16th (Virtual) "Trento" Workshop on Advanced Silicon Radiation Detectors

from Tuesday, 16 February 2021 (09:00) to Thursday, 18 February 2021 (18:00)
FBK, Trento

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
16 Feb 2021
17 Feb 2021
18 Feb 2021
09:00 Welcome - Gianluigi Casse (University of Liverpool (GB))   ()
Session 1: System Issues - Gianluigi Casse (University of Liverpool (GB)) (until 10:25) ()
09:05 Pixel sensor development for the ATLAS ITk upgrade - Tobias Fitschen (University of Birmingham (GB))   ()
09:25 The Upstream Tracker: the silicon strip detector for the LHCb upgrade - Marco Petruzzo (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))   ()
09:45 Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Energy Loss irradiation studies with 70-230 MeV protons at the Trento Proton Therapy Center - Dr Benedetto Di Ruzza (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics (Trento, Italy))   ()
10:05 Results of evaluation of the multi-module and serial-powering demonstrator for the ITk Pixel Outer Barrel for the Phase-II upgrade of the pixel detector of the ATLAS experiment - Stefano Zambito (CERN)   ()
10:25 --- Coffee break ---
Session 2: Planar Sensors - Giovanni Calderini (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 12:35) ()
10:55 Laboratory Measurements of Stiched Passive CMOS Strip Sensors - Ulrich Parzefall (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE)) Arturo Rodriguez Rodriguez (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   ()
11:15 Passive CMOS sensors for radiation-tolerant hybrid pixel-detectors - David-Leon Pohl (University of Bonn (DE))   ()
11:35 Investigation of subsequent pulse detection in irradiated silicon sensors - Leena Diehl (Albert Ludwigs Universitaet Freiburg (DE))   ()
11:55 Testing HPK Planar Pixel Sensors for the CMS Phase 2 Upgrade - Finn Feindt (Hamburg University (DE))   ()
12:15 Edge-on technique using a high energy electron beam for characterisation of irradiated pad diodes - Mohammadtaghi Hajheidari (Hamburg University (DE))   ()
Session 5: 3D Integration 1 -Dr Giovanni Paternoster (FBK) (until 10:50) ()
09:00 Introduction - Dr Giovanni Paternoster (FBK)   ()
09:10 Photon/Particle to Digital Converter - Fabrice Retiere (TRIUMF)   ()
09:35 Advanced Electronic Packaging Technologies for Hybrid Detectors - Thomas Fritzsch (Fraunhofer IZM)   ()
10:00 Prospects for 3D integration in future pixel detectors and readout chips - Valerio Re (Universita and INFN (IT))   ()
10:25 Pixel detector hybridization and integration with Anisotropic Conductive Films - Mateus Vicente Barreto Pinto (CERN)   ()
10:50 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 6: 3D Integration 2 -Dr Giovanni Paternoster (FBK) (until 12:35) ()
11:20 Interconnection studies for monolithic silicon pixel detector modules using the MALTA CMOS pixel chip - Petra Riedler (CERN)   ()
11:45 3D integration in nanoelectronics: Basic technologies and applications to image sensors - Christophe Wyon (CEA French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Com)   ()
12:10 3D integration technologies at FBK for Radiation and Optical Sensors - Giovanni Paternoster (Fondazione Bruno KEssler)   ()
Session 9: LGAD 2 - Giulio Pellegrini (Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (IMB-CNM-CSIC) (ES)) (until 10:40) ()
09:00 Technology Developments on Thin iLGAD Sensors for Pixelated Timing Detectors - Albert Doblas Moreno   ()
09:20 Performance of the USTC first batch LGADs - Xiao Yang (University of Science and Technology of China (CN))   ()
09:40 TCT-TPA/SPA studies of single event effects in thin LGADs at ELI Beamline - Gordana Lastovicka Medin (University of Montenegro (ME))   ()
10:00 Characterization with a β-source setup of the UFSD3.2 production manufactured at FBK - Federico Siviero (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
10:20 A Data-Driven of Test beam related LGAD mortality - Dr Vagelis Gkougkousis (CERN)   ()
10:40 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 10: Technologies and Applications - Maurizio Boscardin (FBK Trento) (until 12:10) ()
11:10 New multichannel modular detection system based on Silicon Drift Detectors - Daniela Cirrincione (INFN-Ts)   ()
11:30 Radiation damage on FBK Silicon Photomultipliers - Anna Rita Altamura (FBK - Università degli studi di Udine)   ()
11:50 Epitaxial growth and characterization of 4H-SiC for detection applications - Alessandro Meli (University of Catania, Italy; CNR-IMM Catania, Italy)   ()
12:35 --- Lunch Break ---
