
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of electromagnetic behavior of multi-stacked no-insulation REBCO coil system assuming applications to high-field whole-body MRIs and medical cyclotrons
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of transient thermal stability of no-insulation pancake coil wound with REBCO coated conductor with some defects
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of transient thermal stability of no-insulation REBCO pancake coils with non-contact area between turns
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Mechanical Behavior of No-insulation REBCO Pancake Coils in Skeleton Cyclotron
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Quench Behavior of REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
- Masazumi Noguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Hyun-Woo Noh (Korea Electric Research Institute)
Hyun Sung Noh
(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul,02841, Korea)
- Author in Persistent Current Switch with Diode Protection and Superconducting Joint for a 5 T NbTi NMR Magnet
- Author in Thermal-Quench Behavior of GdBCO Coils Wound with Grease Containing Various Fillers as Insulation Materials
- Co-author in Design of a Cryogen-free 6 T 320 mm All-REBCO MRI Magnet
- Co-author in Effects of Friction Force on the Stress-Strain Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Co-Wound Using Intentionally Scratched Stainless Steel and GdBCO Tape
- Co-author in Electrical Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Insulated with Doped Smart Materials
- Co-author in Enhanced Thermal and Electrical Properties of GdBCO Magnets Impregnated with Epoxy Composites Containing Various Fillers
- Co-author in Investigation on thermal and electrical stabilities of REBCO coil insulated by vanadium III oxide under various disturbance environments
- Co-author in Optimization of the react and wind coil manufacturing process using MgB2 twisted cable
- Co-author in Superconducting Joint for “Reacted” MgB2 multifilament Wires for the Development of MRI Magnets
- Jerry Nolen (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Kazuhiro Nomoto (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
Shinichi Nomura
(Meiji University)
- Author in Operation Scenario of Mobile SMES for On-Site Eigenvalue Measurement of Electric Power System
- Co-author in A Simple Calculation Method for Center Magnetic Flux Density of a Magnetic Core Electromagnet with a Wide Air-Gap
- Co-author in Feasibility Study on a Real-Scale High-Frequency Electromagnets for Magnetic Hyperthermia Base on a Magnetic Scaling Law
- Shunji Nomura (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Shota Noro (Tokai university)
- Ryan Norris (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Martin Istvan Novak (Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner RCP) (HU))
Michael Novikov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Author in Development of superconducting magnetic energy storage for the power system of the particle accelerators Booster and Nuclotron of NICA
- Author in Investigations of stability of the second generation HTS composites under of current loads at various regimes
- Author in Magnetization and Hysteresis Losses in HTS Coated Conductors in Magnetic Field of Various Orientation
- Author in Quadrupole Superconducting Model Magnet for Upgrade of the Nuclotron Synchrotron
- Author in The research on double pancake coil of 1MJ high temperature superconducting magnet energy storage for the power system of NICA complex
Igor Novitski
- Author in [Invited] Main results and lessons learned from the MDPCT1 R&D program
- Author in Conceptual design optimization of a 20 T hybrid cos-theta dipole superconducting magnet for future High-Energy particle accelerators.
- Author in Development of a 120-mm aperture Nb3Sn dipole coil with stress management
- Author in Development of a small-aperture cos-theta dipole insert coil based on Bi2212 Rutherford cable and stress management structure
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
- Co-author in Analysis of quench data and performance of MDPCT1 – the 15 T Nb3Sn dipole demonstrator
- Co-author in Minimum Quench Energy of Nb3Sn Wires and Rutherford Cables with High Specific Heat
- Edward Nowak (CERN)
- Takenori Numazawa (National Institute for Materials Science)
Francois NUNIO
- Co-author in [Invited] First images of the Iseult Whole Body 11.7 T MRI
- Co-author in Experimental analysis of quench behavior in a Cable-In-Conduit-Conductor cooled by stagnant superfluid helium
- Co-author in Various methodologies used in the mechanical analysis of TF coils for EU DEMO
Tetsuhiro Obana
- Author in Electromagnetic-structural analysis of a superconducting magnet with active shielding for a rotating gantry
- Author in Study on the state prediction of the superconducting magnet system for a nuclear fusion experimental device by machine learning
- Co-author in Resistances between soldered YBCO tapes consisting of the stacked cable
- Kodai Oda (Ibaraki-University)
- Gabriel Oehlmeyer Brunheira (CNPEM - National Research Center in Energy and Materials)
- Chiori Ogane
- Yasuhiro Ogata (TERAL Inc.)
- Jun Ogawa (Niigata University)
- Jun Ogawa (Niigata University)
- Hiraku Ogino (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technolog)
Toru Ogitsu
- Author in Magnetic measurements of a full-scale prototype of the HL-LHC beam separation dipole
- Author in Test result of a full-scale prototype of beam separation dipole magnet for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade
- Co-author in [Invited] Development of precise shimming technique with materials having low saturation magnetization
- Co-author in Design method of active shield coils of steering magnet for fine tuning of muon injection orbit in muon storage magnet of g-2/EDM precision measurement
- Co-author in Effect on temperature dependence for long-term stable control of the magnetic field at sub-ppm using superconducting magnet for MRI
- Co-author in Influence of Zn addition in Cu matrix on the mechanical and superconducting properties of Nb$_3$Sn conductor
- Co-author in Irradiation effect on superconductivity of REBCO coated conductors
- Co-author in Repetitive irradiation tests at cryogenic temperature by neutrons and protons on stabilizer materials of superconductor
HIdetoshi OGURO
(Tokai University)
- Author in Evaluation for Critical Current of REBCO coated conductor under various tensile strains and magnetic field angles.
- Co-author in Angular dependences of critical current for REBCO coated conductors under bending strains
- Co-author in Jc performance under the transverse compressive stress on the bronze matrix reinforced Nb3Sn multifilamentary wires
- Co-author in Mechanical properties and strain effect of various Nb3Al superconducting wires
- Donghun Oh (Hanyang.ac.kr)
- Dong Keun Oh (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)
Sangjun Oh
(Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)
- Author in Concept Design Study of a Conductor Test Facility Magnet over 16T
- Author in Dynamic Simulation on Flow Characteristics of KSTAR PF Magnet Cryogenic Network
- Co-author in Preliminary Design Study on HTS Toroidal Field Coils Using Non-Twisted Conductors and Cables
- Co-author in Test and Analysis of Stacked-Tape-Wound Laboratory-Scale NI HTS TF Module Coil
- Shinya Ohara (Hitachi, Ltd.)
Shunsuke Ohashi
(Kansai University)
- Co-author in Improvement of the propulsion force by the excitation principle of the propulsion coil in the permanent magnet-HTS hybrid Magnetically levitated transport system
- Co-author in Study of Rotational Stability in the HTS Magnetic Bearing Rotor Incorporated the Secondary of the Induction Motor
- Hirokatsu Ohata (KEK)
- Sho Ohata (Akita Prefectural University)
- Hirokatsu OHATA (KEK)
- Kotaro Ohki (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.)
- Yoshikazu Ohmori (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Hiroyuki Ohsaki (The University of Tokyo)
- Satoshi Ohsawa (KEK)
- Satoshi Ohsawa (KEK)
- masaki ohsugi (Fujikura Ltd.)
- Yasumi Ohtani (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Kiichi Ohtsu (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology )
- norihito ohuchi (KEK)
- MASAYOSHI OHYA (Kwansei Gakuin University)
- Dai Oikawa (National Institute of Technology, Toyota College)
Tetsuo Oka
(Niigata University)
- Author in A numerical evaluation of magnetizing characteristic of bulk magnet excited by pulsed-field magnetization with different shaped soft-iron yokes
- Author in First NMR Relaxometry using Outer Field of Single-sided HTS Bulk Magnet activated by Pulsed Field
- Author in First NMR Signal Detection on Single-sided Magnetic Pole Surface Containing HTS Bulk Magnet Activated by Pulsed Field
- Yuki Okada (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Tatsunori Okada
(Tohoku University)
- Author in 25.1T generation in 25T cryogen-free superconducting magnet with a modified Bi2223 insert
- Author in Current review of the 2G-HTS wires production for high-field applications at SuperOx
- Co-author in Design considerations for practical very high field cryogen-free superconducting magnets: 33 T and beyond
- Co-author in Effect of 2 and 10 MeV Au-ion irradiation on superconducting properties in GdBa2Cu3Oy coated conductors
- Co-author in Electromagnetic characteristics of two-tape co-winding REBCO coil including local defects
- Co-author in Hoop stress test of four-stacked two-ply REBCO pancake coils
- Hidehiko Okada (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Tatsunori Okada (Tohoku University)
- Ryutaro Okada (KEK)
- Tatsunori Okada
- Naoki OKADA (KEK)
- Yuta Okade (Kyushu University)
- Takahiro OKAMURA (KEK)
- Tetsuji Okamura (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Tetsuji Okamura (Tokyo Tech)
- Jun Okano (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Hiroyuki Okazaki (Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Yodai Okazaki
- Masao Okumura (Osaka University)
- Ivan Okunev (BINP SB RAS)
- Jamal Olatunji (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Anna Olsson
- Yuki Omanyuda (Kyushu University)
- Junya Omura (Kagoshima University)
- Masaya ONAKA (KEK)
- Yoshihiro Onishi (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Te)
- Ayato Ono (JAEA/J-PARC)
- Yuta Onodera (National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS))
- Yuta Onodera (Kyushu University)
- Collin Ophus (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Tomofumi Orikasa (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Tomofumi Orikasa (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Charles Orozco (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Darryl Orris
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in A Quench Detection and Monitoring System for Superconducting Magnets at Fermilab
- Author in Current Status of the Facility for High Field Cable Testing at Fermilab
- Author in Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Upgrade Overview and Commissioning
- Author in Quench protection of a large aperture 15 T Cable Test Facility Nb3Sn Magnet
- Ed Ortiz (General Atomics)
- Kozo Osamura (Research Institute for Applied Science)
- Yoshihiro Osawa (Okayama university)
Maxim Osipov
- Author in Characteristics of magnetic force interaction of СС-tape windings with a permanent magnet guideway.
- Author in Dynamics of magnetic flux during CC-tapes local magnetization
- Author in Investigations of stability of the second generation HTS composites under of current loads at various regimes
- Co-author in Features of the formation of pinning centers in HTS tapes under the laser irradiation action
- Makito Ota (Fukuoka Institute of Technology)
- Simon Otten
- Xian-Jin Ou
Xianjin Ou
- Author in An electro-thermal coupling model of quench protection using nonlinear quench-back for superconducting magnets
- Author in Development of a demountable joint for NUCLOTRON type cable
- Author in Fabrication and Test of a 1.5 T Cryogen-Free HTS Magnet for the Heavy Ion Spectrometer
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Mirror Structure for the full-length Nb3Sn Sextupole Coil of 45 GHz ECR Ion Source
- Author in Mechanical validation of the Combined Support Structure for FECR Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet Prototype
- Author in Quench analysis and experiment of FECR prototype Nb3Sn superconducting magnet
- Author in Quench Detection and Voltage Spikes Analysis of the FECR Half-scale Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet
- Author in Superconducting Magnet Energy Extraction with Varistors to Reduce Quench Voltages and Hot-Spots
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Co-author in Design and Test of a half-aperture Canted-Cosine-Theta multipole Prototype Magnet For the HIAF Fragment Separator
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements on the Twin Aperture Orbit Correctors for HL-LHC at IMP
- Alexander Oustinov (ITER Russian DA)
- Alexey Ovcharov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute")
- Alex Ovcharov (NRC Kurchatov institute)
- Masayoshi Oya (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation)
- Hikaru Oya (The Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University)
- Yavuz Oz (ASC, FSU, NHMFL)
Toshinori Ozaki
- Author in Effect of 2 and 10 MeV Au-ion irradiation on superconducting properties in GdBa2Cu3Oy coated conductors
- Author in Modification of critical current density properties in high-Tc superconductors by tuning columnar defect morphologies in different directions
- Co-author in Magnetization Relaxation by Shielding Current in Commercial REBCO Tapes
- Kyoichiro Ozawa (High Energy Research Institute, KEK)
- Yavuz Öztürk (University of Cambridge)
Antonio Paccalini
(INFN Sezione di Milano (INFN))
- Author in Advanced electrical quality assurance methods for the series production of the superconducting coils of the HL-LHC high order corrector magnets
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Evandro Paese (Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS)
- Kévin Paillot (Univ. Grenoble Alpes, INSA Toulouse, Univ. Toulouse Paul Sabatier, EMFL, CNRS, LNCMI, France)
- Thomas Painter (NHMFL)
- Vera Paiva (Fusion for Energy)
- Marco Pallavicini (Universita' di Genova & INFN Genova)
- Josep pallisa
- Mark Palmer (BNL)
- Arsenio Palmisano (INFN)
- Sastry Pamidi (The Florida State University)
- Alessandra Pampaloni (INFN Genova)
- Daiyuan Pan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Yingzheng Pan (Lanzhou University)
- Yonglin Pan (China Three Gorges University)
- Yuan Pan (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center)
- yonglin pan (China Three Gorges University)
Heng Pan
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in Superconducting coil stress specifications for the series production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC
- Co-author in An examination of the mechanical performance of the 4.5 m long MQXFA Pre-Series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
- Gaofeng Pan (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Arun Panchal (Institute For Plasma Research)
- Andres Pantoja (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Victor Pantsyrny (Bochvar Institute)
- Manini Paolo (SAES Rial Vacuum)
- Enric Pardo (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
- Jose Antonio Pardo (CIEMAT)
Sang-Yong Park
- Author in Analysis of cut-off characteristics of transformer-type superconducting DC circuit breaker according to reactance of superconductor and transformer turns ratio.
- Author in Comparison and analysis of inductance according to toroidal winding type of superconducting element combined the DC circuit breaker
- Sail Park (Jeju National University)
Jeonghwan Park
(Seoul National University)
- Author in Conduction Cooling Test of Short Period NI HTS Undulator at Different Opearating Temperature Ranges 20-77 K
- Author in Temperature Considered Active Feedback Control of No-Insulation HTS Magnet
- Co-author in Analysis of the Defect-Irrelevant behavior of a No-Insulation HTS pancake coil including multiple superconductive joints
- Co-author in Real-time Field Mapping of Screening Current induced Fields in an HTS Pancake Coil using a Hall Sensor Array
- Co-author in Test and Analysis of Stacked-Tape-Wound Laboratory-Scale NI HTS TF Module Coil
- Dong-Seong Park (Korea Institute of Fusion Energy)
- Minwon Park (Changwon National University)
- Minwon Park (Changwon National University)
Dongkeun Park
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Author in A Validation Study of Updated Features in a New 835-MHz REBCO Insert Coil for the MIT 1.3-GHz NMR Magnet
- Author in Operation Results of a 23.5-T REBCO Magnet Prototype Towards a Tabletop Liquid-Helium-Free 1-GHz Microcoil NMR
- Co-author in [Invited] Stability of Two Impregnated 1.5-T NbTi Coils Operated in the 4.2-6 K Range, Paraffin vs. Solid Nitrogen
- Co-author in Partial-Insulation HTS Magnet for Reduction of Quench-Induced Peak Currents
Eun Young Park
(Korea Christian University)
- Co-author in Conceptual Design of Multi Power Receivers for Wireless Power Supply of Quench Detector with Highly Insulating Stability under Superconducting High Field Magnet
- Co-author in Design and Performance for Wireless Power Charging Module combined with HTS Resonance Coils under Different Frequency Ranges in Superconducting MAGLEV Trainv
- Marcellus Parker (FNAL)
- Brett Parker (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Ben Parkinson (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Jeff Parrell (Oxford Superconducting Technology)
Alessandro Pasini
(INFN Milano - LASA)
- Author in Advanced electrical quality assurance methods for the series production of the superconducting coils of the HL-LHC high order corrector magnets
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Ismail Patel (Cambridge University)
- Sugali Pavan Kumar Naik (Tokyo University of Science)
- Anton Pavlenko (BINP SB RAS)
- Vadim Pavlyuchenko (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Anne Kathrine Holk Pedersen (Aarhus University (DK))
Danilo Felice Pedrini
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
- Author in Advanced electrical quality assurance methods for the series production of the superconducting coils of the HL-LHC high order corrector magnets
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- ruilin pei
- Yatian PEI (IHEP)
- Xiaoze Pei (University of Bath)
- Shilun Pei (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Jorge Pelegrin (University of Southampton)
- Mickaël Pelloux (LNCMI-Grenoble, CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)
- Rafael Peña Alzola (University of Strathclyde)
- Tao Peng (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center)
- Shuhao Peng
Xuan Peng
(Hyper Tech Research Inc.)
