15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study of 2-track separation for a MPGD-based TPC

17 Mar 2021, 11:15
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference



Aiko Shoji (Iwate University)


A MPGD (Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector) based TPC can provide higher tracking resolution thanks to its small ExB effect compared to MWPC based detectors. We're investigating 2-track separation capability for a GEM-based TPC using electron beam. Since there is not much multi-track for each event, we have produced a pseudo multi-track event merging 2 events. We will report the details of the analysis method and the result of the efficiency on 2-track separation.

Time Zone Asia/Pacific

Primary author

Aiko Shoji (Iwate University)

Presentation materials