Session 3: CMOS Sensors - Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) (until 16:00) ()
14:00 Active pixel matrix measurements of RD50 MPW2 HV-CMOS chip - Patrick Sieberer (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   ()
14:20 Comparative study of MALTA pixel detectors on epitaxial and Czochralski silicon - Florian Dachs (CERN)   ()
14:40 Charge collection efficiency of a thinned, backside biased, neutron irradiated High Voltage-CMOS active matrix - James William Gooding (University of Liverpool (GB))   ()
15:00 E-TCT characterisation of neutron irradiated 180 nm HV-CMOS pixel test structures - Matthew Lewis Franks   ()
15:20 ARCADIA: sensor development and chip design of innovative low-power, large area MAPS - Coralie Neubuser (Universita degli Studi di Trento and INFN (IT))   ()
15:40 Bi-layered CMOS SPADs with coincidence-based DCR rejection for charged particle detection - Gianmarco Torilla   ()
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 4: Simulations - Marco Bomben (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 17:50) ()
16:30 TCAD numerical simulation of irradiated Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes - Tommaso Croci (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
16:50 Parametric process optimization for Indium, Gallium and Boron dopants using TCAD simulation modeling - Dr Vagelis Gkougkousis (CERN)   ()
17:10 TCAD simulation studies of Fully Depleted Monolithic Active Microstrip Sensors (FD-MAMS) for the ARCADIA project - Lorenzo De Cilladi (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
17:30 Predicting the Response of p-type Silicon Sensors to Radiation Environments: a Hamburg Model Simulation - Aidan Grummer (University of New Mexico (US))   ()
12:35 --- Lunch Break ---
Session 7: Electronics - Nanni Darbo (Universita e INFN Genova (IT)) (until 15:20) ()
14:00 RD53 pixel chip developments for the ATLAS and CMS High Luminosity LHC - Flavio Loddo (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   ()
14:20 Optimization of the 65 nm CMOS Linear front-end circuit for the CMS pixel readout at the HL-LHC - Luigi Gaioni (INFN - National Institute for Nuclear Physics)   ()
14:40 Timespot1: A 28-nm CMOS ASIC for pixel read-out with time resolution below 20 ps - Sandro Cadeddu (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))   ()
15:00 Readout architecture for the HEPD-02 tracker - Giuseppe Gebbia (Università di Trento)   ()
15:20 --- Coffee Break ---
Session 8: LGAD 1 - Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN) (until 17:50) ()
15:50 Gain suppression mechanism observed in Low Gain Avalanche Detectors - Esteban Curras Rivera (CERN)   ()
16:10 Status report on the radiation tolerance assessment of CNM AIDA2020v2 and HPK-P2 LGADs. - Marcos Fernandez Garcia (Universidad de Cantabria and CSIC (ES))   ()
16:30 A summary of the radiation resistance of carbonated gain implants - Marco Ferrero (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))   ()
16:50 Optimization of gain layer doping, profile and carbon levels on HPK and FBK sensors - Dr Simone Michele Mazza (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   ()
17:10 Development of AC-LGADs for large-scale high-precision time and position measurements - Hartmut Sadrozinski (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))   ()
17:50 Announcement   ()
12:10 --- Lunch Break ---
Session 11: 3D Sensors - Gian Franco Dalla Betta (Universita degli Studi di Trento è INFN (IT)) (until 16:00) ()
14:00 Performance of irradiated FBK 3D sensors for the ATLAS ITk pixel detector - Alessandro Lapertosa (INFN e Universita Genova (IT))   ()
14:20 Test Beam Results of FBK pixel sensors for the Phase-2 CMS Tracker with the RD53A readout chip - Simone Gennai (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))   ()
14:40 Performance of 3D sensors produced at CNM and uniformly irradiated up to 2e16 $n_{eq}/cm^{2}$ - Stefano Terzo (IFAE Barcelona (ES))   ()
15:00 Time resolution of an irradiated 3D silicon pixel detector - Dario De Simone (Universitaet Zuerich (CH))   ()
15:20 Laboratory characterization of 3D-trench silicon pixel sensors with a 90Sr radioactive source - Michela Garau (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))   ()
15:40 Sub-pixel characterization of innovative 3D trench-design silicon pixel sensors using ultra-fast laser-based testing equipment - Andrea Lampis (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))   ()
16:00 Conference Closing - Prof. Gian-Franco Dalla Betta (INFN and University of Trento)   ()