J. Nogiec
27/09/2004, 14:00
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The paper describes a component-based framework for data stream processing that
allows for configuration, tailoring, and run-time system reconfiguration. The
systemโs architecture is based on a pipes and filters pattern, where data is passed
through routes between components. Components process data and add, substitute,
and/or remove named data items from a data stream. They can also...
R. Chytracek
27/09/2004, 14:20
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
This paper describes the component model that has been developed in the context of
the LCG/SEAL project. This component model is an attempt to handle the increasing
complexity in the current data processing applications of LHC experiments. In
addition, it should facilitate the software re-use by the integration of software
components from LCG and non-LCG into the experiment's...
S. Roiser
27/09/2004, 14:40
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The C++ programming language has very limited capabilities for
reflection information about its objects. In this paper a new reflection
system will be presented, which allows complete introspection of C++
objects and has been developed in the context of the CERN/LCG/SEAL
project in collaboration with the ROOT project.
The reflection system consists of two different parts. The first...
27/09/2004, 15:00
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
Python is a flexible, powerful, high-level language with excellent
interactive and introspective capabilities and a very clean syntax. As
such it can be a very effective tool for driving physics analysis.
Python is designed to be extensible in low-level C-like languages, and
its use as a scientific steering language has become quite widespread.
To this end, existing and...
Victor SERBO
27/09/2004, 15:20
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
AIDA, Abstract Interfaces for Data Analysis, is a set of abstract interfaces
for data analysis components: Histograms, Ntuples, Functions, Fitter,
Plotter and other typical analysis categories. The interfaces are currently
defined in Java, C++ and Python and implementations exist in the form of
libraries and tools using C++ (Anaphe/Lizard, OpenScientist), Java (Java
Analysis Studio) and...
H. Essel
27/09/2004, 15:40
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The GSI online-offline analysis system Go4 is a ROOT based framework for medium
energy ion- and nuclear physics experiments. Its main features are a multithreaded
online mode with a non-blocking Qt GUI, and abstract user interface classes to set
up the analysis process itself which is organised as a list of subsequent analysis
steps. Each step has its own event objects and a processor...
G B. Barrand
(CNRS / IN2P3 / LAL)
27/09/2004, 16:30
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
We want to present the status of this project.
After quickly remembering the basic choices around GUI, visualization
and scriptingm we would like to develop what had been done in order to
have an AIDA-3.2.1 complient systen, to visualize Geant4 data (G4Lab module),
to visualize ROOT data (Mangrove module), to have an hippodraw module
and what had been done in order to run on MacOSX...
P. Calafiura
27/09/2004, 16:50
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
Athena is the Atlas Control Framework, based on the common Gaudi architecture,
originally developed by LHCb. In 2004 two major production efforts, the Data
Challenge 2 and the Combined Test-beam reconstruction and analysis were structured as
Athena applications. To support the production work we have added new features to
both Athena and Gaudi: an "Interval of Validity" service to manage...
F. Carminati
27/09/2004, 17:10
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The ALICE collaboration at the LHC is developing since 1998 an OO offline framework, written entirely in C++.
In 2001 a GRID system (AliEn - ALICE Environment) has been added and successfully integrated with ROOT
and the offline. The resulting combination allows ALICE to do most of the design of the detector and test the
validity of its computing model by performing large scale Data...
I. Osborne
(Northeastern University, Boston, USA)
27/09/2004, 17:30
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
We present a composite framework which exploits the advantages of
the CMS data model and uses a novel approach for building CMS
simulation, reconstruction, visualisation and future analysis
applications. The framework exploits LCG SEAL and CMS COBRA plug-ins
and extends the COBRA framework to pass communications between the
GUI and event threads, using SEAL callbacks to navigate...
T. DeYoung
27/09/2004, 17:50
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
IceCube is a cubic kilometer-scale neutrino telescope under construction at the South
Pole. The minimalistic nature of the instrument poses several challenges for the
software framework. Events occur at random times, and frequently overlap, requiring
some modifications of the standard event-based processing paradigm. Computational
requirements related to modeling the detector medium...
