15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Tau reconstruction study at ILC250

18 Mar 2021, 06:19
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference



Keita Yumino (KEK/SOKENDAI) Daniel Jeans (KEK)


Two fermion production at the International Linear Collider (ILC) will allow sensitive indirect
searches for new interactions, e.g. such as heavy gauge boson Z ′. Tools available at ILC to
measure the chirality of such new interactions include the ILC s polarised beams and the tau lepton
Tau polarisation is extracted by measuring the distribution of tau decay products, and relies on
the correct identification of tau decay mode. Especially for high energy taus, this requires a suitably-
designed detector and sophisticated event reconstruction.
I performed simulation for the purpose of reconstruction of events including hadronic decay of tau
lepton pairs generated in the ILC experiment.

Time Zone Asia/Pacific

Primary authors

Keita Yumino (KEK/SOKENDAI) Daniel Jeans (KEK)

Presentation materials