Helen Barminova
(NRNU MEPhI, RUDN University)
Dynamics of an axial-symmetric electron beam moving in a rarefied plasma is investigated analytically. The model based on Kapchinsky-Vladimirsky approach is applied, which is valid up to the beam currents near Alfven limit. In approximation of a quasi-neutral regime the nonlinear equation for the beam radius is solved, the results of its numerical integration are presented. The conditions of stationary and quasi-stationary beam transport in a plasma environment are found in dependence on the initial parameters such as beam transverse emittance, beam current and beam transverse size.
E-mail for contact person | barminova@bk.ru |
Primary author
Helen Barminova
(NRNU MEPhI, RUDN University)
Bushra Kak
(RUDN University)