L. Nellen
27/09/2004, 18:10
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The Pierre Auger Observatory is designed to unveil the nature and the
origin of the highest energy cosmic rays. Two sites, one currently
under construction in Argentina, and another pending in the Northern
hemisphere, will observe extensive air showers using a hybrid detector
comprising a ground array of 1600 water Cerenkov tanks overlooked by
four atmospheric fluorescence detectors. ...
F. Gaede
29/09/2004, 14:00
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
LCIO is a persistency framework and data model for the next linear
collider. Its original implementation, as presented at CHEP 2003,
was focused on simulation studies. Since then the data model has
been extended to also incorporate prototype test beam data,
reconstruction and analysis. The design of the interface has also
been simplified. LCIO defines a common abstract user...
D. Duellmann
29/09/2004, 14:20
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The LCG POOL project is now entering the third year of active development. The basic functionality of the
project is provided but some functional extensions will move into the POOL system this year. This
presentation will give a summary of the main functionality provided by POOL, which used in physics
productions today. We will then present the design and implementation of the main new...
Giacomo Govi
29/09/2004, 14:40
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The POOL software package has been successfully integrated with the three large experiment software
frameworks of ATLAS, CMS and LHCb. This presentation will summarise the experience gained during these
integration efforts and will try to highlight the commonalities and the main differences between the
integration approaches. In particular weโll discuss the role of the POOL object cache,...
P. Canal
29/09/2004, 15:00
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
Since version 3.05/02, the ROOT I/O System has gone through
significant enhancements.
In particular, the STL container I/O has been upgraded to support
splitting, reading without existing libraries and using directly from
TTreeFormula (TTree queries).
This upgrade to the I/O system is such that it can be easily extended
(even by the users) to support the splitting and querying of...
S. Linev
29/09/2004, 15:20
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
Till now, ROOT objects can be stored only in a binary ROOT specific file format.
Without the ROOT environment the data stored in such files are not directly
accessible. Storing objects in XML format makes it easy to view and edit (with some
restriction) the object data directly. It is also plausible to use XML as exchange
format with other applications. Therefore XML streaming has been...
T. Johnson
29/09/2004, 15:40
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The FreeHEP Java library contains a complete implementation
of Root IO for Java. The library uses the "Streamer Info" embedded in files created
by Root 3.x to dynamically create high performance Java proxies for Root objects,
making it possible to read any Root file, including files with user defined
objects. In this presentation we will discuss the status of this code, explain its...
C. Jones
29/09/2004, 16:30
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
HEP analysis is an iterative process. It is critical that in each iteration the physicist's analysis job accesses the
same information as previous iterations (unless explicitly told to do otherwise). This becomes problematic
after the data has been reconstructed several times. In addition, when starting a new analysis, physicists
normally want to use the most recent version of...
S. Albrand
29/09/2004, 16:50
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The ATLAS Metadata Interface (AMI) project provides a set of generic
tools for managing database applications. AMI has a three-tier
architecture with a core that supports a connection to any RDBMS
using JDBC and SQL. The middle layer assumes that the databases have
an AMI compliant self-describing structure. It provides a generic
web interface and a generic command line interface. The...
M. Case
29/09/2004, 17:10
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The CMS Detector Description Database (DDD) consists of a C++ API and an XML based
detector description language. DDD is used by the CMS simulation (OSCAR),
reconstruction (ORCA), and visualization (IGUANA) as well by test beam software that
relies on those systems. The DDD is a sub-system within the COBRA framework of the
CMS Core Software. Management of the XML is currently done using a...
A. Amorim
29/09/2004, 17:30
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The size and complexity of the present HEP experiments
represents an enormous effort in the persistency of data. These efforts imply
a tremendous investment in the databases field not only for the event data
but also for data that is needed to qualify this one - the Conditions Data.
In the present document we'll describe the strategy for addressing the
Conditions data problem in the...
I. Gaponenko
29/09/2004, 17:50
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
A new, completely redesigned Condition/DB was deployed in BaBar in October 2002. It
replaced the old database software used through the first three and half years of
data taking.
The new software aims at performance and scalability limitations of the original
database. However this major redesign brought in a new model of the metadata, brand
new technology- and implementation-...
A. Valassi
29/09/2004, 18:10
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The Conditions Database project has been launched
to implement a common persistency solution for experiment conditions data
in the context of the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) Persistency Framework.
Conditions data, such as calibration, alignment or slow control data,
are non-event experiment data characterized by the fact
that they vary in time and may have different versions.
