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15–19 Nov 2021
Fukuoka Convention Center
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Superconducting properties of Ce and La co-doped RE123 thin films fabricated by fluorine-free MOD method

17 Nov 2021, 10:30
Fukuoka Convention Center

Fukuoka Convention Center


Mr Taishi Hatano (Tokyo Metropolitan University)


We have fabricated Ce and La co-doped Gd123 thin films on LaAlO3 single crystal substrates by the fluorine free metal organic deposition method (FF-MOD). From our previous study, it is confirmed that Ce doping is effective in introducing artificial pinning centers (APCs) into GdBa2Cu3Oy coated conductors. In addition, La doping promotes crystallization and crystal growth of the superconducting phase. By possessing both advantages, Ce 2.0 mol% and La 1.0 mol% co-doped Gd123 film achieved high critical current densities of 0.267 MA cm-2 at 1.0 T, 77.3 K. This improved by about 84% than that for non-doped one. To investigate the effectiveness by other rare earth doping, we also have replaced Gd to them and evaluated those superconducting properties.

Primary author

Mr Taishi Hatano (Tokyo Metropolitan University)


Prof. Osuke Miura (Tokyo Metropolitan university) Prof. Ryusuke Kita (Shizuoka University)

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