- Author in FEM modeling of superconducting whole body, actively shielded 7 T MRI magnets wound using Nb3Sn strands
- Author in Improving critical current in ternary APC Nb3Sn superconductors by using internal oxidation method
- Author in Increased Quench Energy Threshold in Nb3Sn Strands with High Heat Capacity
- Co-author in Minimum Quench Energy of Nb3Sn Wires and Rutherford Cables with High Specific Heat
- Xie Pengyang (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Mariano Pentella (Politecnico di Torino (IT))
- Kevin Pepitone (Uppsala University)
- Andrei Pereira (CNPEM)
- Jos Perenboom (High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML-EMFL), Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
- Jose M Perez (CIEMAT)
Juan Carlos Perez
- Author in 3D Conceptual Design of R2D2, the Research Racetrack Dipole Demonstrator
- Author in [Invited] Lessons learnt in HL-LHC interaction region superconducting magnets: two case studies
- Author in Construction and test of the enhanced Racetrack Model Coil, first CERN R&D magnet for the FCC
- Author in Fine tuning of the inner dipole design of MCBXF magnets
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Author in Protection strategy and quench study of MCBXF magnets
- Co-author in Fabrication and Power Test of last MCBXFB Magnets
- Co-author in Test Results of the MQYYM: a 90 mm NbTi quadrupole magnet option for HL-LHC
- Jose Manuel Perez-Morales (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
- Carmen Pérez-Saucez (LNCMI - CNRS - UPS - INSA - UGA)
- Diego Perini (CERN)
- Simon Perraud (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
- Bas Peters (High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML-EMFL), Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
- PATRICK PETIT (ITER Organization)
Carlo Petrone
- Author in An Induction-Coil Measurement System for Normal- and Superconducting Solenoids
- Author in Design, Manufacture and Measurement of three Permanent Magnet Dipoles for FASER Experiment
- Co-author in Conceptual Design of the HL-LHC Hollow electron lens superconducting magnet system
- Co-author in Construction and test of the enhanced Racetrack Model Coil, first CERN R&D magnet for the FCC
- Co-author in Test Results of the MQYYM: a 90 mm NbTi quadrupole magnet option for HL-LHC
- Valery Petrykin (SuperOx Japan)
- Valery Petrykin
- Rolf Pfister (LNCMI-Grenoble, CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes )
- Larry Phair (LBNL)
- Virginia Phifer
Wei Pi
(North China Electric Power University)
- Author in A Numerical Method for Simulating the Quench Behavior of Superconductors
- Author in Bending and Twisting Properties of Quasi-isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures Based on Laminate Theory
- Author in conceptual design of closed-loop HTS magnet with thermal switch
- Author in Critical Current Analysis of a Self-shielding DC HTS Cable with a “Sandwich” Structure
- Author in Design and Simulation of a 150 kVA Single-Phase HTS Transformer with 1G/2G Hybrid HTS Tapes
- Author in Electromagnetic Characteristics of a Bitter-like HTS Magnet Excited by Flux Pump with Thermal Switch
- Author in Numerical Study on AC Loss in Quasi-Isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures
- Author in Study on thermal stability of transformer under external thermal disturbance
- Renzhong Piao (RIKEN)
- Henryk Piekarz (Fermilab)
- Feng Piji (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Roman Pilipenko
- Valentina Pinto (ENEA)
- Giulio pizzigoni (ASG Superconductors S.p.A)
- Aldo Pizzuto (DTT Scarl)
- Daniele Placido (MAHTEP Group, Dipartimento Energia "Galileo Ferraris", Politecnico di Torino)
- Michael Plum (ORNL)
- Tomasz Podzorny (CERN)
Sergei Pokrovskii
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
- Author in Characteristics of magnetic force interaction of СС-tape windings with a permanent magnet guideway.
- Author in Dynamics of magnetic flux during CC-tapes local magnetization
- Author in Investigations of stability of the second generation HTS composites under of current loads at various regimes
- Author in Magnetization and Hysteresis Losses in HTS Coated Conductors in Magnetic Field of Various Orientation
- Co-author in Features of the formation of pinning centers in HTS tapes under the laser irradiation action
- Maria Polikarpova (Bochvar Institute (VNIINM))
- Gian Mario Polli (DTT Scarl)
Demosthenes Polyzos
(University of Patras)
- Co-author in A FEM/BEM scalar potential formulation for 3D nonlinear magnetostatic analysis in superconducting accelerator magnets, implemented in PITHIA-EM software
- Co-author in Design and Digital Twin of INFN’s main Nb3Sn 15T Dipole for CERN’s FCC
- Co-author in Nonlinear magnetic field analysis in superconducting accelerator magnets via a new FPM/BEM scheme, implemented in PITHIA-EM software
- David Pomella (ORNL)
- Edoardo Pompa (Fusion for Energy)
- Lucas Poncio de Oliveira (CNPEM)
- Author in [Invited] Analysis of the production of MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC at 50% coil fabrication
- Author in Engineering design of a large aperture 15 T cable test facility dipole magnet
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Procedural solutions for determining the temperature dependence of transport critical current in Nb3Sn superconducting wires using magnetization measurements
- Theophile Pontarollo (CEA)
- Amaury Porhiel
- Mauricio Portillo (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University)
- Oliver Portugall
- Robert Potts (General Atomics)
- Eduardo Pozuelo (Fusion for Energy)
- Upendra Prasad (Institute For Plasma Research)
Soren Prestemon
- Author in [Invited] A subscale canted cosθ dipole magnet using high-temperature superconducting STAR™ wires
- Author in [Invited] Analysis of the production of MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC at 50% coil fabrication
- Author in Assembly and mechanical analysis of the Canted-Cosine-Theta subscale magnets
- Author in Conceptual design optimization of a 20 T hybrid cos-theta dipole superconducting magnet for future High-Energy particle accelerators.
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in Design, Construction, and Testing of 0.5-m-long, 18-mm Period Nb3Sn Superconducting Undulator Magnets
- Author in Engineering design of a large aperture 15 T cable test facility dipole magnet
- Author in Field Quality Measurements of High-Temperature Superconducting Canted Cosine Theta Accelerator Magnets
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Mechanical and thermal analysis of an HTS superconducting magnet for an achromatic gantry for proton therapy
- Author in Numerical Modelling of the Interfacial Debonding in Superconducting Magnets
- Author in Progress Towards Hall Sensor-Based Quench Detection in CORC® Cables
- Author in Quench protection of a large aperture 15 T Cable Test Facility Nb3Sn Magnet
- Author in Superconducting coil stress specifications for the series production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC
- Author in Ultrasonic Waveguides for Quench Detection in HTS Magnets
- Co-author in An examination of the mechanical performance of the 4.5 m long MQXFA Pre-Series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
- J. Scott Price
Herve Prin
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Co-author in Fabrication of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in US-HiLumi Accelerator Upgrade Project Pre-series Cryo-Assembly 01 Production and First Results
Marco Prioli
(INFN Milano)
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Nb3Sn Cos-theta Short Model Dipole for the Future Circular Collider
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Marco Prioli (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
- Arnaud PROIETTI ((Université de Toulouse, Centre de Microcaractérisation Raimond Castaing, UMS 3623)
- Mikhail Proyavin (IAP RAS)
- Valery Prudkoglyad (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Pierre Pugnat (Lab. des Champs Magnet. Intenses (FR))
- Marco Giuseppe Pullia (Fondazione CNAO (IT))
- Xinxing Qian
Cheng Qian
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Cryostat for HECRAL Superconducting Magnet
- ji qiang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Weiyu Qiao (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Jinggang Qin
- Author in A NbTi persistent current switch for MRI superconducting magnet
- Author in Critical Bending Radius Test and Analysis of 7-Filament Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Iron-Based Superconductor Tapes under 12 T Background Field
- Author in Development of an Iron-Based Superconductor Magnet: A Study on the 64 mm Diameter Iron-based Superconductors Coils
- Author in Development of superconducting joints between bronze-route Nb3Sn multifilamentary wires for persistent-mode operation
- Author in Effect of Twisting Characteristics on Critical Current of Bi-2212 superconducting wire
- Author in Inter-wire contact force induced critical current degradation of Bi-2212/Ag round wires reacted with and with no pre-pressure
- Co-author in Critical current of various ReBCO tapes under uniaxial strain
- Co-author in Manifestation of electromagnetic performance degradation of Nb3Sn cable-in-conduit conductor in the change of its mechanical structure
- Xiangqi Qin (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)
- Lang Qin (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Dongyi Qin (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- Shijun QIN
- Lang Qin (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Bin Qin (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Hua Qing (ITER)
- Yu Qingsong (CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd)
- Qingquan Qiu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Timing Qu (the State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University)
- Hongyi Qu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ganjiang Innovation Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Hongyi Qu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Hongyi Qu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Huu Luong Quach (Jeju National University)
- HuuLuong Quach (Jeju national university)
- Cao Quanliang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Lionel Quettier
- Adolfo Quiroz (Universidad Tecnológica de Xicotepec de Juárez)
Roger Jon Rabehl
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Author in Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Cryogenic System Upgrade and Commissioning
- Author in Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Upgrade Overview and Commissioning
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Co-author in Design of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in US-HiLumi Accelerator Upgrade Project Pre-series Cryo-Assembly 01 Production and First Results
- Kyle Radcliff (Advanced Conductor Technologies)
- Mohamed Rahmane
- Piyush Raj (Institute For Plasma Research)
- Giuseppe Ramogida (DTT Scarl)
- João Henrique Ramos Silva (Brazilian Center of Research in Energy and Materials)
- James Rank (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Shreya Ranpariya (Fermilab)
Emmanuele Ravaioli
- Author in Design of a Curved Superconducting Combined Function Bending Magnet Demonstrator for Hadron Therapy
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Author in Simulation of Quench Transients in Self-Protecting Magnets with a 3D Semi-Implicit Finite-Difference Method
- Author in STEAM Software Framework to Simulate Transients in Accelerator Magnets and Circuits
- Co-author in Quench Behaviour of Prototype HL-LHC Dipole Canted Cos-Theta Orbit Corrector Nb-Ti Magnet
- Co-author in Quench Protection of the HL-LHC Hollow Electron Lens Superconducting Solenoid Magnets
- Co-author in Thermal analysis of powering and protection transients in a superconducting magnet for medical applications
Katherine Ray
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in Superconducting coil stress specifications for the series production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC
- Co-author in An examination of the mechanical performance of the 4.5 m long MQXFA Pre-Series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
- Peter Readman (Fusion for Energy)
- Stefano Redaelli (CERN)
- Muhammad Abdul Rehman (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
- Jens Reich (ITER Organization)
- JENS REICH (ITER Organization)
- Christopher Reis (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Johan RELLAND (CEA Saclay)
- Peter Rem (University of Delft)
Li Ren
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Author in Analysis of Three Types of SFCL in Ship MVDC System
- Author in Design of 10MJ toroidal field D-type superconducting energy storage magnet
- Author in Research on fatigue characteristics of optical fiber applied in HTS cable
- Author in The Coil Optimization Design of H-SFCL Applied in Ship DC System
- Author in Thermal Stability Analysis of No-insulation Magnet under Dynamic Operational Conditions
- Co-author in Comparison of Solenoid-type and Annular-type Parallel Inductors Schemes in H-SFCL of Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid-Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Co-author in High-temperature superconducting cable optimization design software based on 2-D electromagnetic thermal analysis model
- Kehong Ren (Applied Superconductivity Laboratory, State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Yong Ren (Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Scienc)
- Tianci Ren (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Li Ren
- Javier Resta Lopez (University of Liverpool (UK))
- Philipp Revilak (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Matthew Reynolds (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Craig Rhein
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Phasing Magnet for CSX-2 beamline at NSLS-II
- Kseniia Riabchenko
- Pier Luigi Ribani (University of Bologna)
- Correia-Machado Ricardo (CEA)
- Rebecca Riccioli (CEA)
- James Rice (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Riccardo Righetti (ICAS)
- Geert Rikken (CNRS)
Matt Rindfleisch
(Hyper Tech Research)
- Author in Improving critical current in ternary APC Nb3Sn superconductors by using internal oxidation method
- Author in Numerical Study of Temperature Distribution within a Conduction-Cooled, MgB2 MRI Coil Segment
- Author in Simulation and Experiments on an AC-Injection Active Protection Scheme for a Conduction Cooled, React-and-Wind, MgB2 MRI Coil Segment
- Nicolo' Riva (EPFL - EPF Lausanne)
- Steve Robertson (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
- William Robotham (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Thiago Rocha (CNPEM)
Etienne Rochepault
(Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
- Author in 20 T Hybrid Nb3Sn-HTS Block-coil Design for a Future Particle Collider
- Author in 3D Conceptual Design of R2D2, the Research Racetrack Dipole Demonstrator
- Author in Dimensional Changes Measurement of Nb3Sn Cables and Strands during Heat Treatment Using Digital Image Correlation
- Author in Innovative collaring concept for MQYY superconducting quadrupole magnets of HL-LHC Insertion Region
- Author in Multiphysics study of phase transformations in Nb3Sn strands during Heat Treatment
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
- JACOB ROCHESTER (The Ohio State University)
- Igor Rodin (Efremov)
- Volodymyr Rodin (Department of Physics University of Liverpool )
Dimitris Rodopoulos
(University of Patras)
- Author in A FEM/BEM scalar potential formulation for 3D nonlinear magnetostatic analysis in superconducting accelerator magnets, implemented in PITHIA-EM software
- Author in Nonlinear magnetic field analysis in superconducting accelerator magnets via a new FPM/BEM scheme, implemented in PITHIA-EM software
- Co-author in Design and Digital Twin of INFN’s main Nb3Sn 15T Dipole for CERN’s FCC
- Enrique Rodriguez Castro (University Carlos III (ES))
- Felix Rodriguez Mateos (CERN)
Gherardo Romanelli
- Author in DEMO fusion reactor Toroidal Field coil optimized layer-wound design
- Author in Design and structural assessment overview of the DTT TFC system
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Co-author in Engineering and Structural Assessment for the updated design of the DTT Central Solenoid
- Co-author in Engineering the main structures of the DEMO fusion reactor magnet system
- Co-author in Updated structural assessment of the Poloidal Field Coils of the DTT tokamak
- Gennaro Romano (Fusion for Energy)
- Luc Ronayette (CNRS)
- Francoise Rondeaux (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
- Pedro A. R. C. Rosa (Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa)
- Rodrigo Rossi (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
- Adriana Rossi (CERN)
- Daniel Rossi (Fusion for Energy)
- Valerio Rossi (RSE S.p.A.)
Lucio Rossi
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
- Author in Characterization of a soldered metal insulation HTS ReBCO demonstrator coil for an astroparticle physics experiment in space
- Author in Preliminary study of 4 T superconducting dipoles for a light rotating gantry for ion-therapy
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Richard Roth (Etegent Technologies, Ltd.)
- Christian-Eric Roux (GSI)
- Roger Ruber (Uppsala University (SE))
Jose Luis Rudeiros Fernandez
- Author in Assembly and mechanical analysis of the Canted-Cosine-Theta subscale magnets
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in Design of CCT6: a large-aperture, 12 T, Nb3Sn Dipole Magnet
- Author in Engineering design of a large aperture 15 T cable test facility dipole magnet
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Mechanical and thermal analysis of an HTS superconducting magnet for an achromatic gantry for proton therapy
Igor Rudnev
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
- Author in Characteristics of magnetic force interaction of СС-tape windings with a permanent magnet guideway.
- Author in Dynamics of magnetic flux during CC-tapes local magnetization
- Author in Investigations of stability of the second generation HTS composites under of current loads at various regimes
- Author in Magnetization and Hysteresis Losses in HTS Coated Conductors in Magnetic Field of Various Orientation
- Co-author in Features of the formation of pinning centers in HTS tapes under the laser irradiation action
- Alessandro Rufoloni (ENEA)
- Harold Ruiz (University of Leicester)
- ZHao Runxiao (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology)
- Stephan Russenschuck (CERN)
- Janne Ruuskanen (Tampere University of Technology)
- Aleksandr Rybakov (Fian)
- Tatyana Rybitskaya (BINP SB RAS)
- Yunyeol Ryu (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, Korea)
Yunyeol Ryu
(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, 02841, Korea)
- Author in Effects of Friction Force on the Stress-Strain Characteristics of a High-Temperature Superconducting Coil Co-Wound Using Intentionally Scratched Stainless Steel and GdBCO Tape
- Co-author in Superconducting Joint for “Reacted” MgB2 multifilament Wires for the Development of MRI Magnets
- Co-author in Test and Analysis of Stacked-Tape-Wound Laboratory-Scale NI HTS TF Module Coil
- Co-author in Thermal-Quench Behavior of GdBCO Coils Wound with Grease Containing Various Fillers as Insulation Materials
GianLuca Sabbi
- Author in [Invited] Analysis of the production of MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupoles for HL-LHC at 50% coil fabrication
- Author in Engineering design of a large aperture 15 T cable test facility dipole magnet
- Author in Field Quality Measurements of High-Temperature Superconducting Canted Cosine Theta Accelerator Magnets
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in Quench protection of a large aperture 15 T Cable Test Facility Nb3Sn Magnet
- Co-author in An examination of the mechanical performance of the 4.5 m long MQXFA Pre-Series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
- Oscar Sacristan De Frutos
- Ryo Saeki (Kansai University)
- Ali Safdar
- Jithin Sai Sandra (AMPeers LLC)
- Ryo Saito (Niigata University)
- Hikaru Saito (Kyushu University)
- Akiko T. Saito (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Kazuyoshi Saito (JASTEC)
Naohito SAITO
- Co-author in Design method of active shield coils of steering magnet for fine tuning of muon injection orbit in muon storage magnet of g-2/EDM precision measurement
- Co-author in Developments of a Pulse Kicker System for the Three-Dimensional Spiral Beam Injection of the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM Experiment
- Masayoshi Saito (Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Kengo Saito (QST)
- Ayumu Saitoh (Yamagata University)
- Nobuo Sakai (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Naomichi Sakai (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
- Hisaki Sakamoto (Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd)
- Yoshiteru Sakamoto (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Hitoshi Sakane (SHI-ATEX Co., Ltd.)
