15–19 Nov 2021
Fukuoka Convention Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Influence of reversible vortices motion on low-field features of magnetization in type-II superconductors with strong anisotropic pinning

17 Nov 2021, 10:30
Fukuoka Convention Center

Fukuoka Convention Center


Valentin Guryev (NRC Kurchatov institute)


As known, the cold-rolled thin Nb-Ti tapes demonstrates very strong anisotropy of pinning force regarding rolling direction and external magnetic field because of dense anisotropic grain boundary structure. This leads in particular to form of “fish-tail” feature in low-field area of magnetization loops in inclined field due to competition of self-field and small external field in media with anisotropic critical current [1]. After heat treatment in vacuum (385°C, 25 h) a large number of additional pinning centers appears in form of small (15-40 nm) particles of α-Ti phase mainly located on grain boundaries, which increase critical current density measured by transport method. We carried out comparative magnetization measurements of both (cold-rolled sample cut along tape rolling direction and heat treated sample cut across tape rolling direction) Nb-Ti tape with the same anisotropy factor (Jmax/Jmin) in relation to magnetic field inclination. In contrast to magnetization loops of cold-rolled samples there are no pronounced “fish-tail” features on magnetization loops of heat treated samples. In our opinion, this may be due to the reversible flux motion within quite large and isotropic α-Ti participates which size significantly exceed the Nb-Ti coherence length (and flux core diameter).

  1. Guryev V. et al., AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2163, No. art. 020004 (2019)


Valentin Guryev (NRC Kurchatov institute) Dr Nikolay Chumakov (NRC Kurchatov institute) Mr Sergey Shavkin (NRC Kurchatov institute) Dr Vitaliy Kruglov (NRC Kurchatov institute) Mr Alex Ovcharov (NRC Kurchatov institute)

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