15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

The SGV fast detector simulation program

17 Mar 2021, 22:00
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference



Mikael Berggren (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))


The need for fast detector simulation programs is emphasised, both
in terms of the need for ``rapid response'' to new
results - in particular from the LHC - and new theoretical ideas,
and in terms of how to cope with multi-billion simulated event samples.
The latter would arise both from the need to be able to
simulate significantly more events than expected in the real data, also for
high cross-section processes, and the need to scan multi-parameter

The {\it Simulation `a Grande Vitesse}, SGV, is presented, and is shown to
be able to address these issues.
It must be emphasised that SGV is a {\it detector simulation} program,
unlike parametric smearing codes such as Delphes, and therefore
yields results that can be expected to emulate the experimental reality
much better.
Indeed, all aspects of the tracking performance as given by SGV is shown to reproduce
very closely that of the full simulation and reconstruction of the ILD
Still, the execution speed of SGV is the same as that attained by parametric

SGV can take it's input from a number of formats (stdhep, LCIO, ...), or
internally call event generators. No predefined output format is used, but
running examples of producing full LCIO DST-output or root ntuples are

Time Zone Europe/Africa/Middle East


Mikael Berggren (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))

Presentation materials