- Takeru Sakurai (QST)
- Erica Salazar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Noah Salk (Hinetics LLC)
- Tiina Salmi (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
- Tiina-Mari Salmi (Helsinki Institute of Physics (FI))
- Sergej Samoilenkov
- stephane sanfilippo (Paul Scherrer Institut)
Wenju Sang
- Author in A Novel Quench Detection Method for SMES
- Aiguo Sang (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Wenju Sang
- Wenju Sang
Wenju Sang
- Author in A novel cryogenic model for SiC MOSFET
- Wenju Sang
- Giulio Sannazzaro (Fusion for Energy)
- Carlo Santini (SAES RIAL Vacuum)
- Miguel Santos-Herran (CIEMAT)
- Santiago Sanz (SUPRASYS)
- Hideo Saotome (Chiba Univercity)
- Xabier Sarasola (EPFL)
- Gustavo Sarmiento (Suprasys)
Hiromasa Sasa
- Author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
- Co-author in Design Study of 3φ-10 MVA-6.9/1.0 kV REBCO Superconducting Transformers with Lightweight and Current-Limiting Function for an E-aircraft Propulsion System
- Co-author in Experimental Evaluation of Current Distribution in Three-Strand Transposed Parallel Conductors Composed of REBCO Superconducting Tapes
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Study of REBCO Trapezoidal Armature Windings for Superconducting Induction Motor
Rempei Sasada
(Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Author in Fabrication of all c-grown RE123 melt-textured bulks with homogeneous trapping field distributions using Single-Direction Melt Growth method
- Author in Short-time fabrication and trapped field distributions of large REBCO melt-textured bulks made by Single-Direction Melt Growth method
- Co-author in Physical properties of all c-grown Gd123 bulks starting from various metal compositions
- Joto SASAKI (Okayama University)
- Kenichi SASAKI (KEK)
Ken-ichi Sasaki
- Author in [Invited] Development of precise shimming technique with materials having low saturation magnetization
- Author in Design of a strong X-Y coupling beam transport line for J-PARC muon g-2/EDM experiment
- Author in Development of magneitc field mapping system for MuSEUM experiement with high precision using CW-NMR probes
- Author in Magnetic measurements of a full-scale prototype of the HL-LHC beam separation dipole
- Author in Test result of a full-scale prototype of beam separation dipole magnet for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade
- Co-author in Design method of active shield coils of steering magnet for fine tuning of muon injection orbit in muon storage magnet of g-2/EDM precision measurement
- Co-author in Developments of a Pulse Kicker System for the Three-Dimensional Spiral Beam Injection of the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM Experiment
- Co-author in Effect on temperature dependence for long-term stable control of the magnetic field at sub-ppm using superconducting magnet for MRI
Yuichiro Sasamori
(Fuji Electric Co. Ltd.)
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
Teruyoshi Sasayama
(Kyushu University)
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Study of REBCO Trapezoidal Armature Windings for Superconducting Induction Motor
- Co-author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
- Yosei Sato (Kyushu University)
- Shinji Sato (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
- Yoshinori Sato (KEK)
- Yukio Sato
- Yukio Sato
- Go Sato (Kagoshima University)
- Stefan Sattler (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Hervé Savajols (GANIL)
Laura Savoldi
(Politecnico di Torino)
- Author in Current distribution modeling in the open-source OPENSC2 tool for the multi-physics analysis of HTS and LTS superconducting cables
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Co-author in Evaluation of the thermal performance of the SC Feeders for the magnetic system of the Divertor Tokamak Test facility
- Shinya Sawada (KEK)
- Carlo Sborchia (European Commission)
Carlo Sborchia
- Author in Manufacturing of ITER PF2-6 Coil
- Roland Scanlan (Particle Beam Lasers, Inc.)
- Thierry Schild (Iter)
- Jacobus Maarten Schippers
Philip Schlabach
- Co-author in Status of mu2e Transport Solenoid cold mass
- Ross Schlueter (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Jesse Schmalzle
- Hans Schneider-Muntau (CS&T)
- Pierre Schnizer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
- Pierre Schnizer
- Rudi Schoenbein (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Loris Scola (CEA)
Kamil Sedlak
(EPFL Lausanne)
- Author in Analysis of the Quench Experiments on HTS conductors
- Author in DC and AC characterization of a Low-Field Nb3Sn prototype conductor for a DEMO TF Coil
- Author in Measurements of AC loss evolution in ITER TF Conductors
- Author in Progress on the Design of the 15 T Magnet of the EDIPO Test Facility
- Author in Thermal-hydraulic and quench analysis of EUROfusion DEMO PF coils
- Co-author in Engineering the main structures of the DEMO fusion reactor magnet system
- Co-author in Preliminary Design of a High Current R&W TF Coil Conductor for the EU DEMO
- Michael Seegitz (BNL)
- Michel Segreti
- Chihiro Sekine (Muroran Institute of Technology)
- Tomokazu Sekine (Ebara Industrial Cleaning Co., Ltd.)
- Venkat Selvamanickam (University of Houston)
- Satoshi Semboshi (Tohoku University)
- Rafael Seraphim (CNPEM)
- Vladimir Sergeev (Nanoelectro LLC)
Stefano Sgobba
- Author in Examination and Characterization of Physical and Mechanical Properties of the ITER Central Solenoid Module Coils
- Author in Mechanical Characterization of Low-Carbon Steels for High-Field Accelerator Magnets: Application to Nb3Sn Low-β Quadrupole MQXF
- Co-author in Heat Treatment Optimization on Nb3Sn Strands Based on Electrical and Physical Properties
- Co-author in Mechanical characterisation of Nb3Sn cable insulation systems at ambient and cryogenic temperature used for HL-LHC accelerator magnets.
- Adil Shah (University of Cambridge)
- Jiannan Shao (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Liangjun Shao (Tsinghua University)
- Sergey Shavkin (NRC Kurchatov institute)
- Jeff Sheeron (General Atomics)
- Z. D Shen (Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)
Tengming Shen
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Author in Assembly and mechanical analysis of the Canted-Cosine-Theta subscale magnets
- Author in Design and Test of a Superconducting Lens for an Ultra-Stable Electron Microscope
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in Field Quality Measurements of High-Temperature Superconducting Canted Cosine Theta Accelerator Magnets
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Flux Creep in Bi:2212 Rutherford Cables for Particle Accelerator Applications
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Mechanical and thermal analysis of an HTS superconducting magnet for an achromatic gantry for proton therapy
- Author in Persistent Current Stabilization and Tuning of Bi-2223 HTS Coils
- Author in Quench detection and protection of high-temperature superconducting magnets: The case of a Bi-2212 Rutherford cable canted-cosine-theta dipole magnet
- Boyang Shen (University of Cambridge)
- Chuang Shen (IHEP)
- Shifeng Shen (Naval University of Engineering)
Lina Sheng
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
Jie Sheng
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Author in Effect of Different Impregnation Materials on Electromechanical Behaviors of Superconducting Compact Cables
- Author in Off-Power Operation of prototype on-board HTS Magnets for EDS-type Maglev Trains
- Author in The research on double pancake coil of 1MJ high temperature superconducting magnet energy storage for the power system of NICA complex
- Author in The Study on Excitation Loss of NI Coil for TF Magnets
Jing Shi
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Author in Analysis of Three Types of SFCL in Ship MVDC System
- Author in Design of 10MJ toroidal field D-type superconducting energy storage magnet
- Author in State predictive control of modular SMES magnet based on deep reinforcement learning
- Author in The Coil Optimization Design of H-SFCL Applied in Ship DC System
- Author in The influence of SMES magnet operation parameters on voltage distribution characteristic
- Author in Thermal Stability Analysis of No-insulation Magnet under Dynamic Operational Conditions
- Co-author in Comparison of Solenoid-type and Annular-type Parallel Inductors Schemes in H-SFCL of Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid-Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Co-author in High-temperature superconducting cable optimization design software based on 2-D electromagnetic thermal analysis model
- Yunhua Shi (University of Cambridge)
- Zhengjun SHI (the Electric Power Research Institute, Guangdong Power Grid Corporation)
- Jinrui Shi (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yi Shi
(Institute of plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Design of DC Magnet for Super-X Test Facility
- Jiangtao Shi (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Yigong Shi (Western Superconducting Technoliges)
- Yi Shi (Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Yujun Shi (University of Macau)
- Yi Shi (Institute of Plasma Physics)
Yi Shi
(Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Author in Cable R&D Program for 14T MRI
Yi Shi
(Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Analysis of Radial Preload of 14 T MRI Magnet
- Masachika Shibuya (National Institute for Materials Science)
Nishijima Shigehiro
(Fukui University of Technology)
- Author in Separation of Microplastics from Sea Water by Means of Electromagnetic Force
- Co-author in Development of novel magnetic separation for paramagnetic particles using the selection tube
- Co-author in Fundamental research for design of composite materials in vacuum environments
- Co-author in Removal of Iron Oxide Scale from Boiler Feed-water in Thermal Power Plant by Magnetic Separation -Aggregation States of Oxygenated Treatment Scale-
- Mao Shigemasa (Kyoto University)
- Shun Shigeoka (Kyushu University)
- Liang Shikuan (CRRC Changchun Railway Vehicles Co., Ltd)
- Vladimir Shiltsev (Fermilab)
- Ryohei Shimada (Sophia University)
- Katsuhiro Shimada (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Yusuke Shimada (Tohoku University)
- Kotaro Shimizu (The University of Tokyo)
- Hirotaka Shimizu (KEK)
koichiro shimomura
- Co-author in [Invited] Development of precise shimming technique with materials having low saturation magnetization
- Co-author in Development of magneitc field mapping system for MuSEUM experiement with high precision using CW-NMR probes
- Co-author in Effect on temperature dependence for long-term stable control of the magnetic field at sub-ppm using superconducting magnet for MRI
Jun-ichi Shimoyama
(Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Author in Measurement and Analyses of In-field Critical Currents in Multi-Filamentally Bi-2223 Tapes at Ultra-Low Electric-Field Criterion Down to at around 10^-13 V/m
- Author in Potential of Superconducting Joints Connecting Bi2223 Tapes
- Author in Short-time fabrication and trapped field distributions of large REBCO melt-textured bulks made by Single-Direction Melt Growth method
- Co-author in Development of a persistent-mode 400 MHz (9.39 T) LTS/Bi2223 NMR magnet with a Bi2223 superconducting joint
- Co-author in Fabrication of all c-grown RE123 melt-textured bulks with homogeneous trapping field distributions using Single-Direction Melt Growth method
- Co-author in Physical properties of all c-grown Gd123 bulks starting from various metal compositions
- Seunghwan Shin (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory)
- Hyung-Seop Shin (Andong National University)
Kyung-Hun Shin
(Chonnam National University)
- Author in Comparative Study of MW class Superconducting Machines according to Shielding and Electromagnetic Structures Based on Analytical Method
- Co-author in Design and Preliminary Experiments of Rotating Armature Partial Superconducting Air Core Generator
- Co-author in Experimental and Comparative Study of Noise Vibrations and Harshness of Permanent Magnet Machines according to Rotor Eccentricity with Two Different Fractional Pole/Slot Combinations
- Motoki Shinden (Iwate University)
Takakazu Shintomi
- Author in Demonstration of a kA-class Rutherford Cables using MgB2 Wires for Energy Storage Device optimal for Liquid Hydrogen Indirect Cooling System
- Co-author in AC Loss Measurement of Double Pancakes Wound with MgB2 Rutherford Type Superconductor
- Co-author in Operation Scenario of Mobile SMES for On-Site Eigenvalue Measurement of Electric Power System
- Masahiro Shiotsu (Kyoto University)
- Yasuyuki Shirai (Kyoto University)
- Toshiyuki Shirai (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Toshiyuki Shirai (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Kodai SHIRAI (Waseda University)
- Yasuhiro Shirotani
Yuko Shiroyanagi
(Argonne National Laboratory)
- Author in A preliminary cryogenic performance test of the 4.8-m-long cryostat for superconducting undulators
- Author in Design, Construction, and Testing of 0.5-m-long, 18-mm Period Nb3Sn Superconducting Undulator Magnets
- Author in Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a 1.9 m Long, 16.5 mm Period NbTi Superconducting Undulator for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade
- Vitaly Shkaruba (BINP)
- Takayuki Sho (TERAL Inc.)
- Konstantin Shtro (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Alexandr Shurygin (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Russia)
- Gennady Sidorov (Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington 6140, New Zealand)
- Serguei Sidorov (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institute)
- Vincent Sigalo (Sigmaphi)
- Chen Sikan (Shanghai Superconductor Co., Ltd.)
- Kidoek Sim (SuperGenics Corporation, Limited)
- Damien Simon
Fabrice Simon
- Author in Manufacturing of ITER PF2-6 Coil
- Armand SINANNA (CEA)
- Shuvay Singh (CERN)
- Sergey Sinjatkin (BINP SB RAS)
- Robert Slade (Tokamak Energy Ltd)
- Anis Smara (THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH)
- John Smith (General Atomics)
Vitor Soares
(Brazilian Center for Research in Materials and Energy)
- Author in Status Report of Sirius Delta Undulator
- Pablo Sobrino Mompean (CERN)
Yusuke Sogabe
(Kyoto University)
- Author in Coupling time constant measurements and analyses of spiral copper-plated multifilament coated conductors
- Author in Coupling time constant measurements of short pieces of copper-plated multifilament coated conductors at 4.2 K and 77 K
- Author in Current-sharing between filaments and voltage-current characteristics of copper-plated multifilament coated conductors
- Author in Development of large-scale numerical electromagnetic field analysis model for SCSC cables
- Author in Development of quench analysis model for single copper–plated multifilament coated conductor
- Author in Effect of current-sharing and heat capacity of metal core on quench protection of spiral coated conductors
- Author in Low-AC-loss SCSC cable: magnetization loss measurements of spiral copper-plated multifilament coated conductors
- Myung-Hwan Sohn (Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
Myung-Hwan Sohn
(Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute)
- Author in Stability of a metal insulated 2G HTS coil under the external ac field
- Co-author in A Numerical and Experimental Study on Dynamic Operation of a Synchronous Rotating Machine with NI HTS Field Windings
- Co-author in Thermal and electrical characteristics of NI HTS coil fabricated by diffusion bonding technique
- Nicolas SOLENNE
- Michael Solis (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Evgeny Solodko (EPFL-SPC)
- Vyacheslav Solovyov (Brookhaven Technology Group)
- Natthawirot Somjaijaroen (Kyushu University)
- Daniel Sommerville (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Yunxing Song (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Yuntao Song
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in [Invited] Engineering Design and R&D Work for Toroidal Field Superconducting Magnet of CFETR
- Author in Development of superconducting magnetic energy storage for the power system of the particle accelerators Booster and Nuclotron of NICA
- Co-author in Design and Development of Curved CCT Dipole Magnets for a Proton Therapy Gantry
- Minhui Song (High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei ,China)
- MinHui Song (Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Scienc)
- Naihao Song (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Wenjuan Song (Beijing Jiaotong University)
- Honghai Song (Stony Brook University)
- PENG SONG (Tsinghua University)
- Jeongseog Song (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Jungbin Song (LNCMI-CNRS)
Shogo Sonoda
(Sophia university)
- Author in Estimation of the Cool-Down Speed under the SHe inlet condition in JT-60SA CS module
- Author in Experimental study on quench protection method for HTS coil that uses Cu tape co-wound with HTS tape
- Author in Flywheel uninterruptible power supply using superconducting induction machine
- Author in Increase of thermal stability caused by high thermal conduction VFRPs in conduction-cooled HTS coils
- Author in Investigation of Transient Response caused by Power Supply on JT-60SA Central Solenoid
- Author in Levitation properties of magnetic attraction type levitation system having HTS bulk and HTS racetrack magnet
Massimo Leone Sorbi
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
- Author in Advanced electrical quality assurance methods for the series production of the superconducting coils of the HL-LHC high order corrector magnets
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Nb3Sn Cos-theta Short Model Dipole for the Future Circular Collider
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Brandon Sorbom (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
- Stefano Sorti (Politecnico di Milano (IT))
- Dmitry Sotnikov (Tampere University)
- Hikaru Souda (Yamagata University)
- Daniela Sousa (TecnoVeritas)
- Jelena Spasic (CERN)
- Peter-Jurgen Spiller
- R Srinivasan (Institute For Plasma Research)
- Francesco Stacchi (CEA)
- Alexandr Starikovskii (National Research Nuclear University MEPhI)
- Alexandr Starostenko (BINP)
Marco Statera
(INFN Milano - LASA)
- Author in Advanced electrical quality assurance methods for the series production of the superconducting coils of the HL-LHC high order corrector magnets
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Nb3Sn Cos-theta Short Model Dipole for the Future Circular Collider
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Jens Steckert (CERN)
- Jochen Steinmann (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Boris Stepanov (EPFL-SPC)
- Vadim Stepanov (CEA-Saclay)
- Alan Stephens (General Atomic)
Jillian Stern
(Tufts University)
- Author in Conceptual design optimization of a 20 T hybrid cos-theta dipole superconducting magnet for future High-Energy particle accelerators.