The LCG...
I. Antcheva
30/09/2004, 14:00
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
Designing a usable, visually-attractive GUI is somewhat more difficult than it
appears at a first glance. The users, the GUI designers and the programmers are three
important parts involved in this process and everyone has a comprehensive view on the
aspects of the application goals, as well as the steps that have to be taken to meet
successfully the application requirements. The...
J. Hrivnac
30/09/2004, 14:20
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is a new paradigm promising to allow
further modularization of large software frameworks, like those developed
in HEP. Such frameworks often manifest several orthogonal axes of contracts
(Crosscutting Concerns - CC) leading to complex multidepenencies. Currently
used programing languages and development methodologies don't allow to easily
identify and...
C. Tull
30/09/2004, 14:40
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
In this paper we will discuss how Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) can be used to
implement and extend the functionality of HEP architectures in areas such as
performance monitoring, constraint checking, debugging and memory management. AOP is
the latest evolution in the line of technology for functional decomposition which
includes Structured Programming (SP) and Object-Oriented...
Vincenzo Innocente
30/09/2004, 15:00
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
Bitmap indices have gained wide acceptance in data warehouse
applications handling large amounts of read only data. High
dimensional ad hoc queries can be efficiently performed by utilizing
bitmap indices, especially if the queries cover only a subset of the
attributes stored in the database. Such access patterns are common
use in HEP analysis. Bitmap indices have been implemented by...
L. Moneta
30/09/2004, 15:20
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The main objective of the MathLib project is to give expertise and support to the LHC
experiments on mathematical and statistical computational methods. The aim
is to provide a coherent set of mathematical libraries. Users of this set of
libraries are developers of experiment reconstruction and simulation software,
of analysis tools frameworks, such as ROOT, and physicists performing...
M. Fischler
30/09/2004, 15:40
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
A new object-oriented Minimization package is available via the ZOOM cvs
repository. This package, designed for use in HEP applications, has all
the capabilities of Minuit, but is a re-write from scratch, adhering to modern
C++ design principles.
A primary goal of this package is extensibility in several directions, so that
its capabilities can be kept fresh with as little...
G. Asova
30/09/2004, 16:30
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
The photo injector test facility at DESY Zeuthen (PITZ) was built to
develop, operate and optimize photo injectors for future free
electron lasers and linear colliders. In PITZ we use a DAQ system
that stores data as a collection of ROOT files, forming our database
for offline analysis. Consequently, the offline analysis will be
performed by a ROOT application, written at least...
30/09/2004, 16:50
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
CLHEP is a set of HEP-specific foundation and utility classes such as
random number generators, physics vectors, and particle data tables.
Although CLHEP has traditionally been distributed as one large library,
the user community has long wanted to build and use CLHEP packages separately.
With the release of CLHEP 1.9, CLHEP has been reorganized and enhanced
to enable building and...
E. Ronchieri
30/09/2004, 17:10
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
We described the process for handling software builds and realeases for the Workload
Management package of the DataGrid project. The software development in the project
was shared among nine contractual partners, in seven different countries, and was
organized in work-packages covering different areas.
In this paper, we discuss how a combination of Concurrent Version System,...
A. Pfeiffer
30/09/2004, 17:30
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
In the context of the SPI project in the LCG Application Area,
a centralized s/w management infrastructure has been deployed.
It comprises of a suite of scripts handling the building and
validating of the releases of the various projects as well as
providing a customized packaging of the released s/w. Emphasis
was put on the flexibility of the packaging and distribution
solution as it...
30/09/2004, 17:50
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
Software Quality Assurance is an integral part of the software
development process of the LCG Project and includes several activities
such as automatic testing, test coverage reports, static software
metrics reports, bug tracker, usage statistics and compliance to build,
code and release policies.
As a part of QA activity all levels of the sw-testing should be run as...
G. Eulisse
30/09/2004, 18:10
Track 3 - Core Software
oral presentation
A fundamental part of software development is to detect and analyse weak spots of the programs to guide
optimisation efforts. We present a brief overview and usage experience on some of the most valuable open-
source tools such as valgrind and oprofile. We describe their main strengths and weaknesses as experienced
by the CMS experiment.
As we have found that these tools do not satisfy...