15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Development of a Vertex Finding Algorithm using Recurrent Neural Network

17 Mar 2021, 07:00
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference


PD4: Software & Detector Performance PD4: Software & Detector Performance


Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University (JP))Mr Kiichi Goto (Kyushu University)


We developed a novel algorithm of vertex finding for future lepton colliders such as the International Linear Collider. We deploy two networks; one is simple fully-connected layers to look for vertex seeds from track pairs, and the other is a customized Recurrent Neural Network with an attention mechanism and an encoder-decoder structure to associate tracks to the vertex seeds. The performance of the vertex finder is compared with LCFIPlus.

Time Zone Asia/Pacific


Taikan Suehara (Kyushu University (JP)) Mr Kiichi Goto (Kyushu University)

Presentation materials