- Author in Developing a Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Procedure for CORC® Wires
- Author in Distributed fiber optic sensing to identify locations of resistive transitions in REBCO conductors and magnets
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
Richard Stevenson
(M&I Materials)
- Author in Varistor Insulation for HTS Magnets
- Alexander Stibor (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Eric Stiers (NHMFL)
- Marc-Hervé Stodel (GANIL)
- Stoyan Stoynev (FNAL (US))
Stoyan Stoynev
- Author in [Invited] Main results and lessons learned from the MDPCT1 R&D program
- Author in Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Upgrade Overview and Commissioning
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
Thomas Strauss
- Author in ITER Outer Vessel Steady-State magnetic sensor calibration
- Author in Magnetic Measurement and Cold Test Results of the Mu2e Transport Solenoid Coils
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Author in US-HiLumi Accelerator Upgrade Project Pre-series Cryo-Assembly 01 Production and First Results
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Co-author in Design of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in Fabrication of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in Software Architecture and Hardware Organization in Mu2e Solenoid Field Mapping System
- Cornelius Strohm (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
Zhenhua Su
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Author in Force Characteristic Analysis of Active EDS System Under Different Control Currents
- Author in Multi-objective Optimization Design for Null-flux Superconducting Electrodynamic Suspension Using NSGA-II and Response Surface Method
- Author in Structure Optimization of Linear Generator Coil in No-contact On-board Power Source for EDS Maglev
- Giovanni Succi (Ministere des affaires etrangeres et europeennes (FR))
Yu Suetomi
- Author in Effects of thermal cycle and winding tension on contact resistivity of an intra-Layer No-Insulation (LNI) REBCO coil
- Author in Self-protecting behavior of an intra-Layer No-Insulation (LNI) REBCO coil under an LTS outer coil’s quench
- Author in Simultaneous manufacturing of multiple junctions between Bi2223 tapes with rapid melt joining
- Co-author in Development of a persistent-mode 400 MHz (9.39 T) LTS/Bi2223 NMR magnet with a Bi2223 superconducting joint
- Tetsuro Sueyoshi (Kyushu Sangyo University)
Michinaka Sugano
- Author in [Invited] Lessons learnt in HL-LHC interaction region superconducting magnets: two case studies
- Author in Mechanical characterization of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymers (GFRP) and resins submitted to ionizing radiations for future accelerator application
- Author in Test result of a full-scale prototype of beam separation dipole magnet for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade
- Co-author in Irradiation effect on superconductivity of REBCO coated conductors
- Michinaka Sugano (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Author in Designing and Manufacturing of the Fully Configured Multiplet for the Super-FRS at FAIR
- Author in SIS100 superconducting magnet series production
- Author in Truncated-Cosine-Theta Design for High Field Septum Magnets
- Co-author in Industrial production of superconducting magnets for the FAIR SIS100 accelerator
- Moe Sugita (JAEA)
- Naoyuki Sumi (KEK)
- Naoyuki Sumi
- Masashi Sumida (Kyushu University)
Mike Sumption
(The Ohio State University)
- Author in Dipole magnets wound using YBCO cables - FEM stability issues modeling
- Author in Electrical and Thermal Contact Resistance in ReBCO Stacks and Cables with Modified Surfaces
- Author in FEM modeling of superconducting whole body, actively shielded 7 T MRI magnets wound using Nb3Sn strands
- Author in Field Quality Measurements of High-Temperature Superconducting Canted Cosine Theta Accelerator Magnets
- Author in Flux Creep in Bi:2212 Rutherford Cables for Particle Accelerator Applications
- Author in Improving critical current in ternary APC Nb3Sn superconductors by using internal oxidation method
- Author in Increased Quench Energy Threshold in Nb3Sn Strands with High Heat Capacity
- Author in Magnetization measurements of Bi-2212 Rutherford cable using a ± 3-T magnetometer
- Author in Methods of Estimating AC Losses in Multi-filamentary Superconducting Windings with Spatial and Time Harmonics
- Author in Numerical Study of Temperature Distribution within a Conduction-Cooled, MgB2 MRI Coil Segment
- Author in Simulation and Experiments on an AC-Injection Active Protection Scheme for a Conduction Cooled, React-and-Wind, MgB2 MRI Coil Segment
- Author in Stability and current sharing in YBCO cables – impact of broken elements - FEM modeling
- Co-author in Conductors for Fast Ramping Accelerator Magnets
- Co-author in The Potential for the Use of Low AC Losses Hyperconducting Aluminum in Cryogenic Motors
- Wanshuo Sun (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Hongbo Sun (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Liangting Sun
(Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Mirror Structure for the full-length Nb3Sn Sextupole Coil of 45 GHz ECR Ion Source
- Author in Mechanical validation of the Combined Support Structure for FECR Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet Prototype
- Author in Quench Detection and Voltage Spikes Analysis of the FECR Half-scale Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Author in The Magnetic Center Alignment Based on FECR Superconducting Ion-source After Cryostat Installation
- Co-author in Cryostat for HECRAL Superconducting Magnet
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
Ziyuan Sun
- Author in Bending and Twisting Properties of Quasi-isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures Based on Laminate Theory
- Author in Critical Current Analysis of a Self-shielding DC HTS Cable with a “Sandwich” Structure
- Author in Design and Simulation of a 150 kVA Single-Phase HTS Transformer with 1G/2G Hybrid HTS Tapes
- Author in Numerical Study on AC Loss in Quasi-Isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures
Wanshuo Sun
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Fabrication and Characteristics of HTS Racetrack Pancake Coils after Impregnation Process Using Various Materials
- Author in Fabrication of Racetrack Type Double-pancake Coils Using 2G Tapes
- Author in Formation of Nb3sn after Different Mechanical Alloying Methods
- Author in Quench Analysis of the 9.4-T Whole-Body MRI Superconducting Magnet
- Author in The Fabrication Technology and Test Results of the NbTi Superconducting Racetrack Magnet
- Jinshui Sun (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Chenzhen Sun (Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China)
- Yueming Sun (Robinson Research Institute, Victoria University of Wellington)
- Hae-Jin Sung (Changwon National University)
- Kento Suzuki (KEK)
- Kento Suzuki
- Takaaki Suzuki (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Kento Suzuki
- Tony Svensson (Ryd-Verken AB)
- James Swanson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Victor Sytnikov (R&D Center @ Federal Grid Company)
- Evgheniy Tai (GYCOM Ltd.)
- Suguru Takada (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Yusaku Takagi (The University of Tokyo)
- Yuhei Takahashi (Iwate University)
- Naoki Takahashi (KEK)
- Masato Takahashi (RIKEN)
Keita Takahashi
(Iwate University)
- Author in Validation of a high-gradient trapped field magnet with an open bore providing a quasi-microgravity space on Earth and its application to magnetic levitation
- Co-author in Pulsed field magnetization of GdBaCuO superconducting bulks with high magnetization efficiency using a split type coil with a soft iron yoke
- Co-author in The influence of local heat generation in a REBaCuO ring bulk with large bore on mechanical fracture during pulsed-field magnetization
- Hitoshi Takahashi (Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Akira Takahashi (Kyoto university)
- Kunji Takahashi (National Institute of Technology, Ichinoseki College)
- Kyosuke Takahashi (Niigata University)
Kohki Takahashi
(Tohoku University)
- Author in 25.1T generation in 25T cryogen-free superconducting magnet with a modified Bi2223 insert
- Author in Evaluation of magnetic field dependence of interface resistivity in REBCO tape with the contact-probing current transfer length method
- Author in Hoop stress test of four-stacked two-ply REBCO pancake coils
- Co-author in Design considerations for practical very high field cryogen-free superconducting magnets: 33 T and beyond
- Keisuke Takahashi (Sophia University (Graduate school))
- Masafumi Takahashi (Sophia University)
- Kohki Takahashi (Tohoku University)
- Koji Takahashi (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Kazuya Takahata (National Institute for Fusion Science)
Eelis Tapani Takala
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Author in Superconducting coil stress specifications for the series production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC
- Koichi Takamiya (Kyoto University)
- Yoshihiko Takano (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Katsutoshi Takano (QST)
Tomoaki Takao
(Sophia University)
- Author in Demonstration of a kA-class Rutherford Cables using MgB2 Wires for Energy Storage Device optimal for Liquid Hydrogen Indirect Cooling System
- Author in Effects of thermal cycle and winding tension on contact resistivity of an intra-Layer No-Insulation (LNI) REBCO coil
- Author in Experimental study on quench protection method for HTS coil that uses Cu tape co-wound with HTS tape
- Author in Flywheel uninterruptible power supply using superconducting induction machine
- Author in Increase of thermal stability caused by high thermal conduction VFRPs in conduction-cooled HTS coils
- Author in Levitation properties of magnetic attraction type levitation system having HTS bulk and HTS racetrack magnet
- Author in Self-protecting behavior of an intra-Layer No-Insulation (LNI) REBCO coil under an LTS outer coil’s quench
- Yusuke Takarabe (Kyushu University)
- Teruou Takayama (Yamagata University)
- Shigeki Takayama (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- shigeki takayama (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
Tomohiro Takayanagi
- Author in Evaluation of eddy currents dependent on excitation pattern in design of pulse electromagnets.
- Co-author in Development of Hybrid Multipole Permanent Magnet for High-Intensity Beam Transportation
- Co-author in Developments of a Pulse Kicker System for the Three-Dimensional Spiral Beam Injection of the J-PARC Muon g-2/EDM Experiment
- Co-author in Radiation-Induced Demagnetization Measurement of Permanent Magnet Materials by Systematic Neutron Irradiation
- Makoto Takayasu (Plasma Science and Fusion Center)
- Takumi Takazawa (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Yasuaki Takeda (NIMS)
- Tetsuo Takemoto (Fujikura Ltd.)
- Mikito Takenaka (Chiba university)
- Nishiyama Takeshi (Kyushu Univ.)
- Masaki Takeuchi (RIMTEC Corporation)
- Hiroyuki Takeya (National Institute for Materials Science)
- Alex Hitoshi Takinami (Kansai University)
- Richard Talaga (ANL)
- Hitoshi Tamura (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Xiangyu Tan (Huazhong university of science and technology)
- Jun Tan (State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Han Tan
(State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in A long-life, high-capacity and high-efficiency cryogenic system developed for high-Tc superconducting magnet applications
- Co-author in Design and experimental investigations on the helium circulating cooling system operating at around 20 K for a 10-Mvar class HTS dynamic synchronous condenser
Toshiya Tanabe
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Co-author in Phasing Magnet for CSX-2 beamline at NSLS-II
- Toshiya Tanabe (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Teruya Tanaka (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Hideki Tanaka (Hitachi, Ltd.)
- Rika Tanaka
- Ken-ichi Tanaka (KEK)
- Kazuhiro Tanaka (KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Toya Tanaka (University of Tokyo)
- Kun Tang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China)
Yuejin Tang
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Author in Analysis of Three Types of SFCL in Ship MVDC System
- Author in Design of 10MJ toroidal field D-type superconducting energy storage magnet
- Author in Research on fatigue characteristics of optical fiber applied in HTS cable
- Author in The Coil Optimization Design of H-SFCL Applied in Ship DC System
- Author in Thermal Stability Analysis of No-insulation Magnet under Dynamic Operational Conditions
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid-Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Co-author in High-temperature superconducting cable optimization design software based on 2-D electromagnetic thermal analysis model
- weizhao tang (China Three Gorges University)
- Meitang Tang
Yinghao Tang
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Author in Design of Pulsed Magnet for Adjusting the Residual Stress Field in Large-size Aluminum Alloy Rings
- Co-author in Numerical simulation and experimental study on the composite process of electromagnetic and electro-hydraulic tube forming
- Co-author in Relaxation of residual stress in the aluminum alloy ring by electromagnetic bulging method
- Yuejin Tang (Huazhong university of science and technology)
- Rento Taniguchi (Kansai University)
- Hiroyasu Taniguchi (Osaka Alloying Works, Co., Ltd.)
- Vipul L Tanna (Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar-382 428 Gujarat, India & Homi Bhaba National Institute, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai-400 085, Maharashtra, India)
- Chiara Tarantini (ASC-NHMFL, Florida State University)
- Simon TARDIEU (Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses, EMFL, CNRS-INSA-UGA-UPS)
Michael Tartaglia
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in A Quench Detection and Monitoring System for Superconducting Magnets at Fermilab
- Author in Current Status of the Facility for High Field Cable Testing at Fermilab
- Author in Fermilab’s Horizontal Test Stand Upgrade Overview and Commissioning
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Co-author in Designing a Magnetic Measurement Data Acquisition and Control System with Reuse in Mind: A Rotating Coil System Example
- Kikuyama Tatsuhiko (Kyushu Univ.)
- Sandra Tavares (CFF SA)
- Jordan Taylor (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Yuping Teng
- Yuping Teng (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Herman ten kate
- Author in [Invited] Modelling and characterization of a ReBCO HTS degaussing demonstrator
- Co-author in [Invited] Assembly and Test of the world’s first conduction-cooled NbTi Magnet System for Magnetic Density Separation
- Co-author in Characterizing performance degradation through the analysis of V-I measurements in Nb3Sn accelerator magnets
- Co-author in Cloverleaf dipole demonstrator magnet with 2-tape ReBCO stack conductor
- Co-author in Feasibility of different cryogenic systems for ReBCO coils based high-dynamic superconducting actuators
- Co-author in Introduction and results of the Bonding Experiments (BOX).
- Inoue Tenta (Kyushu Univ.)
- Tsunehisa Terakado (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Ryo Teranishi (Kyushu Univ.)
