Mar 15 – 18, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Invited Talks

The invited talks in the parallel sessions are listed below. The time shown is for European time.

Monday, 15 March 2021

Time: 22:00-22:30
Session: PD1 - Theoretical Developments
Title: Importance of Z-pole and WW running for LC physics
Speaker: Ayres Freitas (University of Pittsburgh)

Time: 23:25-23:40
Session: N3 - Beams for Accelerator and Detector R&D and Irradiation
Title: Brilliant muon beam production at the ILC
Speaker: Takayuki Yamazaki (KEK)

Time: 23:45-24:00
Session: N3 - Beams for Accelerator and Detector R&D and Irradiation
Title: Photon science using gamma-rays in future linear colliders
Speaker: Takehito Hayakawa (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)

Time: 24:05-24:20
Session: N3 - Beams for Accelerator and Detector R&D and Irradiation
Title: New Research Opportunities with Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers at the ILC
Speaker: James Koga (National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology)

Tuesday, 16 March 2021

Time: 17:30-18:00
Session: PD1 - Theoretical Developments
Title: BSM physics at LCs
Speaker: Georg Weiglein (DESY)

ime: 22:00-22:25
Session: N1 - Dark Sector, Fixed-Target and Beam Dump Experiments
Title: Landscape of accelerator-based dark sector experiments
Speaker: Natalia Toro (SLAC)

Time: 22:25-22:50
Session: N1 - Dark Sector, Fixed-Target and Beam Dump Experiments
Title: Tour of the ILC accelerator infrastructure
Speaker: Kaoru Yokoya (KEK)

Time: 22:50-23:15
Session: N1 - Dark Sector, Fixed-Target and Beam Dump Experiments
Title: Dark particle production in the ILC beam dumps
Speaker: Yasuhito Sakaki (KEK)

Time: 23:15-23:40
Session: N1 - Dark Sector, Fixed-Target and Beam Dump Experiments
Title: First estimates of the dark sector capabilities at ILC
Speaker: Maxim Perelstein (Cornell)

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Time: 09:00-09:30
Session: PD3 - Physics Analyses
Title: Impact of the HL-LHC detector upgrades on the physics program
Speaker: Susanne Kuehn (CERN)

Time: 09:30-10:00
Session: PD3 - Physics Analyses
Title: Measurements of rare SM processes at LHC
Speaker: Xunwu Zuo (University of Florida)

Time: 17:30-18:00
Session: PD1 - Theoretical Developments
Title: Top precision physics at LCs
Speaker: André H. Hoang (University of Vienna)

Thursday, 18 March 2021

Time: 09:00-09:30
Session: PD1 - Theoretical Developments
Title: Higgs precision calculations for e+e- colliders
Speaker: Shinya Kanemura (Osaka University)

Time: 09:00-09:18
Session: PD5 - Tracking Detectors
Title: Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor R&D in 65nm for high-resolution, minimal-mass, wafer-scale, bent tracking detectors
Speaker: Magnus Mager (CERN)

Time: 09:23-09:41
Session: PD5 - Tracking Detectors
Title: ATLAS ITk Pixel Detector Overview
Speaker: Lingxin Meng (CERN)

Time: 09:46-10:04
Session: PD5 - Tracking Detectors
Title: The Mu3e experiment: Toward construction of the HV-MAPS vertex detector
Speaker: Thomas Rudzki (Heidelberg University)

Time: 10:09-10:27
Session: PD5 - Tracking Detectors
Title: The vertex detector upgrade of the Belle II experiment
Speaker: Benjamin Schwenker (Göttingen University)

Time: 11:00-11:30
Session: PD1 - Theoretical Developments
Title: Precision calculations and tools for e+e- colliders
Speaker: Wolfgang Kilian (University of Siegen)