15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Brane-Higgs sensitivities

15 Mar 2021, 18:50
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference


PD1: Theoretical Developments PD1: Theoretical Developments


Grégory Moreau (Université Paris-Saclay)


The problematic huge hierarchy between the usual 4-dimensional Planck mass scale of gravity and the ElectroWeak symmetry breaking scale can interestingly disappear at some point-like location along extra space-like dimensions where the effective gravity scale is reduced down to the TeV scale. Field theories with point-like particle locations (3-dimensional brane-worlds) or point-like interactions deserve special care. In particular it can be shown that, in contrast with usual literature, brane-scalar fields – like the SM Higgs boson – interacting with fermions in the whole space (bulk) do not need to be regularized if rigorous 4- or 5-dimensional treatments are applied: standard regularization introduces a finite width wave function for scalar fields localized along extra dimensions. The variational calculus of least action principle must also be applied strictly to derivate the fermion (Kaluza-Klein) masses and couplings, in particular by distinguishing the natural and essential boundary conditions: the higher-dimensional model – based in particular on extra compact spaces of type interval or circle (orbifold) – must be defined either completely through the action expression [necessity then for new specific brane terms bilinear in the fermion fields] or partially from additional so-called essential boundary conditions. Besides, the correct action integrand definition requires to introduce improper integrals in order to remain compatible with the fermion wave function discontinuities induced by point-like Higgs interactions. Phenomenologically, the correct treatment of the brane-localised Higgs boson could be tested via the precise measurements of the Higgs coupling to di-photon or (flavour-changing) Yukawa interactions at a linear collider.

Time Zone Europe/Africa/Middle East

Primary author

Grégory Moreau (Université Paris-Saclay)


Mr Andrei Angelescu (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) Mr Florian Nortier (Université Paris-Saclay) Mr Ruifeng Leng (Université Paris-Saclay)

Presentation materials