- Ryo Teranishi
- Ryo Teranishi
- Yutaka Terao (University of Tokyo)
- Akio Terashima (KEK)
Marcel ter Brake
(University of Twente, The Netherlands)
- Author in [Invited] Modelling and characterization of a ReBCO HTS degaussing demonstrator
- Co-author in [Invited] Assembly and Test of the world’s first conduction-cooled NbTi Magnet System for Magnetic Density Separation
- Co-author in Feasibility of different cryogenic systems for ReBCO coils based high-dynamic superconducting actuators
- Jeroen ter Harmsel (University of Twente)
- Nobuhiro Terunuma
Reed Teyber
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Mechanical and thermal analysis of an HTS superconducting magnet for an achromatic gantry for proton therapy
- Author in Progress Towards Hall Sensor-Based Quench Detection in CORC® Cables
- Eckhard Theisen (Bilfinger Noell)
- The SPARC Toroidal Field Model Coil Team
- Peter Thompson (Fermilab)
- Pierre Alexandre Thonet (CERN)
- Mengyuan Tian (University of Cambridge)
Chenyu Tian
- Author in A Novel Quench Detection Method for SMES
- Shan Tian (Kyushu University)
- Chenyu Tian
- Mengyuan Tian (University of Cambridge)
- Xiaoyang Tian (HKU)
- Chenyu Tian
- Binyi Tian
Chenyu Tian
- Author in A novel cryogenic model for SiC MOSFET
- Chenyu Tian
- Pascal Tixador (Grenoble-INP)
- Robert Todd (BNL)
- Damon Todd (LBNL)
Maurizio Todero
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
- Author in Advanced electrical quality assurance methods for the series production of the superconducting coils of the HL-LHC high order corrector magnets
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Ezio Todesco (CERN)
Ezio Todesco
- Author in [Invited] Lessons learnt in HL-LHC interaction region superconducting magnets: two case studies
- Author in Fine tuning of the inner dipole design of MCBXF magnets
- Author in Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Under Different Stress Level
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Author in Protection strategy and quench study of MCBXF magnets
- Author in Superconducting coil stress specifications for the series production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC
- Author in Test result of a full-scale prototype of beam separation dipole magnet for the High-Luminosity LHC upgrade
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Author in The separation-recombination dipole MBRD for the High-Luminosity LHC: from prototype to series
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Co-author in Fabrication and Power Test of last MCBXFB Magnets
- Co-author in Fabrication of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Co-author in Test Results of the MQYYM: a 90 mm NbTi quadrupole magnet option for HL-LHC
- Co-author in US-HiLumi Accelerator Upgrade Project Pre-series Cryo-Assembly 01 Production and First Results
- Keisuke Tokunaga (Okayama University)
- Shinnosuke Tokuta (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- Valerio Tomarchio (Fusion For Energy (F4E))
- Goncalo Tomas (University of Twente)
- Giordano Tomassetti (ENEA)
Takuma Tomihisa
(Aoyama Gakuin University)
- Author in Physical properties of all c-grown Gd123 bulks starting from various metal compositions
- Author in Short-time fabrication and trapped field distributions of large REBCO melt-textured bulks made by Single-Direction Melt Growth method
- Co-author in Fabrication of all c-grown RE123 melt-textured bulks with homogeneous trapping field distributions using Single-Direction Melt Growth method
- Keita Tomii (Niigata University)
Masaru Tomita
(Railway Technical Research Institute)
- Author in [Plenary] Magnet Technology for Train
Davide Tommasini
- Author in Design of a Curved Superconducting Combined Function Bending Magnet Demonstrator for Hadron Therapy
- Author in Preliminary study of 4 T superconducting dipoles for a light rotating gantry for ion-therapy
- Co-author in Construction and test of the enhanced Racetrack Model Coil, first CERN R&D magnet for the FCC
Michael Tomsic
(Hyper Tech Research Inc.)
- Author in FEM modeling of superconducting whole body, actively shielded 7 T MRI magnets wound using Nb3Sn strands
- Author in Improving critical current in ternary APC Nb3Sn superconductors by using internal oxidation method
- Author in Numerical Study of Temperature Distribution within a Conduction-Cooled, MgB2 MRI Coil Segment
- Author in Simulation and Experiments on an AC-Injection Active Protection Scheme for a Conduction Cooled, React-and-Wind, MgB2 MRI Coil Segment
- Co-author in Minimum Quench Energy of Nb3Sn Wires and Rutherford Cables with High Specific Heat
Yujin Tong
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in An electro-thermal coupling model of quench protection using nonlinear quench-back for superconducting magnets
- Author in Numerical investigation of thermoelastic coupling behaviors of stacks of high temperature superconductor during a quench
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Shun Tonooka (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.)
- Frédéric Topin (AMU - IUSTI)
Vince Toplosky
(Florida State University)
- Author in Deformation of Copper Matrix Conductors under Cyclic Loading
- Author in Mechanical and thermal properties of glass fiber-filled thermos-plastic materials for magnet and cryogenic applications
- Co-author in Microanalysis of Glidcop® conductor, an alumina particle dispersion strengthened copper, for ultrahigh field pulsed magnet applications
- Fernando Toral (Centro de Investigaciones Energéti cas Medioambientales y Tecno)
- Yuto Torii (Kyoto University)
Alexandre Torre
- Author in AC losses in JT-60SA magnets during commissioning: experimental analysis and simulations
- Author in Comparative electromechanical study of different Nb3Sn CICC designs for tokamaks with FE simulations
- Author in Review of experimental results and parameters for evaluation of AC losses of the ITER conductors
- Co-author in Development of a AC Loss Model for the ITER CS Coils
- Joseph Torres
- Jorge Torres Miranda (CIEMAT)
- Robert TOUZERY (CEA)
- Akihisa Toyoda (KEK)
- Andrea Traverso (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Frederic Trillaud (Instituto de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Ulf Trociewitz
- Author in Bi-2212 Coil Technology
- Author in Experimental Study on Effectiveness of Different Reinforcement Layouts Applied to Recent Bi-2212 Test Coils
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Author in Test Results of Alternative Magnet Technologies for HTS Magnet Quench Detection and Protection
- Author in Use of Critical Current Distribution Measurements in Bi-2212 Round Wires as a tool to significantly enhance and stabilize the $J_{\text{c}}$ properties
- Kelley Trombly-Freytag (Fermilab)
- Vladimir Tronza (ITER Organization)
- Christophe Trophime (CNRS)
- Grigory Trubnikov (JINR)
- Yoshinori Tsuchiya (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
- Yuji Tsuchiya (Nagoya Univ.)
- Yuji Tsuchiya (Nagoya University)
- Kiyosumi Tsuchiya (KEK)
- KOki Tsuchiya (Fujikura Ltd.)
- Yuji Tsuchiya (Nagoya University)
- Makoto Tsuda (Tohoku University)
Makoto TSUDA
(Tohoku University)
- Co-author in [Invited] Design, fabrication and soundness test of a Bi2223 magnet immersed in liquid hydrogen
- Co-author in Improvement of excitation delay by multiple high temperature superconducting tapes in no-insulation coil
- Co-author in Thermal stability against local critical current degradation in an HTS pancake coil wound with an insulated conductor composed of no-insulated multiple tapes
- Yeekin Tsui (University of Cambridge)
- Takehiko Tsukamoto (National Institute of Technology, Toyota College)
Osami Tsukamoto
(Sophia University)
- Author in Experimental study on quench protection method for HTS coil that uses Cu tape co-wound with HTS tape
- Author in Flywheel uninterruptible power supply using superconducting induction machine
- Author in Levitation properties of magnetic attraction type levitation system having HTS bulk and HTS racetrack magnet
- Valery Tsukanov (BINP)
- Hiroaki Tsutsui (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- Fumiaki Tsutsumi (QST)
Kyoka Tsuyoshi
(Waseda University)
- Author in Numerical evaluation of transient thermal stability of no-insulation pancake coil wound with REBCO coated conductor with some defects
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of electromagnetic behavior of multi-stacked no-insulation REBCO coil system assuming applications to high-field whole-body MRIs and medical cyclotrons
- Co-author in Numerical evaluation of transient thermal stability of no-insulation REBCO pancake coils with non-contact area between turns
- KEITA TSUZUKI (National Institute of Technology, Toyota College)
- Bernard Turck (CEA Cadarache - IRFM)
- Melanie Turenne (Bilfinger Noell, now Fermilab)
- Marcos Turqueti (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Daniele Turrioni
- Author in [Invited] Main results and lessons learned from the MDPCT1 R&D program
- Author in Design, Construction, and Testing of 0.5-m-long, 18-mm Period Nb3Sn Superconducting Undulator Magnets
- Author in Development of a 120-mm aperture Nb3Sn dipole coil with stress management
- Author in Development of a small-aperture cos-theta dipole insert coil based on Bi2212 Rutherford cable and stress management structure
- Author in Minimum Quench Energy of NbTi and Nb3Sn Conductors Impregnated with High Heat Capacity Resin
- Co-author in [Invited] Stability of Nb3Sn Superconducting Planar Undulator for ANL Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in A Novel High Heat Capacity Resin for Impregnation of Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnets
- Co-author in Analysis of quench data and performance of MDPCT1 – the 15 T Nb3Sn dipole demonstrator
- Co-author in HTS Dipole Magnet Model for the Persistent Current Operation
- Co-author in Minimum Quench Energy of Nb3Sn Wires and Rutherford Cables with High Specific Heat
Simonetta Turtu'
- Author in Analysis of the thermal-hydraulic effects of a plasma disruption on the DTT magnet system
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Co-author in Design and structural assessment overview of the DTT TFC system
- Co-author in Engineering and Structural Assessment for the updated design of the DTT Central Solenoid
- Co-author in Engineering the main structures of the DEMO fusion reactor magnet system
- Co-author in Updated structural assessment of the Poloidal Field Coils of the DTT tokamak
- Andrew Twin (Oxford Instruments)
- Alexey Tzvetkov (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
Akira Uchida
(National Institute for Materials Science)
- Author in In-field evaluation of REBCO superconducting joint
- Author in Novel Pb- and Cd-free superconducting joint between NbTi and Nb3Sn wires using high-temperature-tolerable superconducting Nb-alloy intermedia
- Co-author in Ultra-low resistance joints between Bi2223 and NbTi wires using superconducting Bi-Pb solder
- Hiroshi UEDA
Hiroshi Ueda
(Okayama University)
- Author in An Optimal Configuration Method of Superconducting Magnet with Iron Shield using Model Order Reduction
- Author in Deformation Analysis of no-insulation REBCO coils considering turn-to-turn contact configuration
- Co-author in Basic study on coil structure for high-temperature superconducting cable termination applying a wireless power transmission system
- Co-author in Energization waveform for reducing Screening Current-induced Magnetic Field in No-Insulation REBCO Coil Systems
- Co-author in Evaluation of magnetic properties of REBCO wire by modified SST for cryogenics
- Co-author in Experimental Study on the Accuracy of the Proposed LFAC Method for Measuring the Contact Resistance of NI HTS Coils
- Co-author in Mechanical strength evaluation of Yoroi-coil structured non-circular REBCO pancake coil in high magnetic field
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation of Reinforcement Structure against Electromagnetic and Thermal Stresses in Stacked REBCO Pancake Coils
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Mechanical Behavior of No-insulation REBCO Pancake Coils in Skeleton Cyclotron
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Quench Behavior of REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
- Co-author in Structure design on the 3-T HTS coil for desktop MRI magnet using the Distributed Genetic Algorithm method.
- Co-author in Study on Low Loss Coil Structure for High Energy Density of a Wireless Power Transmission System Using High Temperature Superconducting Coils for Railway Vehicle
- Co-author in Study on the structure design for high performance non-contact rotating machine using HTS bulks
- Co-author in Study on the structure design of HTS bulk magnets for compact MRI
- Co-author in The critical properties and AC loss characteristics of the developed ultra-fine and flexible Nb3Al superconducting wires
- Kouta UEDA (Kagoshima University)
- Yuma Ueno (kagoshima university)
- Tomoaki Ueno (JAEA/J-PARC)
- Davide Uglietti
- Kensei Umemori (KEK)
- Kiran Uppalapati (Commonwealth Fusion Systems)
- Masami Urata (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Masami Urata (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- tatsuro uto (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Hiroyasu Utoh (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Te)
- Carlo Uva (INFN Milano - LASA)
Anvar V A
(University Of Twente)
- Author in [Invited] CORC® cables with superior tensile strain performance : FEM and experiments
- Author in [Invited] Development of high-strength CORC® conductors with record-breaking irreversible axial tensile strain limit exceeding 7 %
- Author in Axial and transverse loading model of CORC® cable considering initial contact from cabling process
- Giuseppe Vairo (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Dept. of Civil Engineering and Computer Science)
- Pierluigi Valente (F4E)
Riccardo Umberto Valente
(LASA-INFN (Milano, Italy))
- Author in Advanced electrical quality assurance methods for the series production of the superconducting coils of the HL-LHC high order corrector magnets
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Nb3Sn Cos-theta Short Model Dipole for the Future Circular Collider
- Author in The HL-LHC Superferric High Order Corrector Magnets: Series Production and Powering Tests Status
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements Results and Analysis of the First Batches of Superferric Magnets for the HL-LHC High Order Field Correction
- Giovanni Valesi (ASG superconductors SpA)
- Roser Vallcorba (CEA - Saclay)
Giorgio Vallone
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
- Author in 20 T Hybrid Nb3Sn-HTS Block-coil Design for a Future Particle Collider
- Author in Assembly and mechanical analysis of the Canted-Cosine-Theta subscale magnets
- Author in Design and test results for a canted-cosine-theta dipole subscale magnet series
- Author in Design of CCT6: a large-aperture, 12 T, Nb3Sn Dipole Magnet
- Author in Engineering design of a large aperture 15 T cable test facility dipole magnet
- Author in Magneto-Mechanical Optimization of Cross-sections for cos $\theta$ Accelerator Magnets
- Author in Mechanical Characterization of Low-Carbon Steels for High-Field Accelerator Magnets: Application to Nb3Sn Low-β Quadrupole MQXF
- Author in Novel Insulation Designs for Nb<sub>3</sub>Sn Rutherford Cables for Particle Accelerator Magnets
- Author in Numerical Modelling of the Interfacial Debonding in Superconducting Magnets
- Author in Superconducting coil stress specifications for the series production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC
- Co-author in An examination of the mechanical performance of the 4.5 m long MQXFA Pre-Series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
- Angelo Valzasina (RSE S.p.A.)
- Dragos-Gabriel Vancea (CERN)
- David Vandergriff (ORNL)
Danko van der Laan
(Advanced Conductor Technologies)
- Author in [Invited] CORC® cables with superior tensile strain performance : FEM and experiments
- Author in [Invited] Development of high-strength CORC® conductors with record-breaking irreversible axial tensile strain limit exceeding 7 %
- Author in Axial and transverse loading model of CORC® cable considering initial contact from cabling process
- Author in Developing a Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Procedure for CORC® Wires
- Author in High Performance HTS Conductors for Compact Fusion Tokamak Facility
- Author in Progress Towards Hall Sensor-Based Quench Detection in CORC® Cables
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Angelo Vannozzi (ENEA)
- Bas van Nugteren (Tokamak Energy Ltd)
Jeroen van Nugteren
- Author in Development of the “Demo4” 1.5m-scale spherical tokamak HTS magnet demonstrator at Tokamak Energy
- Author in Numerical Modelling of AC loss in large HTS Coils
- Author in Transient Electro-Magnetic and Thermal Simulation of HTS Non-Insulated Coils
- Co-author in Cloverleaf dipole demonstrator magnet with 2-tape ReBCO stack conductor
- Carlos Roberto Vargas-Llanos (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- Alexander Vasiliev (NRC "Kurchatov institute")
- Andrey Vavilov (SuperOx)
- Pierre Vedrine (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
- Gueorgui Velev (FNAL)
- Vasileios Velonas (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung)
- Sriharsha Venuturumilli (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Wouter Verbruggen (Universiteit Twente (NL))
Arjan Verweij
- Co-author in Quench Behaviour of Prototype HL-LHC Dipole Canted Cos-Theta Orbit Corrector Nb-Ti Magnet
- Co-author in Quench Protection of the HL-LHC Hollow Electron Lens Superconducting Solenoid Magnets
- Co-author in Simulation of Quench Transients in Self-Protecting Magnets with a 3D Semi-Implicit Finite-Difference Method
- Co-author in STEAM Software Framework to Simulate Transients in Accelerator Magnets and Circuits
- Svetlana Veselova (NRNU MEPhI)
- Julien Vialle (Institut Néel CNRS)
- Alan Vianna (CNPEM)
- Sofia Viarengo (MAHTEP Group, Dipartimento Energia "Galileo Ferraris", Politecnico di Torino, )
Eduard Viladiu
(Fusion for Energy)
- Author in About the first 6 toroidal field coils and 2 poloidal field coils completed by EU for ITER
- Co-author in Current Centre Line control, results and comparison after the manufacturing of the ITER Toroidal Field Coils
- Co-author in Status of the production of the European ITER Toroidal Field Coil Insertion.
- Luana Vilela (Brazilian Center for Research in Materials and Energy)
- Kevin Villavicencio (Stony Brook University)
- Benjamin Vincent (CNRS)
- Enrico Vizio (Fusion for Energy)
- Vladimir Vlasenko (P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
- Thomas Vogel (Karlruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- Emmanuel Voisin (SigmaPhi)
- Jens Völker (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin)
- Patrik Vonlanthen (Bruker Switzerland AG)
- Adam Voran (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
- Alexander Vostner (ITER)
Antonios Vouris
- Author in Fabrication of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in [Invited] AUP first pre-series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
- Co-author in Design of the Fermilab Pre-Series Cold Mass for the HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project
- Co-author in US-HiLumi Accelerator Upgrade Project Pre-series Cryo-Assembly 01 Production and First Results
- Vladimir Vyatkin (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Vitaly Vysotsky (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute)
- Robert Wagner (ANL)
- Yutaro Wakutani (Tokai university)
- Dana Walbridge (Fermilab)
- Andreas Waldt (GSI)
Robert Walsh
(Florida State University)
- Co-author in Cyclic Axial Pressure Limits of REBCO Double Pancake Coils with Variable Co-wind Dimensions at 77 K
- Co-author in Lap joint resistivity and crossover resistance of REBCO conductors and coils
- Co-author in Quench Protection and Cyclic Fatigue Test Results for MTI Coils in the 40T All-superconducting Magnet Project at the NHMFL
Wolfgang Walter
(Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Author in Industrial production of superconducting magnets for the FAIR SIS100 accelerator
- Author in Manufacture of the Proton Electron Radiation Channel (PERC) installed at the Research Neutron Source FRM II
- Author in Superconducting magnets for antimatter traps or neutron traps – designed and manufactured in industry
- Fang Wan (The Ohio State University)
Xiaorong Wang
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Author in [Invited] A subscale canted cosθ dipole magnet using high-temperature superconducting STAR™ wires
- Author in Developing a Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Procedure for CORC® Wires
- Author in Distributed fiber optic sensing to identify locations of resistive transitions in REBCO conductors and magnets
- Author in Field Quality Measurements of High-Temperature Superconducting Canted Cosine Theta Accelerator Magnets
- Author in Field quality of the 4.5 m long MQXFA pre-series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade as observed during magnet assembly
- Author in First canted cosine theta Bi-2212 accelerator magnets: Fabrication, performance, and prospects
- Author in Integration of Bi-2212 and Nb3Sn CCT magnets for a hybrid magnet test
- Author in Magnetic Measurements of HL-LHC AUP Cryo-Assemblies at Fermilab
- Author in Network model for REBCO pancake coils with heat transfer
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Co-author in An examination of the mechanical performance of the 4.5 m long MQXFA Pre-Series magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
- Lin Wang (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Shuang Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Zixin Wang
(Huaiyin Institute of Technology)
- Author in Levitation characteristics analysis of a novel bearingless switched reluctance motor
- Author in Research on universal mathematical model and design method of homopolar hybrid magnetic bearing
- Author in Suspension characteristics Analysis on Three-degree-of-freedom Bearingless Switched Reluctance Motor
- Author in Suspension Force Analysis on 4-pole Radial Hybrid Magnetic Bearing with Independent Magnetic Circuits
- Pengfei Wang
- Xianwei Wang
- Ziye Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Chao Wang (Kyushu University)
- Lei Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Lei Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Qiuliang Wang
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in A method to reduce the influence of manufacturing error on magnetic field homogeneity in NMR magnets
- Author in An Improved Passive Shimming Strategy for the Unsaturated Magnetization Problem in the Low-field Superconducting MRI Magnet
- Author in Analysis of dynamic thermal and mechanical behaviors of HTS magnet for high-speed superconducting maglev
- Author in Analysis of electromagnetic characteristics of a novel no-insulation HTS coil with stainless steel tape wrapped around the outer layer of the coil
- Author in Design and experiment of the conduction cooled superconducting magnet for crystal growth application
- Author in Design and Test of a Bended Canted-Cosine-Theta Superconducting Magnet for a Laser Proton Radiotherapy System
- Author in Design of a 14T cryogen-free physical property measurement system magnet
- Author in Design, fabrication and test of a 300MHz conduction-cooled NMR superconducting magnet
- Author in Fabrication and Characteristics of HTS Racetrack Pancake Coils after Impregnation Process Using Various Materials
- Author in Fabrication of Racetrack Type Double-pancake Coils Using 2G Tapes
- Author in Formation of Nb3sn after Different Mechanical Alloying Methods
- Author in Optimal Design for Permanent Magnet Distribution of the Tip of Flexible Endoscope Driven by Magnetic Navigation
- Author in Quench Analysis of the 9.4-T Whole-Body MRI Superconducting Magnet
- Author in The Calculation of Electromagnetic Force In Crystallizer About Using The High-temperature Superconducting Electromagnetic Stirring Device
- Author in The Calculation of The Heating Efficiency About Using The High-temperature Superconducting Induction Heating Device To Heat The Medium and Low-carbon Steel and Alloy Steel
- Author in The Fabrication Technology and Test Results of the NbTi Superconducting Racetrack Magnet
- Hui Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yaohui Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Cong Wang
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Ganjiang Innovation Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in An Improved Passive Shimming Strategy for the Unsaturated Magnetization Problem in the Low-field Superconducting MRI Magnet
- Author in The Calculation of Electromagnetic Force In Crystallizer About Using The High-temperature Superconducting Electromagnetic Stirring Device
- Author in The Calculation of The Heating Efficiency About Using The High-temperature Superconducting Induction Heating Device To Heat The Medium and Low-carbon Steel and Alloy Steel
- Hui Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Lei Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Lei Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Lei Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yiyu Wang (Southwest Jiaotong University)
Dongliang Wang
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, CAS)
- Author in Critical Bending Radius Test and Analysis of 7-Filament Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Iron-Based Superconductor Tapes under 12 T Background Field
- Author in Development of an Iron-Based Superconductor Magnet: A Study on the 64 mm Diameter Iron-based Superconductors Coils
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
Qiqi Wang
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Critical Bending Radius Test and Analysis of 7-Filament Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Iron-Based Superconductor Tapes under 12 T Background Field
- Author in Development of an Iron-Based Superconductor Magnet: A Study on the 64 mm Diameter Iron-based Superconductors Coils
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
- Chuan Wang
- Ziye Wang (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Dongquan Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- shuang wang ( Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Haoyuan Wang (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University)
- Menglin WANG (IHEP)
Yawei Wang
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Author in Comparison between T-A formulation and uniform current assumption for the critical current calculation of high temperature superconductor ReBCO coils
- Author in Electromagnetic Shielding Technique for No-insulation Superconducting Rotor Windings in Electrical Aircraft Propulsion
- Author in Magnetization Loss of no-insulation high temperature superconductor coil exposed to background fields
- Author in The influence of metal plates on quench protection of high temperature superconducting pancake coils
Ruiqi Wang
(North China Electric Power University)
- Author in Bending and Twisting Properties of Quasi-isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures Based on Laminate Theory
- Author in Critical Current Analysis of a Self-shielding DC HTS Cable with a “Sandwich” Structure
- Author in Design and Simulation of a 150 kVA Single-Phase HTS Transformer with 1G/2G Hybrid HTS Tapes
- Author in Numerical Study on AC Loss in Quasi-Isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures
- Weijun Wang (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Chengtao Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development and preliminary test of Aluminum stabilized Stack ReBCO Tape Cable
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
- Co-author in A preliminary study on a new epoxy resin system IR-3 for the high-field HTS applications
- Co-author in Investigation of a novel transposed superconducting cable using REBCO coated conductors
Li Wang
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Author in A High-Speed Maglev Test Rig Designed for HTS Pining Levitation and Electrodynamic Levitation
- Author in Dynamic Response of HTS Pinning Maglev System Under High Frequency Excitation
- Author in Vibration Characteristics of HTS Maglev System Levitated Above a Halbach Permanent Magnet Track
- Co-author in Running State Detection of HTS Pining Maglev System Based on Deep Learning Algorithms
Wei Wang
(Sichuan University)
- Author in A Kilo-Amp Linear-Motor Type Flux Pump
- Author in Accurate Control the DC Output Current of the Linear-Motor Flux Pump Based on the Four Quadrant Method
- Author in Control the Output of an HTS Dynamo with a DC Background Field
- Author in Improve the Central Magnetic Field of an HTS Magnet with Multi Linear-Motor Flux Pumps Based on Genetic Algorithm
- Author in Preliminary Rotational Test of an HTS Synchronous Motor with Linear-Motor Type Flux Pump Exciters
- Author in The Test Results of a YBCO Racetrack Coil at 30K Incorporate a Novel Cryostat Suitable for a Linear-Motor Type Flux Pump Used on an Synchronous Motor
- Co-author in Study on the Through Duwar Wall Excitation of YBCO Coil Based on Linear-motor Type Flux Pump
- Xue Wang
- Juan WANG (IHEP)
- Ning Wang (Kyoto University)
- Xudong Wang (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Youhua Wang (Hebei University of Technology)
Lishi Wang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development of a demountable joint for NUCLOTRON type cable
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Mirror Structure for the full-length Nb3Sn Sextupole Coil of 45 GHz ECR Ion Source
- Author in The study on the quench helium release process of HFRS superconducting magnet
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Co-author in Study on Forced Flow Cooling of Superconducting Magnet for Compact Synchrotron
- Tao Wang (China Three Gorges University)
- Zhaoliang Wang
- Menglin Wang
- Jiawen Wang (North China Electric Power University)
- Xingzhe Wang (Lanzhou University)
keyang wang
(University of Twente)
- Author in [Invited] CORC® cables with superior tensile strain performance : FEM and experiments
- Author in [Invited] Development of high-strength CORC® conductors with record-breaking irreversible axial tensile strain limit exceeding 7 %
- Author in Axial and transverse loading model of CORC® cable considering initial contact from cabling process
- Xueliang Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Yingzhe Wang
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
- Co-author in A preliminary study on a new epoxy resin system IR-3 for the high-field HTS applications
- Co-author in Investigation of a novel transposed superconducting cable using REBCO coated conductors
- Co-author in Preliminary strain measurement in high field superconducting magnets with fiber Bragg gating (FBG)
- Fei Wang (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
Ruichen Wang
(Applied Superconductivity Laboratory, State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Author in AC losses of high temperature superconducting magnet under the external magnetic fields generated by the ground coils of electrodynamic suspension train
- Author in Design, fabrication and testing of a coated superconductor magnet for electrodynamic suspension
- Author in Numerical modelling and calculation of mechanical properties of HTS magnet wound with multi-thickness armored REBCO tapes
- Yinshun Wang (State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources, North China Electric Power University)
- Mingyang Wang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Zhongli Wang (Anhui Jianzhu University)
- Teng Wang (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
xu dong Wang
(Institute of Modern Physics. Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Cryostat for HECRAL Superconducting Magnet
- Author in Development of a demountable joint for NUCLOTRON type cable
- Author in Quench Detection and Voltage Spikes Analysis of the FECR Half-scale Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Author in The Magnetic Center Alignment Based on FECR Superconducting Ion-source After Cryostat Installation
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Co-author in Study on Forced Flow Cooling of Superconducting Magnet for Compact Synchrotron
- Co-author in The study on the quench helium release process of HFRS superconducting magnet
- Li Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
yinshun wang
(North china electric power university)
- Author in A Numerical Method for Simulating the Quench Behavior of Superconductors
- Author in Bending and Twisting Properties of Quasi-isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures Based on Laminate Theory
- Author in conceptual design of closed-loop HTS magnet with thermal switch
- Author in Electromagnetic Characteristics of a Bitter-like HTS Magnet Excited by Flux Pump with Thermal Switch
- Author in Influence of Dynamic Resistance on Current Distribution of HTS Cable Conductor for Feeder lines and Large Scale Magnet
- Author in Study on Screening Current of Like Quasi-isotropic Conductor Based on optimized T-A formulation
- Co-author in Bending Characteristics of Cable-In-Conduit Conductor based on Quasi-Isotropic Strands
- Jian Wang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST))
- Changqi Wang
- Lijuan Wang (Institute of Resources Comprehensive Utilization,Guangdong Academy of Sciences)
- Fengyu Wang (Institute of Resources Comprehensive Utilization,Guangdong Academy of Sciences)
- Li Wang
- Kangshuai Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Juan Wang
Geng Wang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Luzhong Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Can Wang (High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei ,China)
- Hui Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yaohui Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Kangshuai Wang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Shaopeng Wang (School of Astronautics, Beihang University)
- Pengyuan Wang (Lanzhou University of Technology)
Yaohui Wang
(Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Design and experiment of the conduction cooled superconducting magnet for crystal growth application
- Author in Design and Test of a Bended Canted-Cosine-Theta Superconducting Magnet for a Laser Proton Radiotherapy System
- Author in Design of a 14T cryogen-free physical property measurement system magnet
- Author in Design, fabrication and test of a 300MHz conduction-cooled NMR superconducting magnet
- MuFeng Wang
- Hiroaki Watanabe (KEK)
Tomonori Watanabe
(Chubu.Electric.Power Co., Inc.)
- Author in An Optimal Configuration Method of Superconducting Magnet with Iron Shield using Model Order Reduction
- Author in Mechanical strength evaluation of Yoroi-coil structured non-circular REBCO pancake coil in high magnetic field
- Co-author in Development of Induction Heating Device Using HTS Magnet in Aluminum Extrusion Processing
- Co-author in Evaluation of operating characteristics of coils wound with no-insulation REBCO bundle conductor for SMES
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Mechanical Behavior of No-insulation REBCO Pancake Coils in Skeleton Cyclotron
- Co-author in Numerical Evaluation on Quench Behavior of REBCO Coil System of Skeleton Cyclotron for Cancer Therapy
- Tomonori WATANABE
- Hirofumi Watanabe (Chubu University)
- Sora Watanabe (Tokai University)
- Masahiro Watasaki (National Institute of Technology, Hiroshima College)
- Zoe Webb-Mack (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- lutz wegener (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Robert Weggel (Particle Beam Lasers, Inc)
- Fei Wei (High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei,China)
- Sumin Wei (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Defu Wei
- Yanqun Wei (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy Sciences)
- Haigening Wei (University of Cambridge)
- Shaoqing Wei (Institute of High Energy Physics)
- Xu Wei (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Jiafu Wei (Sichuan University)
Huub Weijers
(Victoria University of Wellington)
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Author in Sudden discharge measurement system and results for 100 mH class no-insulation coils
- Co-author in Modelling and mitigation of quench risk for a NI HTS MRI brain magnet
Klaus-Peter Weiss
(KIT, Institute for Technical Physics)
- Author in Mechanical Characterization of Low-Carbon Steels for High-Field Accelerator Magnets: Application to Nb3Sn Low-β Quadrupole MQXF
- Author in Thermal resistance between metallic surfaces of copper and stainless steel at different temperatures and contact pressures for high current HTS Cable-in-Conduit Conductors
- Co-author in Design and manufacturing of a KIT sample for a Quench Experiment on HTS Cable in Conduit Conductors
Jeremy Weiss
(Advanced Conductor Technologies and University of Colorado, Boulder)
- Author in [Invited] CORC® cables with superior tensile strain performance : FEM and experiments
- Author in [Invited] Development of high-strength CORC® conductors with record-breaking irreversible axial tensile strain limit exceeding 7 %
- Author in Axial and transverse loading model of CORC® cable considering initial contact from cabling process
- Author in Developing a Vacuum Pressure Impregnation Procedure for CORC® Wires
- Author in High Performance HTS Conductors for Compact Fusion Tokamak Facility
- Author in Progress Towards Hall Sensor-Based Quench Detection in CORC® Cables
- Author in Successful demonstration of the first CORC® cable insert solenoid in 14 T background magnetic field operating at currents exceeding 4 kA, current densities of over 250 A/mm2, and 275 MPa source (JBR) stress
- Xing hao Wen (ASIPP)
Xue Wenbo
- Author in Comparison between T-A formulation and uniform current assumption for the critical current calculation of high temperature superconductor ReBCO coils
- Author in Electromagnetic Shielding Technique for No-insulation Superconducting Rotor Windings in Electrical Aircraft Propulsion
- Author in Magnetization Loss of no-insulation high temperature superconductor coil exposed to background fields
- Author in The influence of metal plates on quench protection of high temperature superconducting pancake coils
- yang wenjiang (china)
- han wenjie (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Jeffrey Wenstrom (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University )
- Rainer Wesche (EPFL)
- Frans Wijnen (High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML-EMFL), Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
- Djurre Wikkerink (TU Delft)
- Patrick Wikus (Bruker Switzerland AG)
- Erich Willen (Particle Beam Lasers, Inc.)
