We study the process $e^+ e^- \to \ell^+ \ell^- h\left(b\bar{b}\right)$ considering centre-of-mass
energies $\sqrt{s} = \{250, 1000, 3000\} \, \text{GeV}$ using resolved- and boosted-analysis
techniques to reconstruct the Higgs boson. We show that this process probes the tensor
structure of the $hZZ^*/hZ\bar{f}f$ couplings via Higgs-strahlung and $Z$-boson fusion in the
dimension-six Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). Upon exploiting the interplay
between the sensitivity of high-energy $e^+ e^-$ colliders and beam polarisation, we obtain
projected bounds for the tensor structures of the Higgs couplings to $Z$-bosons by the use of
total rates and differential distributions with respect to energy variables, which complement the
existing constraints by the $Z$-pole and diboson measurements at LEP.
Time Zone | Europe/Africa/Middle East |