15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study on saturation of SiPM for ILC scintillator-based electromagnetic calorimeter

18 Mar 2021, 10:00
Online Conference (Zoom)

Online Conference


PD6: Calorimeters PD6: Calorimeters


Tatsuki Murata (University of Tokyo)


Electromagnetic calorimeter based on scintillator strip with SiPM readout (Sc-ECAL) is one of the technology options for the ECAL at the International Linear Collider (ILC). The SiPM output will become non-linear light when a large amount of light is injected to SiPM and SIPM saturates. The SiPM saturation is measured with a new method based on scintillation light excited by injecting UV-laser to scintillator. The new method will be described with preliminary results from the measurements.

Time Zone Asia/Pacific


Tatsuki Murata (University of Tokyo)


Naoki Tsuji (The University of Tokyo) Wataru Ootani (ICEPP, University of Tokyo) Prof. Yusuke Yoshioka (Graduate School of Engineering) Mr Yusuke Morita (Graduate School of Science) Prof. Makoto Gonokami (Office of the President)

Presentation materials