4th World Summit on Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe
La Réunion, France
The 4th World Summit conference (EDSU2022) will be held in La Réunion on the 7th-11th November 2022.
It follows the third one (EDSU2020) and the second one (EDSU2018) hold in Guadeloupe Islands. The first meeting has been held in Galapagos Islands (June 2006).
EDSU2022 is one of the major venues of interaction between cosmologists and particle physicists.The main goal is to discuss progress and future directions related to outstanding issues, both in Cosmology and in Particle Physics. The successes and shortcomings of the Standard Cosmological model as well as the Standard Particle Physics model will be reviewed through the last astrophysical observations and accelerator experiment results.
We hope that original ideas will emerge form the discussions between cosmologists, astrophysicists and particle physicists from experimental, observational and theoretical expertise.
This conference is supported by the association Physique-Outremer
Abhishek Rajak
Abhrajit Bhattacharjee
Adélie Gorce
Albert De Roeck
Alexander Bonilla Rivera
Ali Dastgheibi FArd
Alvine Kamaha
Amanda Weltman
Andrea Lapi
Andrea Perrotta
Andris Dorozsmai
Angelina Kinast
Antoine Kouchner
Antonia Strubig
Anup Karekar
Arvind Mishra
Astrid Lamberts
Ayodeji Ibitoye
Ayodeji Ibitoye
Biagio De Simone
Bjoern Lehnert
Brent Tully
Bruce Hoeneisen
Bruce Hoeneisen
Bruno Pagani
Béla Majorovits
Charles Polly
Chhayadevi Sudhakar
Chloe Malbrunot
Christina Agapopoulou
Christophe Royon
Daniel Kerszberg
Daphné Lemasquerier
David G. Cerdeño
David Lhuillier
David Rousso
Deepak Kar
Deeshani Mitra
Diego Ramírez García
Elena Fedorova
Emeric Le Floc'h
Fakhira Afzal
Federico Scutti
Filippo Costa
Florian Gautier
Florian Gautier
Francisco Vazquez de Sola
François R. BOUCHET
Frédéric Bournaud
Gaetano Luciano
Georges Vasseur
Gilles Gerbier
Giovani Vicentin
Giovanni Gandolfi
Gregory Pawloski
Gregory Rischbieter
Guy Henri Maurice Wormser
Helene Courtois
Hervé Dole
Jamie Boyd
Javier Fuentes-Martin
Jean-Pierre Luminet
Jeff Murugan
Jonathan Link
José Luis Carrasco Huillca
Kate Scholberg
Kay Lehnert
Kiran Adhikari
Kyle Dawson
Laurent Lellouch
Laurent Serin
Laxmipriya Pati
Leïla Haegel
Lucas Macri
Margherita Buizza Avanzini
Maria Concepcion Gonzalez-Garcia
Marian Douspis
Marianne Lemoine-Goumard
Marie-Helene Grondin
Martin Stahlberg
Marumi Kado
Matthieu Renaud
Md Alam
Michel Mayor
Monica Pepe-Altarelli
Muhammad Waqas
Nabila Aghanim
Nicolas Arnaud
Nina Sanches Sartorio
Ningqiang Song
Olivier Ilbert
Paolo Azzurri
Patrick Brady
Pauline Vielzeuf
Pearl Sandick
Philippe Carret
Pierre Petroff
Pin-Jung Chiu
Pritam Das
Priyanka Cheema
Punit .
Raluca Dragonici
Raphaël Wicker
Rizwan UL Hassan
Roland Allen
Sabino Meola
Sandipan Sengupta
Sandrine Codis
Sankalp Choudhuri
Sarthak Choudhary
Seodong Shin
Shalu Solomon
Sherry Suyu
Sivasish Paul
Somnath Das
Sreemanti Chakraborti
Srija Chakraborty
Stela Faria
Stephan Paul
Steven Robertson
Sudip Jana
Sukanya Sinha
Sunil Kumar Tripathy
Susanne Mertens
Swarnim Shirke
Tae Hyoun Park
Takafumi Ushiba
thierry lasserre
Tomer Volansky
Troels Petersen