We present a detection system with high sensitivity and efficiency specially designed to exploit the potentials of X-ray absorption spectroscopy in fluorescence mode. It consists of 8 monolithic multipixel arrays, each with 8 (SDD) cells with a total area of 570 mm$^2$. Optimized to work in an energy range of 3-30 keV, this 64 channels integrated detection system includes ultra-low noise front-end electronics, dedicated acquisition system, digital filtering, temperature control and stabilization.
Room temperature characterization tests at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste demonstrated very interesting results; they include an energy resolution at the Ka line of Mn 5.9 keV below 170 eV FWHM. The system is now installed and operating at the XRF-XAFS beam line of the SESAME Synchrotron light source in Jordan.