PD5: Tracking Detectors
- Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC))
- Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA))
- Dominik Dannheim (CERN)
- Shinya Narita (Iwate University (JP))
- Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
PD5: Tracking Detectors
- Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA))
- Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC))
- Dominik Dannheim (CERN)
- Shinya Narita (Iwate University (JP))
PD5: Tracking Detectors
- Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Dominik Dannheim (CERN)
- Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC))
- Shinya Narita (Iwate University (JP))
- Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA))
PD5: Tracking Detectors
- Shinya Narita (Iwate University (JP))
- Dominik Dannheim (CERN)
- Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA))
- Ivan Vila Alvarez (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC))
- Marcel Stanitzki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
A Monolithic CMOS Pixel Sensors (CPS), named MIMOSIS, is currently being developed by IPHC/IKF/GSI to equip the Micro-Vertex Detector (MVD) of the CBM heavy ion experiment at FAIR/GSI in the TJ 180nm technology. It features about 500 000 pixels with in-pixel discrimination and data driven read-out. The first full size prototype (MIMOSIS-1) has been fabricated in 2020 in different epitaxial...
The Silicon Pixel Tracker (SPT), a 30 Gpixel detector, was first proposed at LCWS2008 as an improvement to the baseline ILC tracking systems. Since then there has been huge progress in the field, with developments such as the 12.5 Gpixel ITS2 for ALICE. We report on how this and other progress has enabled an even better performance spec than in 2008, using state-of-art Monolithic Active Pixel...
The CLIC Tracker Detector (CLICTD) is a monolithic pixel sensor featuring pixels of 30 microns x 37.5 microns and a small collection diode. The sensor is fabricated in a 180 nm CMOS imaging process, using two different pixel flavours: the first with a continuous n-type implant for full lateral depletion, and the second with a segmentation in the n-type implant for accelerated charge...
CMOS sensors (MIMOSA like) were successfully implemented in the STAR tracker. LHC experiments have shown that efficient B tagging, reconstruction of displaced vertices and identification of disappearing tracks are necessary (1-2). An improved vertex detector is justified for the ILC. To achieve a point-to-point resolution below the one-µm range while improving other characteristics (radiation...
The vast majority of foreseen upgrades to existing particle physics detectors, as well as future Linear Collider experiments will continue to be based on silicon sensors as main tracking device. This means sensors will become even more of a cost driver than they already are today. In addition, sensors in the Float-Zone technology currently used in the LHC experiments are available from only a...
The precision-measurement goals for the Linear Collider detectors place strict constraints on the pixel size and the amount of material allowed in the vertex and tracking layers. Low-mass interconnect technologies suitable for small pitch hybridization as well as for the integration of modules are therefore required. An alternative pixel-detector hybridization technology based on Anisotropic...
The EUDET/AIDA beam telescopes are instruments widely used within the experimental high energy physics community, e.g by the detector groups of the LHC experiments, Belle-II, and of course by future linear collider groups. They provide an excellent pointing resolution of down to 2μm even at energies as low as O(1GeV), which makes them very well suited as reference tracking systems at the...
Beam telescopes at test beam facilities are a key technology driver for the design of high precision silicon trackers, both as a test bed for new technologies and to verify their performance. The Lycoris strip telescope is a new large active area beam telescope designed, as part of the AIDA 2020 project, as a general infrastructure upgrade for the DESY II Test Beam Facility. The main component...
In this contribution, we will present the status of the technological developments at IMB-CNM to fabricate 50 m thick Inverse Low Gain Avalanche Detectors (iLGAD) for pixelated timing detectors.
The iLGAD sensor concept is one of the most promising technologies for enabling the future 4D tracking paradigm that requires both precise position and timing resolution. In the iLGAD concept, based...
In the first part of this contribution, the principles of operation of AC-LGAD, the first silicon detector based on resistive read-out, are illustrated. Then, we outline how AC-LGADs can enable the construction of a low-mass low-power silicon tracker with excellent spatial (2-3 microns/hit) and temporal (20 ps/hit) resolutions.
We developed an interdisciplinary fs-laser-based unique technology platform to test and explore new frontiers in light and optics to build up new knowledge that could advance existing strategies for further silicon technology development, emphasizing LGAD timing sensors. In collaboration with ELI Beamlines facility and ELI BioLab, the advanced fs-laser-based TCT/SPA-TPA infrastructure will...
To achieve the physics requirements in the future e$^+$e$^-$ collider, the high resolution tracker for the particle track reconstruction and particle identification are demanded. Time Projection Chamber(TPC) is one of the main concept proposal of the central tracker detector, it has an excellent performance on the moment measurement, dE/dx measurement and the spatial resolution.
Based on the...
A high performance central tracker is essential for precision measurements of Higgs properties at the ILC. The LCTPC-Asia group is developing a GEM based readout module for a TPC proposed as the central tracker of the ILD. Results from its test beam data taken in 2016 at DESY with the large prototype TPC (LP1) were reported multiple times in the past workshops of this series. This time we...
The largest phase-1 upgrade project for the ATLAS Muon System at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the replacement of the present first station in the forward regions with the New Small Wheels (NSWs). The NSWs consist of two detector technologies: Large size multi-gap resistive strips Micromegas (MM) and small-strip Thin-Gap Chamber (sTGC). The sTGC modules are called “trigger chambers” and...
Developments for a TPC at ILC with MPGD readout have been conducted for more than two decades. A new scheme (called ERAM) for charge spreading with a resistive-capacitive anode has been recently tested in a beam at DESY. Preliminary results are presented. It is shown that this new scheme, where the Micromegas mesh is at ground, allows the distortions near the module boundaries to be reduced by...
Material budget and distance to the interaction point are amongst the key sensor performance figures that determine the tracking and vertexing capabilities of inner tracking systems. To significantly improve these numbers, ALICE is carrying out the R&D for replacing its inner-most tracking layers by truly cylindrical layers made from wafer-scale, bent sensors (Inner Tracking System 3, "ITS3")....
For the HL-LHC upgrade the current ATLAS Inner Detector is replaced by an all-silicon system. The Pixel Detector will consist of 5 barrel layers and a number of rings, resulting in about 14 m2 of instrumented area. Due to the huge non-ionizing fluence (1e16 neq/cm2) and ionizing dose (5 MGy), the two innermost layers, instrumented with 3D pixel sensors (L0) and 100μm thin planar sensors (L1)...
The Mu3e experiment searches for the lepton flavour violating decay µ→ eee with an ultimate aimed sensitivity of 1 event in 10^16 decays. This goal can only be achieved by reducing the material budget per tracking layer to X/X0 ≈ 0.1 %. High-Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (HV-MAPS) which are thinned to 50 µm serve as sensors. Gaseous helium is chosen as coolant. This talks presents...
The success of the Belle II experiment relies for a large part on the very high instantaneous luminosity, close to 8x10^35 cm^-2.s^-1, expected from the SuperKEKB collider. The beam conditions to reach such luminosity levels generate a large rate of background particles in the inner detection layers of Belle II, which exceeds by far the rate of particles stemming from elementary collisions....