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Council - Hundred-and-Eighty-Sixth Session of Council
from Thursday 28 September 2017 (09:30) to Friday 29 September 2017 (14:00)

Thursday 28 September 2017


9.30 a.m. Restricted Session (Main Building 60-6-015)

1. Report by the Credentials Committee
2. Approval of the Draft Minutes of the Hundred-and-Eighty-Fifth Session of Council –Closed and Restricted Sessions
CERN/3318/RA English French
3. Adoption of the Agenda
CERN/3319/Rev. English French
4. Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting
5. President’s Report - Oral
6. Director-General’s Report - Oral
7. Developments in the Member States Relevant for CERN
8. Report by the Chair of the Finance Committee (Mr O. Malmberg - Oral)
Slides Summary of Conclusions
9. Audit Committee (AC)
   9.1 Report on the AC Meeting held on 8 September 2017 (Mr O. Malmberg, Chair of the AC)
Document Slides
   9.2 Questions to the Audit Committee
10. Scientific Policy Committee
   10.1 Report by the Chair of the Scientific Policy Committee ( Prof. K. Ellis - Oral)
   10.2 Questions to the Scientific Policy Committee
--- --- COFFEE --- ---
11. LHC Matters
   11.1 Status Report on the LHC machine (Dr F. Bordry)
   11.2 Status report on the LHC Experiments and Computing (Prof. E. Elsen)
12. Report on US particle physics, from the DoE perspective (Dr J. Siegrist)
--- --- LUNCH (Glass-Box - Restaurant N°1) --- ---
13. Pension Fund
   13.1 Report by the Chair of the Governing Board (Dr T. Roth)
   13.2 Report by the Chair of the Working Group on Pension Fund Governance (Mr. P. Pardo)
14. Fundraising – Grant offered by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council
CERN/3324/RA English French
15. Confirmation of Access Status of the Documents
16. Other Business
3.30 p.m. Closed Session (Main Building 60-6-015)

1. Enlargement Process
   1.1 Progress Report on Preparing a Proposal to Update the Geographical Enlargement Procedures (President, on behalf of the President’s Group)
   1.2 Update on the Remaining Applications for Membership and for Associate Membership and Expressions of Interest by other non-Member States (Director-General)
2. Submission by CERN of an Application for Observer Status at SESAME
CERN/3323/RA English French
3. Appointments
   3.1 Appointment of the Strategy Secretary and Establishment of the Strategy Secretariat
CERN/3325/RA English French
   3.2 Appointment of a member of the Council fundraising sub-group
CERN/3328/RA English French
   3.3 Audit Committee - reappointment of an expert member
CERN/3226/RA English French
   3.4 Call for nomination for a Council delegate to be appointed as member of the Audit Committee
4. Confirmation of Access Status of Documents of the Session
5. Other Business
Friday 29 September 2017


9.00 a.m. Restricted Session - European Strategy Matters (Council Chamber - 503/1-001)

1. President's Report - Oral
2. Director-General's Report - Implementation of the European Strategy - Oral
3. Report on the Implementation of the Work Plan concerning the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Commission and CERN (Mr S. Stavrev)
CERN/3327/RA English French Slides
4. ILC action plan in Europe (Dr S. Stapnes)
5. ECFA Matters
   5.1 Report on ECFA activities (Prof. H. Abramowicz)
CERN/SPC/1094 CERN/3320 English French Slides
   5.2 Report on ICFA (Prof. H. Abramowicz)
--- --- COFFEE --- ---
6. Report from the European Particle Physics Communication Network (EPPCN) (Ms P. Royole-Degieux)
CERN/SPC/1096 CERN/3322 English Slides
7. Report from the International Particle Physics Outreach Group (IPPOG) (Dr H. Beck)
8. Report from the Technology Transfer Network (HEPTech) (Dr I. Tracey)
CERN/SPC/1095 CERN/3321 English French Slides
9. Report on the Beamline for Schools (BL4S) Competition (Mr M. Joos)
10. Confirmation of the Access Status of the Documents of the Session
11. Other Business
--- 12.50 p.m. - VISIT and LUNCH - EAST HALL – BLDGs 156 & 157 screening of videos of the winning (and other) teams during the lunch Opportunity to meet winners of Beamline for Schools (BL4S) competition ---