Opening day
Submission deadline
Abstract Submission for LCWS2021
Use the form on this page to submit abstracts for talks at the parallel sessions of the Physics & Detector tracks at LCWS2021.
(For the Accelerator Track and the Expression of Interest Track, Indico will not be used -- Send the abstracts directly to the conveners of those tracks.)
The abstract submission is now closed.
For sending late abstracts, get in touch with the relevant session conveners. Note that priority will be given to those who have sent their abstracts before the deadline and your abstract may be rejected if the session is already full.
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to:
Sunday, 28 February 2021 at 23:59 (US Pacific Time)
Original deadline:
Sunday, 21 February 2021 at 23:59 (US Pacific Time)
- Abstracts submitted by Feb. 21 will receive full consideration.
- After the abstract is submitted, the track conveners will make a decision on your abstract.
- If you think your talk might be appropriate for more than one track, select the checkboxes for all the relevant tracks in the form. The session will be decided by the conveners. (This will also help plan the joint parallel sessions.)
- The conveners may decide to move your talk to another track.
If you do not have an Indico account, you can get one by creating a CERN lightweight account.
Conveners are instructed to review the submitted abstracts at the reviewing page.
- Questions of technical nature (e.g. Indico account) should be sent to the organizers (see left).
- Questions about the status of abstract (e.g. accepted or not) should be sent to the relevant track conveners. See the Scientific Programme page for the conveners' emails.