- Gerard Willering (CERN)
Gerard Willering
- Author in Power Test of the First Two MQXFB Quadrupole Magnets Built at CERN for the HL-LHC Low-Beta Insertion
- Author in Protection strategy and quench study of MCBXF magnets
- Co-author in Characterizing performance degradation through the analysis of V-I measurements in Nb3Sn accelerator magnets
- Co-author in Fabrication and Power Test of last MCBXFB Magnets
- Sampson William (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
rikki williams
(cambridge university)
- Co-author in Compact MRI
- Barry Williams (University of Strathclyde)
- Charles Wilson (FNAL)
- James Wilson (Florida State University)
- Stuart Wimbush (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Martin Winkler (GSI)
- Tiemo Winkler (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH )
- Peter Winter (Argonne National Laboratory)
- John Wirdzek (LBNL)
- Holger Witte (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Michael Wolf (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT))
- Felix Josef Wolf (CERN)
- Jong-Hyeon Woo (chungnam national university)
- Joachim Wosnitza (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Hochfeld-Magnetlabor Dresden)
Mariusz Wozniak
- Author in Quench Behaviour of Prototype HL-LHC Dipole Canted Cos-Theta Orbit Corrector Nb-Ti Magnet
- Author in Quench Protection of the HL-LHC Hollow Electron Lens Superconducting Solenoid Magnets
- Author in STEAM Software Framework to Simulate Transients in Accelerator Magnets and Circuits
- Co-author in Conceptual Design of the HL-LHC Hollow electron lens superconducting magnet system
- Co-author in Simulation of Quench Transients in Self-Protecting Magnets with a 3D Semi-Implicit Finite-Difference Method
- Steven Wray (UK Atomic Energy Authority, Culham Science Centre)
- kaihong wu (Institute of plasma physics, Chinese academy of sciences)
- Yafeng Wu (IHEP, CAS, China)
- Author in Evaluation of the screening current effect in an all-superconducting high-field magnet
- Author in Mechanical Analysis of a 14 T Whole-Body MRI Magnet
- Author in Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of Toroidal Field Coil of CFETR
- Co-author in Design of DC Magnet for Super-X Test Facility
- Yuxin Wu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- fan wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xuejie Wu
- Wei Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Yu Wu
(Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Author in Cable R&D Program for 14T MRI
Kaihong Wu
(Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Author in Cable R&D Program for 14T MRI
- Junrong Wu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yu Wu
(Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in Analysis of Radial Preload of 14 T MRI Magnet
Wei Wu
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in An electro-thermal coupling model of quench protection using nonlinear quench-back for superconducting magnets
- Author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Author in Electromagnetic Design of a 6 T Cos-theta Fast Cycling Dipole Model
- Author in Fabrication and Test of a 1.5 T Cryogen-Free HTS Magnet for the Heavy Ion Spectrometer
- Author in Internal strain responses of YBCO superconducting taps based using embedded and distributed FBGs under tensile,compression and bending loading
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Mirror Structure for the full-length Nb3Sn Sextupole Coil of 45 GHz ECR Ion Source
- Author in Mechanical validation of the Combined Support Structure for FECR Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet Prototype
- Author in Numerical investigation of thermoelastic coupling behaviors of stacks of high temperature superconductor during a quench
- Author in Quench analysis and experiment of FECR prototype Nb3Sn superconducting magnet
- Author in Quench Detection and Voltage Spikes Analysis of the FECR Half-scale Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet
- Author in Strain measurements of a combined superconducting magnet on sextupole coils and solenoids during its assembly and excitation
- Author in Superconducting Magnet Energy Extraction with Varistors to Reduce Quench Voltages and Hot-Spots
- Author in The influence of friction between layers of coil on the magneto-mechanical behaviors of YBCO superconducting magnet
- Author in The Magnetic Center Alignment Based on FECR Superconducting Ion-source After Cryostat Installation
- Co-author in Cryostat for HECRAL Superconducting Magnet
- Co-author in Design and Test of a half-aperture Canted-Cosine-Theta multipole Prototype Magnet For the HIAF Fragment Separator
- Co-author in Design of a large aperture Canted Cosine Theta (CCT) combined function curved superconducting bending magnet
- Co-author in Designing a Large-gap Superferric Dipole Magnet for CEE
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements on the Twin Aperture Orbit Correctors for HL-LHC at IMP
- Co-author in Quench Behaviour of Prototype HL-LHC Dipole Canted Cos-Theta Orbit Corrector Nb-Ti Magnet
- Co-author in Study on Forced Flow Cooling of Superconducting Magnet for Compact Synchrotron
- Co-author in The study on the quench helium release process of HFRS superconducting magnet
- YUE WU (Beijing Jiaotong University)
- Yu Wu (Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Kaihong Wu (Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Hong Wu (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
- Zeyu Wu (Kyushu University)
- Bo Wu (Western Superconducting Technologies Co., Ltd)
- Hong Wu (Bilfinger Noell GmbH)
Wei Wu
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Qihong Wu (Tsinghua University)
- Shiguang Wu (State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Chris Wulffers (High Field Magnet Laboratory (HFML-EMFL), Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
- Weibin Xi (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xin Xian (Huaiyin Institute of Technology)
Liye Xiao
- Author in A Novel Quench Detection Method for SMES
- Liye Xiao
- Liye Xiao (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Ling Xiao (State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Liye Xiao
Liye Xiao
- Author in A novel cryogenic model for SiC MOSFET
- Zhou Xiao (Energy Development Research Institute, CSG)
- Liye Xiao
- Yezheng Xiao (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Han Xiaotao (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Huang Xie (Ganjiang Innovation Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- jianfeng Xie (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Huang Xie (Ganjiang Innovation Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Huang Xie (Ganjiang Innovation Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Daniel Xie (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Zongtai Xie
- yan xin (Florida State University)
- Canjie Xin
Canjie Xin
- Author in Internal strain responses of YBCO superconducting taps based using embedded and distributed FBGs under tensile,compression and bending loading
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Mirror Structure for the full-length Nb3Sn Sextupole Coil of 45 GHz ECR Ion Source
- Author in Strain measurements of a combined superconducting magnet on sextupole coils and solenoids during its assembly and excitation
- Co-author in Non-uniform screening-current-induced mechanical strains in small-scale REBCO insert coils
Ying Xin
(Tianjin University)
- Author in A propulsion-function-integrated HTS maglev system based on reversed excitation mode of electromagnetic guideway
- Author in Comparative Study between E-Shaped and Fan-Shaped Electromagnetic Guideway for HTS Maglev
- Author in Optimized configurations for enhancing the interaction capacity between permanent magnet and superconductor coil
- Yu Xin (Shanghai Superconductor Co., Ltd.)
- Yuying Xing (Tianjin University)
- tao xing (Baoding Tianwei Wire Manufacturing Co. LTD, Baoding, Hebei Province, 071023, China)
- Liu Xinyi (Hunan University)
- Chenling Xiong (Sichuan University)
- Yuandi Xu (IHEP)
- Weiwei Xu (Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Yanhong Xu (High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei ,China)
- Aihua Xu (institute of plasma physics Chinese academy of sciences)
- Limin Xu (Institute of Resources Comprehensive Utilization,Guangdong Academy of Sciences)
Aihua Xu
( Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology)
- Author in Cable R&D Program for 14T MRI
Aihua Xu
(Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology)
- Co-author in Analysis of Radial Preload of 14 T MRI Magnet
- Peng Xu (TIPCCAS)
- Ting Xu (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University )
- Wei Xu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Qui Xu (KURNS)
- Wei Xu (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Guangwei Xu (Kyoto University)
- Aihua Xu ( Changzhou Vocational Institute of Mechatronic Technology)
- Xingchen Xu (Fermi National Accelerator Lab)
Ying Xu
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Author in Analysis of Three Types of SFCL in Ship MVDC System
- Author in Design of 10MJ toroidal field D-type superconducting energy storage magnet
- Author in Research on fatigue characteristics of optical fiber applied in HTS cable
- Author in The Coil Optimization Design of H-SFCL Applied in Ship DC System
- Author in Thermal Stability Analysis of No-insulation Magnet under Dynamic Operational Conditions
- Co-author in Comparison of Solenoid-type and Annular-type Parallel Inductors Schemes in H-SFCL of Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Co-author in Electromagnetic Design and Performance Analysis of a Hybrid-Type Superconducting Fault Current Limiter in Shipboard MVDC IPS
- Co-author in High-temperature superconducting cable optimization design software based on 2-D electromagnetic thermal analysis model
- Hang Xu (Sichuan University)
Qingjin XU
- Author in Detecting quench in HTS conductors with LTS conductors — a theoretical and numerical analysis
- Author in Development and preliminary test of Aluminum stabilized Stack ReBCO Tape Cable
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
- Author in Progress of the High Field Magnet Program for SPPC
- Author in Superconducting Magnet Energy Extraction with Varistors to Reduce Quench Voltages and Hot-Spots
- Co-author in A preliminary study on a new epoxy resin system IR-3 for the high-field HTS applications
- Co-author in Investigation of a novel transposed superconducting cable using REBCO coated conductors
- Co-author in Preliminary strain measurement in high field superconducting magnets with fiber Bragg gating (FBG)
- Co-author in Quench Behaviour of Prototype HL-LHC Dipole Canted Cos-Theta Orbit Corrector Nb-Ti Magnet
Renjun Xue
(State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in A long-life, high-capacity and high-efficiency cryogenic system developed for high-Tc superconducting magnet applications
- Co-author in Design and experimental investigations on the helium circulating cooling system operating at around 20 K for a 10-Mvar class HTS dynamic synchronous condenser
- Shengchen Xue (OSU)
(Sophia University)
- Author in Demonstration of a kA-class Rutherford Cables using MgB2 Wires for Energy Storage Device optimal for Liquid Hydrogen Indirect Cooling System
- Author in Microstructure and superconducting properties of Hf,Ta-added bronze-route Nb3Sn wire
- Co-author in [Invited] Design, fabrication and soundness test of a Bi2223 magnet immersed in liquid hydrogen
- Co-author in AC Loss Measurement of Double Pancakes Wound with MgB2 Rutherford Type Superconductor
- Co-author in Development of a persistent-mode 400 MHz (9.39 T) LTS/Bi2223 NMR magnet with a Bi2223 superconducting joint
- Co-author in Influence of Ti doping on the Nb3Sn layer formation for various Nb3Sn wire structure
- Shoko Yamada (Kyoto University)
- Satoru Yamade (Sumitomo Electric Industries Ltd.)
- Kota Yamaguchi (National Institute of Technology, Oshima College)
- Takashi Yamaguchi (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.)
- Takazumi Yamaguchi (SOKENDAI)
- Tsuyoshi Yamaji (Shikoku Research Institute Inc.)
- Tetsuya Yamaki (Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Kazami Yamamoto (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
- Akira Yamamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (JP))
Akiyasu Yamamoto
(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- Author in Critical current and nano-structural properties of K-doped BaFe$_2$As$_2$ epitaxial thin films by molecular beam epitaxy
- Author in Influence of premix condition on the microstructure and trapped field properties of MgB2 bulk magnets by Mg Vapor Transportation (MVT) method
- Co-author in A Comparative Study of Experimental and Computational Modeling for Thickness Dependence of Trapped Field in Machined MgB2 Bulk Superconductors
- Co-author in Synthesis and Current Transport Properties of Ba(Fe,Co)2As2 Polycrystalline Bulks Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering
- Co-author in Trapped Field Characteristics of K-doped Ba122 Polycrystalline Bulks Synthesized by Spark Plasma Sintering
Kaoru Yamamoto
(Kyushu University)
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
- Shunya Yamamoto (Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Masaru Yamamoto (Meiko Futaba Co. Ltd.)
- Shingo Yamamoto (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Akinori Yamanaka (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
- Satoshi Yamano (SuperPower Inc.)
- Yutaka Yamanoi (KEK)
- Yuhi Yamanouchi (Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
- Ryota Yamase (Kyushu Institute of Technology)
- Kunihito Yamauchi (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Toshio Yamazaki (RIKEN)
- Samer Yammine (CERN)
- Yufan Yan (the State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University)
- Zhaoying Yan (Southewest Jiaotong University)
- Yufan Yan (Tsinghua University)
- juzhuang yan
- Zhiyong Yan
- Nagato Yanagi (National Institute for Fusion Science)
Yoshinori Yanagisawa
- Author in Effects of thermal cycle and winding tension on contact resistivity of an intra-Layer No-Insulation (LNI) REBCO coil
- Author in Measurement and Analyses of In-field Critical Currents in Multi-Filamentally Bi-2223 Tapes at Ultra-Low Electric-Field Criterion Down to at around 10^-13 V/m
- Author in Self-protecting behavior of an intra-Layer No-Insulation (LNI) REBCO coil under an LTS outer coil’s quench
- Author in Simultaneous manufacturing of multiple junctions between Bi2223 tapes with rapid melt joining
- Co-author in Development of a persistent-mode 400 MHz (9.39 T) LTS/Bi2223 NMR magnet with a Bi2223 superconducting joint
- Wenjiao Yang (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Zhenxuan Yang (Sichuan University)
Wenjie Yang
(Institute of modern physics, Chinese academy of sciences)
- Author in A System for Magnetic Measurement of the Triplet Quadrupoies for DTL
- Author in Magnetic Measurements on the Twin Aperture Orbit Correctors for HL-LHC at IMP
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Author in The Magnetic Center Alignment Based on FECR Superconducting Ion-source After Cryostat Installation
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Dongsheng Yang (Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Scienc)
Sung Chae Yang
(Jeonbuk National University)
- Author in Comparison of Current Limiting Characteristics of REBCO Superconducting Wire of the Electrical Coupling Condition between Core and Coil
- Author in Study on AC Over-Current Characteristics with the Physical Properties of the Outer Layer of REBCO Superconducting Wire Having Composite Structure Using RF Sputtering Deposition Method
- Hongmin Yang (Kunsan National University)
- Tianhui Yang
- Jiabin Yang (University of Cambridge)
- Chao Yang (Sichuan University)
Tongjun Yang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Development of a demountable joint for NUCLOTRON type cable
- Author in Electromagnetic Design of a 6 T Cos-theta Fast Cycling Dipole Model
- Author in Fabrication and Test of a 1.5 T Cryogen-Free HTS Magnet for the Heavy Ion Spectrometer
- Author in Quench analysis and experiment of FECR prototype Nb3Sn superconducting magnet
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in Cryostat for HECRAL Superconducting Magnet
Yu Yang
(North China Electric Power University)
- Author in Bending and Twisting Properties of Quasi-isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures Based on Laminate Theory
- Author in Critical Current Analysis of a Self-shielding DC HTS Cable with a “Sandwich” Structure
- Author in Design and Simulation of a 150 kVA Single-Phase HTS Transformer with 1G/2G Hybrid HTS Tapes
- Author in Numerical Study on AC Loss in Quasi-Isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures
- Yifeng Yang
- Mei Yang (IHEP,CAS,China)
- Dongsheng Yang (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jun Yang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Shige Yang
- Chiaming Yang (National Cheng Kung University)
- Wenjiang Yang
- Jing Yang (Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Acdemy of Sciences)
- Caijin Yang (State Key Laboratory of Traction Power)
- Chinkang Yang (NSRRC)
- Chao Yang (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Qifan Yang
- Ye Yang (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
- Ye Yang (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)
Jiancheng Yang
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Zhai Yao (Southwest Jiaotong University)
Qinggao Yao
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy Sciences)
- Author in A System for Magnetic Measurement of the Triplet Quadrupoies for DTL
- Author in Analysis of Coupled Electromagnetic Thermal Effects of Scanning Magnet for SESRI
- Author in Magnet Design of the Electron Cooling System for HIAF
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Co-author in Design and Test of a half-aperture Canted-Cosine-Theta multipole Prototype Magnet For the HIAF Fragment Separator
- Co-author in Design of a large aperture Canted Cosine Theta (CCT) combined function curved superconducting bending magnet
- Co-author in Designing a Large-gap Superferric Dipole Magnet for CEE
- Co-author in Magnetic Measurements on the Twin Aperture Orbit Correctors for HL-LHC at IMP
- Co-author in Optimization design and development of septum magnet
Huanli Yao
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in A preliminary study on a new epoxy resin system IR-3 for the high-field HTS applications
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
- Co-author in Investigation of a novel transposed superconducting cable using REBCO coated conductors
- Takashi Yazawa (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Haosheng Ye (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Xiaoting Ye
- Changqing Ye
- Liao Yicheng (State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology)
- Eyub Yildiz (LNCMI-Grenoble, CNRS, Univ. Grenoble Alpes )
- Zhiguo Yin (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Baogui Yin (IHEP, CAS, China)
- Daisaku Yokoe (JFCC)
Kazuya Yokoyama
(Ashikaga Institute of Technology)
- Author in A numerical evaluation of magnetizing characteristic of bulk magnet excited by pulsed-field magnetization with different shaped soft-iron yokes
- Author in First NMR Relaxometry using Outer Field of Single-sided HTS Bulk Magnet activated by Pulsed Field
- Author in First NMR Signal Detection on Single-sided Magnetic Pole Surface Containing HTS Bulk Magnet Activated by Pulsed Field
Jonghoon Yoon
(Seoul National University)
- Author in Investigation on Time-Varying Behavior of No-Insulation HTS Field Coil for Synchronous Motors Considering Armature Reaction and Slotting Effect
- Co-author in A Numerical and Experimental Study on Dynamic Operation of a Synchronous Rotating Machine with NI HTS Field Windings
- Co-author in Comparative Design Study of HTS Synchronous Motor with Inner and Outer Rotor Type Based on Multi-Objective Optimization
- Co-author in Analysis and Experiments on Electrical and Thermal Characteristics of REBCO Racetrack Coil co-wound by Stainless Steel Tape under asynchronous rotating magnetic field
- Co-author in Investigation on Quench and Normal Zone Propagation Behaviors of REBCO Coil wound by vanadium III oxide turn-to-turn insulator
- Co-author in Investigation on thermal and electrical stabilities of REBCO coil insulated by vanadium III oxide under various disturbance environments
- Miyeon Yoon (Korea Polytechnic University)
- Yutaka Yoshida (Nagoya University)
- Tomo Yoshida (Fujikura Ltd.)
