We invite contributions from young researchers (PhD students, post-docs), on the following topics:
– Cosmology
– Dark Matter
– Neutrino physics
– Gravity, Gravitational Waves
– High Energy Physics
Financial support will be provided to the successful applicants: stay expenses (full board) will be covered and conference fees waived. They will be granted a 10+5 min talk to be presented at the EDSU2022 conference.
Please fill out the form given below and send it by email to matthieu.renaud@umontpellier.fr
Deadline for abstract submission: July, 15, 2022 (no contribution will be considered after this date).
The list of accepted candidates will be released by early August.
To be sent to matthieu.renaud@umontpellier.fr before July, 15, 2022
First and Last Names:
Birth Date:
Academic Situation (PhD + year of start | Post-doc):
Contact person (supervisor for PhDs | senior scientist for Post-docs):
Institute of Work:
City of Work:
Country of Work:
E-mail Address:
Title of the contribution:
Relevant session of the contribution:
(Cosmology: 1, Dark Matter: 2, Neutrinos: 3, Gravity-GWs: 4, HE Physics: 5)
Abstract of the contribution: