16–18 Feb 2021
FBK, Trento
Europe/Zurich timezone

TCT-TPA/SPA studies of single event effects in thin LGADs at ELI Beamline

18 Feb 2021, 09:40
FBK, Trento

FBK, Trento

Oral LGAD Session 9: LGAD 2


Gordana Lastovicka Medin (University of Montenegro (ME))


The Single Event Effects (SEE) at large energy deposits in LGADs and PINs operated at extreme electric fields are studied at ELI Beamlines. The outcomes of conducted studies based on fs-laser TCT-SPA/TPA will be presented.
Fluences covered are the ones of interest for ATLAS and CMS: 4e14, 8e14, 1.5e15, 2.5e15 cm-2.
The future steps will be discussed too,

Primary author

Gordana Lastovicka Medin (University of Montenegro (ME))


Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute) Dr Mateusz Rebarz (Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI Beamlines) (CZ)) Dr Jakob Andreasson (Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI Beamlines) (CZ)) Dr Tomas Lastovicka ( Czech Academy of Sciences) Mr Kamil Kropielnicki (Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI Beamlines) (CZ)) Dr Jiri Kroll (Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ)) Dr Michal Tomasek (Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ)) Dr Marcela Mikestikova (Czech Academy of Sciences (CZ)) Dr Nicolo Cartiglia (INFN Torino (IT)) Dr Valentina Sola (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))

Presentation materials