MgB2 has been regarded as the most attractive candidate for the next-generation superconducting material due to its high critical temperature and low material cost. Sam Dong Co., Ltd., Korea, is a supplier that produces a variety of the MgB2 superconducting conductors to meet customers’ requirements over the past 6 years. Recently, we have increased the area fraction of multifilamentary MgB2 wire up to 20% by controlling the particle size distribution and powder densification, resulting in high critical current. In addition, carbon doping further improved the critical current density in a high magnetic field. The critical current densities were estimated to be 120,000 A/cm2 at 6 T at 4.2 K and 16,000 A/cm2 at 3 T and 20 K, respectively. In this conference, we will introduce and discuss a newly developed MgB2 wire of Sam Dong Co., Ltd.