15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

H --> tau+,tau- CP Violation Analysis for SiD

16 Mar 2021, 22:40
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference



Lucas Braun


The matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe may result at least partially from CP violation. CP violation in mesons and neutrinos is too small to account for matter-antimatter asymmetry, motivating a search for CP violation in the Higgs sector. We present a study of the potential measurement of CP symmetry of the Higgs boson at the International Linear Collider (ILC) by the SiD experiment. We study the H --> tau+,tau- channel, which is particularly useful for CP analysis of leptonic Higgs decays because of its high branching ratio and the ease of extracting CP-sensitive statistics from tau decay products. Our method uses a double neural network system which takes energy and multiplicity statistics as inputs to tag tau events and their decay paths. We use CP-sensitivity-based event weighting methods to avoid strict cuts and make use of tau+- --> pi+-, pi+-pi0, l+-, pi+-2pi0, pi-+2pi+- decay modes. We focus on ZH, Z --> e+e-, mu+mu- events for simplicity. Our workflow performs very well against the dominant four-fermion background and yields strong preliminary mixing angle precision estimates. These results could help improve the precision of Higgs CP violation measurements at the ILC.

Time Zone Americas

Primary authors

Lucas Braun James Brau (University of Oregon)

Presentation materials