PD1/PD4: Theoretical Developments / Software & Detector Performance
- Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Andre Sailer (CERN)
- Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara)
- Shigeki Matsumoto (Kavli IPMU)
- Jürgen Reuter (DESY Hamburg, Germany)
- Jan Strube (PNNL)
- Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC (Madrid, ES))
- Daniel Jeans (KEK)
- Graham Wilson (The University of Kansas (US))
- Roberto Franceschini (Rome 3 U.)
- Manqi Ruan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
- Adrian Irles (IFIC CSIC/UV)
The need for fast detector simulation programs is emphasised, both
in terms of the need for ``rapid response'' to new
results - in particular from the LHC - and new theoretical ideas,
and in terms of how to cope with multi-billion simulated event samples.
The latter would arise both from the need to be able to
simulate significantly more events than expected in the real data, also...
One of the important goals of the proposed future $e^+e^-$
collider experiments is the search for dark matter particles
using different experimental approaches. The most general search
approach is based on the mono-photon signature, which is expected
when production of the invisible final state is accompanied by a
hard photon from initial state radiation. Analysis of...
KKMCee is providing high precision Standard Model predictions for the lepton or quark pair production process at any future lepton colliders (excluding Bhabha process, including muon colliders). It features second order QED photonic corrections with advance soft photon resummation at the amplitude level and full control over longitudinal and transverse polarizations both for beams an outgoing...
The 4-, 5- and 6-jet resolution scales for the Durham jet algorithm in $e^+ e^-$ collisions are resummed, using an implementation of the well known CAESAR formalism within the Sherpa framework. Results are presented at NLO+NLL' accuracy. In particular the impact of subleading colour contributions is evaluated. Hadronisation corrections are studied using matrix-element plus parton-shower...