Timur Kulevoy
Experiments on irradiation of high-temperature superconducting (HTSC) materials simulating the results of radiation exposure are carried out at ITEP at the HIPr accelerator. Samples of HTSC are irradiated by a copper ion beam generated by metal vapor vacuum-arc (MEVVA) ion source and accelerated to an energy of 6.4 MeV. The results of experiments give unique information on the radiation resistance of composite HTSC materials, which is important in connection with the use of HTSC materials in various systems operating under radiation exposure The report describes the results ion beam tuning for the experiments and results of the first experiments.
E-mail for contact person | fedin-petr1991@yandex.ru> |
A. Kozlov
(ITEP – “Kurchatov institute”)
K. Pryanishnikov
(ITEP - "Kurchatov institute")
P. Fedin
(ITEP - "Kurchatov institute")
Timur Kulevoy
R. Kuibeda
(ITEP - NRC "Kurchatov institute")