- Makoto YOSHIDA (KEK)
- Makoto YOSHIDA (KEK)
Takashi Yoshida
(Kyushu University)
- Co-author in Numerical Analysis of 2 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Motor for Electric Aircraft Considering AC Loss in Field Winding
- Co-author in Study of REBCO Trapezoidal Armature Windings for Superconducting Induction Motor
- Co-author in Thermal-Electromagnetic Coupled Analysis Considering AC Losses in REBCO Windings at 65 K of 10 MW Fully-Superconducting Synchronous Generators for Electric Aircraft
- Yoshiyuki Yoshida
- Yutaka Yoshida (Nagoya University)
- Koichi Yoshida (Kyushu University)
- Yoshiyuki Yoshida (AIST)
- Toda Yoshihiko (Arisawa Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. )
- Toshimasa Yoshiie (KURNS)
- Kodai Yoshimo (kagoshima-university)
- Takeshi Yoshiyuki (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Takeshi Yoshiyuki (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation)
- Shuangrong You (Victoria University of Wellington)
- Wei You
wei you
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Designing a Large-gap Superferric Dipole Magnet for CEE
- Author in Quench Detection and Voltage Spikes Analysis of the FECR Half-scale Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Co-author in Design and Test of a half-aperture Canted-Cosine-Theta multipole Prototype Magnet For the HIAF Fragment Separator
- Co-author in Design of a large aperture Canted Cosine Theta (CCT) combined function curved superconducting bending magnet
- Edward Young (University of Southampton)
- Min Yu (Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Miao Yu (Fermilab)
- Suhang Yu
Suhang Yu
- Author in A Novel Quench Detection Method for SMES
- Zheng Yu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Xiaowu Yu ( Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Suhang Yu
Suhang Yu
- Author in A novel cryogenic model for SiC MOSFET
- Suhang Yu
- CONG YU (Ashikaga University)
- Yuhang Yuan (State Key Laboratory of Traction Power )
- Weijia Yuan (University of Strathclyde)
- Ping Yuan (Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Ping Yuan
- Xu Yuanyuan (Guangdong ocean university)
- Yi Yue (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Gao Yuhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Kotomi Yuinawa (Sophia university)
- Kohei Yuki (Tohoku university)
- Kwanghee Yun
- shibama yusuke (QST)
Louis ZANI
- Co-author in Engineering the main structures of the DEMO fusion reactor magnet system
- Co-author in Various methodologies used in the mechanical analysis of TF coils for EU DEMO
- Louis Zani (CEA Cadarache - IRFM)
Roberto Zanino
(Politecnico di Torino)
- Author in A 3D electromagnetic model for eddy currents analysis in superconducting magnets for fusion applications
- Author in Analysis of AC losses in the tests of the ITER CS Module #2
- Author in Analysis of the thermal-hydraulic effects of a plasma disruption on the DTT magnet system
- Author in Designing and Manufacturing of REBCO-based Al-slotted core Cable-In–Conduit Conductors for quench experiments
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
Andrea Zappatore
(Politecnico di Torino)
- Author in A 3D electromagnetic model for eddy currents analysis in superconducting magnets for fusion applications
- Author in Analysis of AC losses in the tests of the ITER CS Module #2
- Author in Analysis of the thermal-hydraulic effects of a plasma disruption on the DTT magnet system
- Author in Designing and Manufacturing of REBCO-based Al-slotted core Cable-In–Conduit Conductors for quench experiments
- Author in DTT: a challenging framework for a sound superconducting magnets design
- Maxim Zaslavskiy (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
- Al Zeller (Michigan State Univ.)
- Jingsong Zeng (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Yujia Zhai (State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yujia Zhai
(Hunan University)
- Author in AC Loss Calculation on Stacked HTS YBCO Tapes Based on Magnetic Field Characteristic Parameters Analysis
- Author in High temperature superconducting magnet wireless power transmission technology based on flux pump
- Author in Modelling and Investigation on the AC loss of the 2G YBCO tape influenced by High-order power harmonics
- Yuhu Zhai (Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
Zhen Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Effect of different bending diameters on the current-carrying capacity of iron-based superconducting tapes
- Author in Preliminary strain measurement in high field superconducting magnets with fiber Bragg gating (FBG)
- Co-author in A preliminary study on a new epoxy resin system IR-3 for the high-field HTS applications
- Co-author in Investigation of a novel transposed superconducting cable using REBCO coated conductors
- Xianping Zhang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Suping Zhang (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
Changneng Zhang
(Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Author in Cable R&D Program for 14T MRI
- Hao Zhang (Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Guomin Zhang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jingye Zhang (Institute of Electrical Engineering,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Wei Zhang ((Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SARI-CAS)))
- Zili Zhang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Pengnian Zhang
Yi Zhang
(Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Author in Numerical simulation and experimental study on the composite process of electromagnetic and electro-hydraulic tube forming
- Co-author in Design of Pulsed Magnet for Adjusting the Residual Stress Field in Large-size Aluminum Alloy Rings
- Co-author in Relaxation of residual stress in the aluminum alloy ring by electromagnetic bulging method
- Zhuo Zhang (IHEP, CAS, China)
- Xiang Zhang (Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Tao zhang
(Huaiyin institute of technology)
- Author in Comprehensive performance evaluations on three kinds of radial hybrid magnetic bearings
- Author in Electromagnetic performance comparison between heteropolar and homopolar six-pole hybrid magnetic bearings
- Author in Levitation characteristics analysis of a novel bearingless switched reluctance motor
- Author in Research on universal mathematical model and design method of homopolar hybrid magnetic bearing
- Danlu Zhang (The Ohio State University)
- Heng Zhang (UK Atomic Energy Authority)
Zhan Zhang
(Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) )
- Author in Critical Bending Radius Test and Analysis of 7-Filament Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Iron-Based Superconductor Tapes under 12 T Background Field
- Author in Development of an Iron-Based Superconductor Magnet: A Study on the 64 mm Diameter Iron-based Superconductors Coils
- Author in Thermodynamic Behavior Analysis and Heat Transfer Structure Design of Helium Bubble Aggregation in High Field Superconducting Magnets
Zhaoyu Zhang
(North China Electric Power University)
- Author in Bending and Twisting Properties of Quasi-isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures Based on Laminate Theory
- Author in Critical Current Analysis of a Self-shielding DC HTS Cable with a “Sandwich” Structure
- Author in Design and Simulation of a 150 kVA Single-Phase HTS Transformer with 1G/2G Hybrid HTS Tapes
- Author in Numerical Study on AC Loss in Quasi-Isotropic Superconducting Strand at Liquid Helium Temperatures
- Kai Zhang (Hefei Institutes of Physical Science,Chinese Academy of Science)
- Changneng Zhang (Institute of Plasma Physics)
- Ping Zhang (China Three Gorges University)
- Guoqing Zhang
- Zeyu Zhang (China Three Gorges University)
- Yan Zhang (Tianjin Univesity)
- Xintao Zhang (the Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jiawei Zhang (Hunan University)
- Pingxiang Zhang (Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal Research)
- Hua Zhang (Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Zixuan Zhang (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Weihua Zhang (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Penghui Zhang (SouthWest JiaoTong University)
- Min Zhang (University of Strathclyde)
- shuqin zhang (Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Weihai Zhang (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Shaozhe Zhang (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center,Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Zixuan Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Tianjue Zhang
(China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Author in [Invited] Design of the HTS based, high power proton Cyclotron CYCIAE-100B
- Co-author in Coupling Design of Focusing Function Bending Magnet and High Current Electron Beam for 100 kW Irradiation Accelerator
- Co-author in Fabrication and Test of a 1:4 Scaled HTS Coil for the Defocusing Magnet of a 2 GeV FFAG Accelerator
- Zitong Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Qing Zhang (Shanghai University)
- Yibing Zhang (Shanghai University)
- Yifei Zhang (SuperPower Inc.)
- Song Zhang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Tao Zhang (State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Hang Zhang
- Tao Zhang (State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yongliang Zhang
(Chinses Academy of Science)
- Author in Cable R&D Program for 14T MRI
- Author in DC Performance of a Nb3Sn Rutherford Cable Solenoid Insert
- Author in Feasibility Study of ITER In-Vessel Coils Bracket Manufacture and Integration
- Author in Mechanical and seismic performance analysis of the dewar used for helium gas tightness test for CFETR conductor
- Pingxiang Zhang (NIN)
- Zili Zhang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Zili Zhang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
jingjing zhang
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Zili Zhang (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Bangjian Zhao
(State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in A long-life, high-capacity and high-efficiency cryogenic system developed for high-Tc superconducting magnet applications
- Co-author in Design and experimental investigations on the helium circulating cooling system operating at around 20 K for a 10-Mvar class HTS dynamic synchronous condenser
- Jigang Zhao (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Yifan Zhao (Kyoto University)
Yongjiang Zhao
(State Key Laboratory of Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Co-author in A long-life, high-capacity and high-efficiency cryogenic system developed for high-Tc superconducting magnet applications
- Co-author in Design and experimental investigations on the helium circulating cooling system operating at around 20 K for a 10-Mvar class HTS dynamic synchronous condenser
- Yue Zhao (shanghai jiao tong university)
- Hanyu Zhao
- Zijia Zhao (Tufts University)
- Hongwei Zhao (Institute of Modern Physics)
- Yongke Zhao (CERN & Shandong University (CN))
- wenlong zhao
- LIXIA ZHAO (the Institute of Modern Physics,CAS)
- yan zhaoying
lu zhen
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Author in Comparison between T-A formulation and uniform current assumption for the critical current calculation of high temperature superconductor ReBCO coils
- Author in Electromagnetic Shielding Technique for No-insulation Superconducting Rotor Windings in Electrical Aircraft Propulsion
- Author in Magnetization Loss of no-insulation high temperature superconductor coil exposed to background fields
- Author in The influence of metal plates on quench protection of high temperature superconducting pancake coils
shijun zheng
(Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in An electro-thermal coupling model of quench protection using nonlinear quench-back for superconducting magnets
- Author in Electromagnetic Design of a 6 T Cos-theta Fast Cycling Dipole Model
- Author in Fabrication and Test of a 1.5 T Cryogen-Free HTS Magnet for the Heavy Ion Spectrometer
- Author in Quench analysis and experiment of FECR prototype Nb3Sn superconducting magnet
- Author in Quench Detection and Voltage Spikes Analysis of the FECR Half-scale Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnet
- Author in Superconducting Magnet Energy Extraction with Varistors to Reduce Quench Voltages and Hot-Spots
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in Cryostat for HECRAL Superconducting Magnet
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Co-author in Designing a Large-gap Superferric Dipole Magnet for CEE
- Haowen Zheng (Huazhong university of science and technology)
- Yu Zheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Haowen Zheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Yu Zheng (Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Haowen Zheng (Huazhong university of science and technology)
- Jun Zheng (Southwest Jiaotong University)
Jinxing Zheng
(Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in [Invited] Engineering Design and R&D Work for Toroidal Field Superconducting Magnet of CFETR
- Author in Development of superconducting magnetic energy storage for the power system of the particle accelerators Booster and Nuclotron of NICA
- Author in The research on double pancake coil of 1MJ high temperature superconducting magnet energy storage for the power system of NICA complex
- Co-author in Design and Development of Curved CCT Dipole Magnets for a Proton Therapy Gantry
- Hengkang Zheng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Zhao Zhengwei (State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Sergei Zherlitsyn (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
- Tonghai Zhi (Huaiyin Institute of Technology)
- Junwen Zhong (University of Macau, Macao, China)
- zhuoyan zhong (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
- hongji zhou (china institute of atomic energy)
Pengbo Zhou
(Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Author in Levitation force enhancement of a magnetic bearing using the stator of hybrid superconducting magnet
- Author in Structure Optimization of Linear Generator Coil in No-contact On-board Power Source for EDS Maglev
- Co-author in Numerical Prediction of HTS Closed Coil Current Decay for Synchronous Motor Application
- Jin Zhou (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Benzhe Zhou (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Zhihao Zhou (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Pengbo Zhou (Southwest Jiaotong University)
Chao Zhou
( Institute of Plasma Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Author in Critical Bending Radius Test and Analysis of 7-Filament Ba1-xKxFe2As2 Iron-Based Superconductor Tapes under 12 T Background Field
- Author in Design, manufacture and test of ReBCO CICC for CFETR
- Author in Development of an Iron-Based Superconductor Magnet: A Study on the 64 mm Diameter Iron-based Superconductors Coils
- Author in Development of superconducting joints between bronze-route Nb3Sn multifilamentary wires for persistent-mode operation
- Author in Inter-wire contact force induced critical current degradation of Bi-2212/Ag round wires reacted with and with no pre-pressure
- Co-author in A NbTi persistent current switch for MRI superconducting magnet
- Co-author in Critical current of various ReBCO tapes under uniaxial strain
- Weihang Zhou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Jian Zhou (ASIPP,China)
- Benzhe Zhou (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Difan Zhou (Shanghai University)
- Hao Zhou (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
- Kao Zhou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Tao Zhou
- Co-author in Cryostat for HECRAL Superconducting Magnet
- Xucheng Zhou (Southwest Jiaotong University)
- Zian Zhu (IHEP Beijing)
li zhu
- Author in Development of a demountable joint for NUCLOTRON type cable
- Author in Mechanical Design of the Mirror Structure for the full-length Nb3Sn Sextupole Coil of 45 GHz ECR Ion Source
- Author in Superconducting magnet system for HIAF
- Co-author in Cryostat for HECRAL Superconducting Magnet
- Co-author in DCT&CCT superconducting multiplets for HIAF-HFRS
- Co-author in The study on the quench helium release process of HFRS superconducting magnet
- Jiawu Zhu (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik)
- Yingshun Zhu (Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Xiaofeng Zhu (China Institute of Atomic Energy)
- Lei Zhu ( Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Botao Zhu (Kyushu University)
- Yanchang Zhu (Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Jianguo Zhu (University of Sydney)
- Jiahui Zhu (China Electric Power Research Institute)
jiamin zhu
- Co-author in Compact MRI
- Lingfeng Zhu
- Zhang Zixuan (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Wang Ziye (c University of Science and Technology)
Alexander Zlobin
- Author in [Invited] Main results and lessons learned from the MDPCT1 R&D program
- Author in Conceptual design optimization of a 20 T hybrid cos-theta dipole superconducting magnet for future High-Energy particle accelerators.
- Author in Design, Construction, and Testing of 0.5-m-long, 18-mm Period Nb3Sn Superconducting Undulator Magnets
- Author in Development of a 120-mm aperture Nb3Sn dipole coil with stress management
- Author in Development of a small-aperture cos-theta dipole insert coil based on Bi2212 Rutherford cable and stress management structure
- Author in Minimum Quench Energy of NbTi and Nb3Sn Conductors Impregnated with High Heat Capacity Resin
- Author in Towards 20 T hybrid accelerator dipole magnets
- Co-author in [Invited] Stability of Nb3Sn Superconducting Planar Undulator for ANL Advanced Photon Source
- Co-author in A Novel High Heat Capacity Resin for Impregnation of Nb3Sn Superconducting Magnets
- Co-author in Analysis of quench data and performance of MDPCT1 – the 15 T Nb3Sn dipole demonstrator
- Co-author in Minimum Quench Energy of Nb3Sn Wires and Rutherford Cables with High Specific Heat
- Lorenzo Zoboli (ENEA)
- Lorenzo Zoboli (ENEA & Università Tor Vergata)
- Zhanguo Zong (KEK)
- Xinyu Zou (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
- Vasily Zubko (Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute)
- Павел Дегтяренко (JSC SuperOx)
ナオキ ヒラノ
- Author in Demonstration of a kA-class Rutherford Cables using MgB2 Wires for Energy Storage Device optimal for Liquid Hydrogen Indirect Cooling System
- Author in Development of static magnetic refrigeration system using multiple high-temperature superconducting coils
- Co-author in Operation Scenario of Mobile SMES for On-Site Eigenvalue Measurement of Electric Power System
- Co-author in Research on combined use of magnetic refrigeration technology for refrigerant circulation type high temperature superconducting coil cooling system
- Co-author in Study of refrigerant circulation system and cryofan for cooling high temperature superconducting coils.
- 馨丹 张
- 颜冰 杨
- 跃茵 王
- Tamaru 田丸 (九州大学大学院)
- 军 谭
- 鹏 赵